I completely agree (unfortunately for a good many years now perhaps near two decades even) the Reps have becoming increasingly inwardly focused - they really make little attempt to appeal to American people who are not already Reps... this is particularly evident when you look at both the type of people, the process and resulting rhetoric that arises from their primaries... The sorts of people who poll well and end up getting elected as the nominee is the individual who best appeals to the rep base - and this is done by catering to a very narrow band of reps (let alone Americans) - they do their best to choose someone who appears presidential yet on policy matters is almost unequivocally not electable by choosing candidates that demonstrate policy positions entirely divorced from mainstream (basically the more far right they are the better) - someone moderates are extremely unlikely to vote for (as their polling shows). Yet the rep primaries continue to churn them out... if they weren't so bloody minded about having the most far right candidate they can find, there is a much higher chance they might get into office - but the rep primaries havent been about that in a long time.
You hit the nail on the head. Republicans don't need to pander to their base, what are they going to do if they are unhappy vote Democrat?
Chris Christie and Hillary would be an interesting campaign.
While I think Christie is a RINO and would rather see Rand Paul President, Christie would be better than Hillary IMHO.
I know this thread is about Dems, but the Moderates decide things and what they think is what matters. No need to preach to the choir so to speak.