Unveiled Artist
Veteran Member
Control? How about seat belt laws or myriad other laws we submit to every day?
Some people wear seatbelts out of fear they may get into an accident. Some feel they don't need it. Both put themselves at risk of being in a accident by virtue of being in the car while in motion. Of course the person without the seatbelt is at more risk of being injured. Thousands of people drive without seatbelts. They put themselves at risk, nothing more.
If that person didn't have a seatbelt and drove someone in the passenger seat, I can see why people would have issues with that. Most cases with masks, we're not that close to people to wear droplets will stay in the air long enough to for us to be in someone else's "air" space. So, it's an individual thing. In itself, though, it lowers the risk not prevents. People still get pregnant even when they use condoms. People die even with seatbelts.
So, it's not the end all be all-that's the problem. Not the masks themselves but seeing them as 100% affective "and" belittling people who know there's an error of margin in the whole thing.