Porn leads to lusting, and lusting can lead to other things. Anything that can lead to danger is a sin.
If the Devil is indeed real, he is so good at what he does, it is beyond scary because he tricks millions of people into sinning daily, and still makes them think they are Christians who will go to Heaven, and then in the process, is able to turn people like me off from Christianity. Satan is indeed a master of deception. Being around these false converts is what lead to me leaving Christianity because I believed that is how Christianity was, but in all reality, I was not hating God, I was hating a wolf in sheep's closing. i.e. I was hating Satan pretending to be God.
Upon more thinking, I question if "Crayon Christianity" is the right title. I think "Satanic Christianity" would be the more ideal title since Satan IS able to trick millions of Christians into sinning daily, but still convince them they are Christians. In all honestly, I wouldn't want to follow a God that lets repeated liars into Heaven anymore then I'd want to worship a God that lets serial killers into Heaven.
Millions of non-Christians hate/mock Christianity, but they are hating The Devil's counterfeit Christianity.
......That is assuming any of it is real of course. Just because millions of people do not understand the bible still doesn't mean it's true. But maybe it is?
I just don't know. Either way, I think plenty of the rules in the bible are good ones to live by. Don't steal, lie, kill, etc. And I think plenty of people, rather they are Christian or not, live by those rules because it's been proven they make for a better world if we all live that way.