We've been through this all before and the issue of "speciation" is that new species can and have emerged that cannot reproduce with the originals, therefore they are of different "kinds". What you cannot and have not ever produced is the supposed magical wall that prevents "micro-evolution" from going into "macro-evolution". Until you or others can produce that, then one logically must assume that this "wall" simply does not appear to exist.
Species of the same "kind" are not a different taxonomic family, are they? Speciation produces variety within ONE kind, NOT new "kinds" altogether. Darwin's finches were a simply a different variety of the same bird, adapted to a different environment......same with the tortoises and iguanas. Why do scientists ignore this fact?
The "wall" is what keeps all species separate on this planet. In the oceans, what makes only the same species of fish reproduce when they are sharing their environment with many different species? Land animals likewise only mate with their own kind. There is your "wall". The only changes that take place are minor adaptations that affect cosmetic appearance or to facilitate different food sources.
With interspecies breeding (artificially mated by man) like lions and tigers or horses and donkeys, the offspring are invariably hybrid. It is the end of the genetic line.....so the genetic barriers exist in nature, but scientists ignore them.
Also, you ignore what the fossil record shows, thus making up or parroting stories about there being "no transitional forms" when each of us is a "transitional form". And then you ignore the results of the massive gnome testing that clearly shows an evolutionary pattern.
We all know that the fossil record is meager and creates more questions than it answers. It is a lousy way to determine anything when the gaps are filled in with nothing but imagination about what "might have" or "could have" taken place to fill them. Graphs and diagrams do not make something true when it cannot be proven. Without proof, there can be no facts.
For those who believe in ID, and direct creation, there are no gaps to fill because they never existed in the first place. Science creates its own unanswerable questions. The Bible provides satisfying answers to all the important questions.
But they're certainly not always and that's the point, plus you are ignoring the fact that many mutations may be neutral but could become important later.
Did you look up the beneficial mutations in humans metis? Earth shattering aren't they?
A "neutral" mutation is one that does not alter anything in the organism for better or worse. IOW, you wouldn't even know it had taken place. How could such a mutation become important later? Can you give examples?
BTW, why would a loving God create miscarriages and severe birth defects? And don't come back and try to blame that on "the Fall" because why would a loving God punish children with death or birth defects because someone a long time ago did some wrong?
No metis, a loving God would not do anything detrimental to his creation for the sake of watching them suffer. Understanding the mechanics of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ allows those with spiritual discernment (a faculty not inherent in all humans) to understand why God could allow the first humans to reproduce in a sinful state and pass that on to their children. (Romans 5:12)
To God everything is temporary and will be undone in the future with no ill effect for anyone. His adversary has made claims about the validity of God's sovereign right to set reasonable limits for his human creation. In the Book of Job we see that God allowed a test on the most faithful man alive at the time, to prove that satan was wrong. The test was hard but the outcome was wonderful, and Job looked forward to a resurrection where his whole family will be reunited in the future.....all 20 of his children will be returned to him and his wife in the resurrection. (Job 42:12; 16-17; John 5:28-29)
The complete absurdity of your position is that you demand "proof" for evolution and yet you do not apply that same principle to your own religious beliefs. When you can establish without a doubt that there is only one creator-god and that it's the God of the Bible, please let us know. I can guarantee that you cannot do that through any objectively-derived evidence.
If you have ever read any of my posts on this topic, you would know that I have never once said I had proof for God in any way that science can measure. They do not have what it takes to do such a measurement with God. As far as I can see, no evidence for macro-evolution is objectively derived.
What I have said all along is that ID believers and evolutionist each have a belief system based on faith in what others have said, and in the interpretation of their "evidence". IMO your evidence does not beat mine.
any religion or denomination that is anti-science has to be considered bogus. If they are lying to you on that, how many other lies are your leaders trying to convince you of?
I am not anti-science at all. We believe that God is the greatest scientist in existence and without creation scientists would have nothing to study. When science is proven and demonstrable, it is accepted....but when all you have is a weak unsupported theory that most want to pass off as fact...then that is a different kettle of fish.
Macro-evolution is not supported by real evidence...it is supported by suggestion and imagination. But those blinded by the 'science' rather than the actual facts, will never see it.
Fortunately, most Christian churches and Jewish synagogues and their theologians and their pastors don't teach such anti-science nonsense, such as the synagogue I had belonged to and the church that I go to with my wife. They actually embrace science and not make up or parrot stories to ignore it.
"Most Christian churches and Jewish synagogues and their theologians and their pastors" are selling out to sleep with God's enemy. It was foretold that they would do this. "Babylon the great" is described as a 'harlot' for a very good reason. God's people are told in no uncertain terms to "get out" of that corrupt 'city'. (Revelation 17:3-6; Revelation 18:5-4) There are dire consequences for not heeding this command.
Anyhow, we been through this ad nauseum, and I really have no interest in rehashing the hash, so I'll give you the last word.
Take care.
For the benefit of the newbies, thanks for the opportunity.
You take care too....