Abiogenesis is science trying to understand the process that took us from atoms to molecules to proteins to what we refer to as life.
LOL...its called creation.
Science: The earth is a globe!
Logical, thinking people: That's ludicrous - people would fall off the bottom.
Science:The earth is spinning at a speed of 1000 miles per hour at the equator!
Logical, thinking people: That's ludicrous - all people and animals would be thrown off the planet.
Want more?
Thank you, you just demonstrated what motivated people to learn the "whys" about those kinds of questions. God gave humans inquiring minds and intellectual capacity to explore and study what he created. How long did it take them to begin to understand those things?
People falling off the world....the Earth spinning at 1000 miles per hour....and man discovered GRAVITY!
"Newton's apple"....."what goes up must come down."
Now tell me what use it would have been to understand about gravity and the speed of Earth's rotation if they did not have the capacity to understand what gravity was, even though they could demonstrate it by dropping an apple....? Even today scientists do not fully understand what makes gravity work.
People like religious leaders who try very hard to have their followers indoctrinate their offspring into their religion.
You think atheists don't do the same...only in reverse?
Need I remind you that, until relatively recently...
- Science could not identify the process that kept people from falling off the bottom of the earth.
- Science could not identify the process that caused infections.
- Science could not identify the process that explained the apparent retrograde of Mercury's orbit.
Thank you again....all the major discoveries were relatively recent. As man has progressed in knowledge, so he has become aware of how things work. Science is about discovery, not about arguments over who caused what.
It appears to me that many atheists are afraid to admit there might be some Intelligent Design to it all. It is somehow insulting to acknowledge the existence of a power smarter than they are.
There was no poofing involved. It was a very long, slow process.
So was creation. According to Genesis, the creative "days" may well have been eons of time in length.
You are wrong. People in the sciences, and informed laymen, do talk about abiogenesis and eveolution. Just like they talk about weather and climate.
You only need to check the responses to my posts over the years to see how many people protest that evolutionists do not deal with abiogenesis.....almost like you can't mention them in the same sentence.
But science does dismiss ID just as it dismisses clairvoyance, mentally bending spoons, dowsing, etc. All for the same reasons.
I have past relatives who were clairvoyants and believe me, you would have had a hard time dismissing what my great grandmother was able to tell people. She wasn't one of those shonky TV show people. And you have obviously never seen a water diviner at work. There is so much more to this world than science can explain. You can dismiss whatever you like...it doesn't make it go away.
That's the beauty of religion. Everyone gets to pick and choose which parts of Holy Scripture they want to believe and which parts they want to dismiss as ridiculous. I have more respect for people who accept all of it.
I accept all of it. I don't pick and choose.....which is why I became a JW in the first place. They were the only ones who didn't expect me to follow only some of Jesus teachings whilst weaseling their way out of the more inconvenient ones. We accept the very same scripture that Jesus did.
If he spoke of the first humans as being created, then that is good enough for me. (Matthew 19:4-6)
You believe all of science's interpretations up to the point it conflicts with your ingrained religious beliefs.
No, actually, I believe what science KNOWS and can prove....not necessarily what science "assumes" and "believes" about how life became so diverse. There is a difference you know.
I was showing that your definition of "LIFE" is flawed.
LOL...but yours can't possibly be flawed because it is backed up by scientific facts!....no wait...it isn't.
It is backed up by "beliefs"...just like mine.
"Kinds" is a term used by people who had no concept of "species".
"Kinds" was a perfect description for the people of Bible times before science understood what a species is.
They saw with their own eyes that animals only mated with their own kind which produced offspring according to their kind. Tell me when that would not have been true...?
What makes me uncomfortable is people dismissing science.
No one is dismissing true science....but theoretical science is a different story. A theory is not a fact. Only facts are truth. Evolution is a theory, not a fact.
If people hadn't dismissed science for a thousand years, we would not be concerned with cancers or heart attacks or strokes or diabetes today.
Now you are going to have to explain that one.
It is people's lifestyle and choice of diet that creates heart disease, cancer and strokes....so if science was so clever then it would have created a better way to grow food that didn't involve ruining what nature provided.
GMO's, pesticides, artificial fertilizers, polluted air, water and soil, highly processed foods....these are the things that science has helped to produce. We are all paying for these with ill health.