It's called pregnancy and childbirth.
Yes, another miracle of creation passed off as a fluke of nature.
The two cells that form a human embryo need a womb and a placenta to host the developing fetus.
Living creatures on this planet all reproduce replicas of their own kind. When and how did those two cells that fused to become another living creature, learn how to follow the programmed coding of their DNA? Who wrote the code that humans have taken all this time to learn?
Scientists have described the genetic chemical code as being like a dictionary filled with words made up of the letters of an alphabet. The words form the genetic instructions. Based on these instructions, the embryo’s parts—such as the brain, heart, lungs, and limbs—develop in precise sequence and with perfect timing. Fittingly, the genome has been described by scientists as “the book of life.”
Tell us what dictionary or instruction manual could write itself? Tell us if ink could just fall from the sky and form the words that make up our extensive vocabulary?....and then form itself into a book?
It's what you you evolutionists ignore that astounds me.