We don't have to explore planets to determine if there is other life in the universe, companies are listening for life out there and they can't find any. If evolution was true, the universe should be teaming with life and it is not.
Do you think about what you post or research at all?
our radio waves are only 70 light years away from the planet at this point. this is very very close and no where near, NO WHERE NEAR THE CLOSEST STAR to our sun.
you assume alien life is stupid enough to use and understand primitive radio signals.
chimps and are DNA are very close, we are more intellegent then a chimp but we cannot communicate with them in general. If aliens DNA was dramatically higher then ours [if they have DNA] and there intellegence is so much higher then ours what makes you think they could or would even want to communicate with us.
your statement is about as intellegent as going to the ocean and taking a glass and filling it up to the top of the glass with sea water and then saying
"see there are no whales in the glass so there must not be any in the ocean at all"