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Creationists -- Please answer David Attenborough for me...


Veteran Member
Do you believe someone in their right mind would make up something like that? Do you think the Bible writers were loony?
I must be loony, asking Bob the Unbeliever this. :facepalm:
Um yeah. People make up stuff all the time. There are a plethora of fictional books available in this world. People also believe all kinds of extraordinary things that aren't demonstrably true.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Basically you, in your finite intelligence, declare you know better than an omniscient Being. Brilliant!
No, I claim there are no "omniscient beings." Quite a different thing really.

While believers, in fact, are claiming the opposite -- not only is there an "omniscient being," they think they know what it thinks! There's hubris, for you.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Well, I find your response equally hilarious TBH......Since "nothing comes from nothing"....the alternative is that "something" is responsible for the universe and for the design of things seen on this planet that apparently exist nowhere else....

Perhaps you need to see how your own comment missed the point completely......:confused:
Okay, then. Your quickest and smartest explanation: nothing comes from nothing, therefore something had to create something -- so where did the creative something come from?


Veteran Member
They didn't need to know anything but good because God was never going to let an evil experience enter their lives. They did not have to discern the difference if evil was never present. God placed that decision in his own jurisdiction. With the introduction of evil, all these thousands of years hence and humans still can't tell the difference. The world would not be in this mess if everyone just decided to do good to their neighbor...."the Golden Rule"...remember? That is the world we lost. Do you like this one better?
So you’re confirming what I said about their lack of knowledge of the difference between good and evil. Which brings me again to the question of how God could expect them to know the difference between good and evil without ever having taught it to them! How would they know that disobeying God was “bad” when they had never experienced bad in order to know what it is??

Speak for yourself. Many people can tell the difference between good/right and bad/evil actions.

They were not children but perfect human specimens with intellectual capacity far exceeding that of present day members of our species.
This is a bald assertion, but whatever.

What you have described are child-like beings who don’t know the difference between right and wrong, because their parent never taught it to them. Hence the reason my example was about an infant; because most children older than that have begun to be taught about the difference between right and wrong by their (responsible) parents.

What they did was willfully and deliberately disobey their Creator when the penalty had already been stated.....it wasn't a mistake, but a carefully considered action in full knowledge of what it meant....it was a seed of doubt about the Creator's motives that got the woman to thinking that God was withholding something from them that was of benefit....as if somehow there were sinister motives in that small test. She was concentrating on self interest, believing that life might be even better if she ate the forbidden fruit and was able to "be like God, knowing good and evil" for herself. The devil even told her that she would not die....taking away the penalty in her mind.

Again, how would they have any idea that “willfully and deliberately disobeying their Creator” was a “bad” thing if they had never experienced bad things and were only aware of good things!? And how on earth did they do this with “full knowledge of what it meant” when they did not, in fact, have full knowledge of what it meant as they had never been taught the difference between right actions and wrong actions?! You have yet to answer to this.

And “the woman” was right because (in the story) God WAS withholding important knowledge that could have been beneficial to her and Adam. That being the knowledge of the difference between good and evil. Had they had such knowledge, perhaps they wouldn’t have eaten fruit they were told not to eat.

The man was suckered into a 'divide and conquer' scenario that he did not resist. His loyalties were tested as he could have chosen to obey God, and a whole different outcome would have transpired. Most people have never really understood what that defection meant for the entire human race and even the planet itself.

Greed and selfishness have been exercised to the max ever since, creating no real good for anyone. The lesson is not lost on those who see its value.

Until someone can demonstrate that this is indeed the case, I’m going to have to lump it into all other unverified claims I’ve heard being made in other religions.

To me, it’s just a story with a terrible moral lesson. It’s basically just telling us to do what we’re told without question. That is not morality, that is mere obedience to authority, which as history shows, has some potentially very dangerous consequences.

There was no world outside of the garden until they created it with their children. Their environment changed dramatically from the delicious fruit in abundance in Eden, to the eking out of existence on cursed ground, tilling infertile soil to make bread for themselves. They would experience first hand, painfully and immediately, what it meant to throw away what they had, in favor of something unknown...told to them by a pathological liar.....it was a gamble that did not pay off, for them or their children. But he never left them without his instruction or failed to supply what they needed to live. This would be the greatest life lesson in history.

So again this reinforces my point that they had absolutely no experience in determining between what is good/right versus what is bad/wrong.

The result is the world we live in....and God has been trying all this time to make people see the outcome of denying him and failing to follow his rules. They reaped what they had sown, and it affected all their children.
So all of God’s children forever and ever (until Jesus returns) are doomed to suffer because two people who weren’t equipped with the ability to determine the difference between a right/good action and a wrong/bad action in the first place, made a bad decision.

How does this not reinforce my point that your God is a terrible parent?

But the lesson has a time frame and an outcome that is already foretold.....you are free to believe it or not.

I have a hard time believing things that don’t make sense and are also completely lacking in evidence.

Its a lesson in obedience.
Right. Which is not a lesson in morality at all. Another failing on your God’s abilities as a parent.

How do you teach your children not to steal, not to cause harm to anyone, not to drive dangerously, not to use drugs or abuse alcohol....?

I ask them to empathize and imagine how they’d feel if someone stole something from them, or drove dangerously and hurt someone they loved or abused drugs and overdosed. I explain why certain actions are right and wrong, based on the consequences those actions would produce upon him/herself and upon others in their surrounding world.

What I don’t do is to tell them to just do what they’re told, without providing some explanation as to why they are being told to do it, because they won’t learn anything that way.

But when they reach an age where they think they know better than you do, they leave home to live their own life and make their own decisions. It's not the parent's fault if they choose to live a life that is contrary to their upbringing. You can't force your 'adult' children to conform to your wishes....all you can do is warn them of the consequences of their own actions and hope that you have taught them well. They have a right to free will....don't they? It doesn't mean that they make the right decisions, does it? How many parents wonder what they did wrong?

It's the parent’s fault if they never bothered to teach their children how to distinguish right actions from wrong actions.

In my scenario, my kids will be equipped with the knowledge they need to determine right from wrong while Adam and Eve were not equipped with such knowledge and therefore were unable to make truly informed moral decisions. I don’t just send them off into the world telling them to do what they’re told, as God did in the story. That’s how you raise naïve adults who can’t think for themselves and are more likely to be taken in by people looking to take advantage of their ignorance.

But God did teach his son all that was necessary for him to become the family head and to exercise his wisdom and authority over his charges. The woman knew that eating the fruit would result in death.....but she was persuaded to take the risk by believing a liar. We have the same choice....believe God or believe the liar with a plausible, alternate explanation....

Perhaps she believed a liar because she wasn’t equipped with the skills to be able to discern liars (wrong) from truth tellers (right). She wouldn’t even have been aware that there were liars in existence in the first place!

It wasn't a case of couldn't be bothered....it was a case of never intending evil to ever be in human experience. To invite evil would be the work of a fool when death was the penalty.....fools fell for the lies about God.....they are still falling for them.

Oh so it was a case of willful negligence then. Another character trait of a terrible parent.

They knew the penalty before they ate the fruit. Only a stupid person gambles with their own life.....and if a woman is pregnant, she risks the life of her child is she engages in reckless behavior......

They couldn’t possibly have fully understood the penalty of their actions given that they weren’t aware what a wrong/bad/evil action was in the first place. And they certainly didn’t know how to discern it from a right/good action.

because genetic imperfection entered the genome before they brought forth children, all their offspring inherited the same genetic flaw that resulted from their failure to obey their rightful Sovereign.....a fight to do the right thing is called "sin" because evil and sin work hand in glove. Evil actions are caused by evil minds. This world is the product of knowing and carrying out evil.
This needs to be demonstrated, rather than asserted.

Now tell me if the human race learns anything from the actions of others in the past.

Sure. For example, blindly following orders from authority figures without question or thought to consequences, results in groups like Nazis convincing people to exterminate entire populations of people. That was literally their excuse at the Nuremburg Trials.


Veteran Member
It looks like you're gearing up to put me on ignore again. You tried the same thing last time, where you claimed I was ignoring your questions while refusing to say what questions you wanted me to answer (no matter how many times I asked). Rather than do that, why not just say something like "I don't want to talk to you about this anymore"? At least that's honest.

Anyways, at this point I think it's prudent to put this to the group and see what the general opinion is.

Does anyone who's following this thread know what nPeace believes about how the life history traits, biochemical pathways, and genetic sequences of the organism in the OP came to be?
Not I.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Nope. And that doesn't go for justs nPeace, but for just about all creationists engaged in this topic. Especially the JWs
So it's not just me. At least @Hockeycowboy answered "I don't know". The best @nPeace has done so far is to make it known he doesn't want to talk about it.

Funny how when it comes to evolutionary biology, they'll go on and on for days, months, and even years, but when it turns to them explaining how they think certain things came to be they quickly get rather quiet.
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Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Do you have a short memory, except for particular things you keep in record that JWs say?

I also told you point blank, that I have no desire to discuss this topic with you anymore. Forgot? Or just not hearing what I say? Or just not understanding what I say? Or just not caring what I say?
I don't know what you mean by "this topic". Do you mean the topic of how you believe the features of the organism that causes river blindness came to be? Do you mean evolutionary biology in general? Do you mean creationism?

Would that not confirm that what I have said about your only focusing on your view, and what you want to say, and ask, is true.
Need the link to that post?

I also gave you the reason in that post. Were you listening?

...and now you are saying you didn't see a question?
The only question in your prior post was this: What don't you understand about, "reproducing according to their kinds"?

So to answer, I took your statement "By creation, there is , not one branching tree, but a garden of trees. From these trees, evolution has been occurring" as an indication that your answer to the questions I had been asking about the organism in the OP was along the lines of you believe God created the original "kind" of this worm, and it only developed all the things necessary to inflict river blindness after that, and did so via evolution. That's exactly what I said in my reply. You responded:

I'm not here to discuss evolution.
I have said how creation occurred. If you have a problem with it working, then you can tell me how it cannot work.

Secondly, there is no one mechanism agreed upon, on how evolution happened, and by evolution in this case, I am referring to adaptation, and not the extrapolated idea suggests, which no one agrees on how that happened.

However, to repeat, the OP is about creation. I am under no obligation to discuss hotly debated evolutionary mechanisms with you.
Also if you are just here to ask questions, and ignore questions addressed to you, then I will not be responding to your posts.

That seems to be where we're at. You simply do not want to talk about how the various traits of the worm came to be. IMO, that's extremely revealing.

. ...and just want your question answered regardless of what I said?
No, I think it's clear to everyone now that this is something you just don't want to talk about.

That's a two way conversation to you? Wow. Just Wow.
No, it isn't. It's more of a stereotype "conversation" with a creationist, where we chase you guys around and around trying to get you to answer questions, until you eventually shut the whole thing down. The only mystery is what you'll do to shut it down.


Veteran Member
The moral is that maintaining perfect human life depends on adherence to our Creator’s standards. He is the Source of life (Psalms 36:9), but A &E questioning His right — as our Maker — to govern us (Genesis 3:1-6) raised the issue of sovereignty. The best way for Jehovah to settle that issue, was to let mankind rule themselves, temporarily.. This of course resulted in alienation: mankind losing His guidance, and the Earth His protection, thereby paving the road for utopia to devolve into chaos.
So just follow orders and shut up about it because the boss says so.

I fail to see what's moral about that.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
How do we know those two people existed and how do we know they had "perfect" immune systems?
How was that demonstrated? So but the onus is on you, since you're stating this stuff so matter-of-factly.
Yes, I do believe the Bible states 'matters of fact'.

This belief didn't come gradually, but after intense study of it. Everything I see in the world, from people's attitudes to current world events, seems to verify what is written in it

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Did you hear about Peter? He prophesied this.

LOL! Yes: I'm going to order a Steak at a local eatery.

VIOLA! I'm a PROPHET! The steak not only arrived as I "prophesied" but it's *exactly* as I predicted-- perfectly done, with a side of baked potato!


(sadly, you won't have a clue what my example even means-- because you think Peter had Magical Powers.... )

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Yes, I do believe the Bible states 'matters of fact'.

This belief didn't come gradually, but after intense study of it. Everything I see in the world, from people's attitudes to current world events, seems to verify what is written in it

Sad. The key word here, being "believe".... because you have zero facts and zero evidence.

So you Take It On Faith instead-- meanwhile, 100% ignoring the counter-evidence showing the bible is not only false, it's immoral as well....


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Sad. The key word here, being "believe".... because you have zero facts and zero evidence.

So you Take It On Faith instead-- meanwhile, 100% ignoring the counter-evidence showing the bible is not only false, it's immoral as well....

No...there's quite a bit of evidence. Over the past 2 centuries, the Bible has endured much criticism, with claims about certain events never happening, or locations and people never existing. Yet archeology, again & again, has revealed the Bible's accuracy through it's discovery.

And on it goes...

Really, if there was " zero evidence " for Biblical claims, secular archaeologists would not be so interested in using it as a source.

Biblical archaeology - Wikipedia


Veteran Member
No...there's quite a bit of evidence.

Not for the myths of adam and eve, eden, flood, exodus, etc etc.
But there is a LOT of evidence that demonstrates it as wrong as possible.

Over the past 2 centuries, the Bible has endured much criticism, with claims about certain events never happening, or locations and people never existing. Yet archeology, again & again, has revealed the Bible's accuracy through it's discovery.

If 2000 years from now, some guy finds the ruins of New York and a Manhattan phonebook, and finds out that a Peter Parker lived there... then that doesn't make spiderman real.

And on it goes...
...without a shred of evidence for the myths of adam and eve, eden, flood, exodus, etc etc

Really, if there was " zero evidence " for Biblical claims, secular archaeologists would not be so interested in using it as a source.

Biblical archaeology - Wikipedia

A couple centuries ago, a couple christians set out to collect evidence of the biblical flood to demonstrate it's a true story. During their search, they developed methods to analyse rocks, rock formations, strata, etc etc.

Geology was born.

After a few decades, they all came to the conclusion that the flood never happened.

Funny how you never mention those sciences, but only the asanine "Peter Parker" fallacy.


Well-Known Member
Adam did not need to determine the difference between right and wrong because God placed that responsibility on himself. All Adam had to do was obey one simple command and no evil thing would ever have intruded on their idyllic life in paradise.
It seems to me that Adam and Eve's ignorance in right and wrong was the reason why they disobeyed god. According to the bible, isn't the very act of disobedience considered to be wrong, a sin and an act of "evil?" So responsibility wouldn't fall on them because they didn't know that disobeying god was wrong.

But if being technical, "evil" intruded paradise when Adam was obeying that command. The serpent did lie to Eve before she ate the fruit, did it not?

Just saying.


Well-Known Member
You are assuming the bible is using the scientific definition of "man" there -and that it must mean it is stating there were no other "humans" -but in that very book -where many ASSUME there were only Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel alive on Earth -Cain was worried that people OUTSIDE OF EDEN would kill him -and also went to Nod and found a wife.
Cain's wife was his sister, the daughter of his parents. The people outside of Eden would then be his siblings, necies, nephews and other family members.


Well-Known Member
Along with the flood obviously came vast climatic changes and an increased amount of radiation from the sun, no longer protected by the water canopy that was above the atmosphere. (One of the means used by God to flood the earth. 2 Peter 3:5-7) I believe that this greatly reduced man's lifespan, as we see in the ages of those living after the flood getting shorter. Their life expectancy was drastically reduced to 70 or 80 years.
Didn't god caused the water canopy to disappear from making it rain to flood the earth?

Also, we shouldn't forget the time would be shorten for each "kind" of animals to evolve because of the flood. Noah took a pair(or seven pairs of clean and one pair of unclean animals) onboard the ark. So that would the "kinds" having to restart their evolution of new species.
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Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
No...there's quite a bit of evidence. Over the past 2 centuries, the Bible has endured much criticism, with claims about certain events never happening, or locations and people never existing. Yet archeology, again & again, has revealed the Bible's accuracy through it's discovery..

Nope. Harry Potter talks about London. The bible talking about places that exist? In no way validates even ONE claim, let alone the Magic ones.

So you are incorrect yet again.

Really, if there was " zero evidence " for Biblical claims, secular archaeologists would not be so interested in using it as a source.

Biblical archaeology - Wikipedia

For a certain value of "archaeologist"? Sure-- people with an agenda -- and as such, are absolutely not trustworthy.

In any case? See above. Notebook: Nothing in Exodus is real, by the way-- nothing happened in there.

Same for Genesis-- 100% myth-- none of it happened in actual history.