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Creationists, please provide evidence


Active Member
Are you, by any chance, doubting that life had to be created?

( ‘ .‘ )


Oh Wilsoncole...these evolutionists believe in the poofing of life into creation by as complex a miracle or process as Gods creation of fully formed kinds. They just call their endless search for 'how' some sort of science and that makes their kind of poofing into life OK and all scientific like.

I was reading cerebral cortex in Wiki. It spoke to recent research that suggests strong affinity with a ragworm dating back to the precambian era. And guess what..you'll never believe it..again ...this is support for Toe. I had a good laugh..

...Like evolution had some investment or plan in making reasoning individuals in the precambrian. The ragworm apparently has some sort of mushroom bodies that are similar to humans, so these researchers purport this is proof of some sort of connection. Thankfully it only exploded in apes. Imagine what TOE would look like if they were explaining Cow people, Ragworm people as well as us, the chimpees, It's convoluted enough as it is.

It is such a huge ask to believe anything these researchers say when it comes to TOE. Seriously trying to tell us that a chimp, orang and other bent over, tree dwellers are not more similar to each other than one is to us is incredible. For me, this sort of data proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that researchers attempts to prove ancestry has biased their findings, to the point of being ridiculous...and that is just the start.

There are no mid species here today, because there never were any mid species between kinds. Traits arise individually and then their is hybridization. The fossils they find could be anything. Most life from the Precambrian and Cambrian has changed little and is here with us today as it should be. I agree with your stance.
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Well-Known Member
I tend to share your view on this actually. Though I tend to see them as more archetypes. From what I have learned about anthropology most people believe that they are the "first" or only "true" people. (literal translations of First Nations names for themselves generally break down this way as an example)
Thus Adam and Eve may be the first "humans" in that they are the first of the cultural lineage.

For another example, the story of Cain and Able seems to me to be about the conflict inherent between farmers and herdsmen. The first cultural division. Thus to me it's no surprise that the elder brother was the herdsman/hunter.

That's what makes it all so interesting. Nature exhibits such a consistency in patterns on so many different levels that it can often times be difficult to know if you are observing a literally factual accounting of something coded in metaphor or if you are sidetracked on a parallel that merely bears similarity. Some narratives can even sound perfectly plausible as simple literal stories and still have coded prophetic information. That's what makes the Bible so amazing to me.

As you likely have noticed from other posts, I view the creation account in Genesis to only make use of cosmic terms as metaphor and that it must be understood in terms of people to be read clearly. All of it pertains in some manner to people.

In the case of antediluvial accounts, the people spoken of are not individuals only but pertain to societal bodies or spiritual families-dynasties. Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth, Etc. all can be literally and explicitly identifed in this manner as REAL, literally REAL, just as Emile Durkheims pointed out. And, the reason we have those accounts isn't just of value for historical purposes. Their real value is to train our eye of understanding such that we can accurately use them as oracles to keep our footing here and now as we go through it all over again.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing this quote. This is by far among the best secular descriptions of 'religion' that I have yet seen.

The Bible contains names to the faces of what I call societal bodies. These groupings do take on distinct characteristics. Was Adam and Eve a person? Yes, and no. Adam lived for almost 1,000 years as a distinct social body, not as an individual super-mortal.

Once you train your eye to see things as Emile Durkheims could, then perhaps you might be able to start making clear and literal sense out of what seems to the untrained eye to be arcane myths and legends with "impossible" or "imaginary" narratives.

That's a very interesting look at the bible.

Do you apply this view to all of the bible or just some of the bible?


Well-Known Member
That's a very interesting look at the bible.

Do you apply this view to all of the bible or just some of the bible?
I have discovered that most of the Bible is under at least 1 layer of metaphor. And, please bear in mind, I only use metaphor associations that the Bible provides. I do not give myself the right to make up any of my own.

For example, I don't allow myself to make one day of the creation account mean a billion years just so that it fits what science now seems to suggest. If the Bible says one day unto the Lord is as one thousand years to men, then that's what I go with. If something seems absurd or illogical then that just means there is a metaphor I need to hunt down to decode things further. Leaps of faith just as well be leaps over a cliff. If it cannot mean something immediately practical and pragmatic then what's the point?

Although, I do have to confess I have found some very interesting metaphoric trends that I am watching closely that I have not yet found where the explicit key is. So, I have to consider it speculative. Perhaps that's a room I wasn't meant to explore yet... Who knows... But, there are lots of interesting things to discover, for sure.

I really feel sorry for how people go to such length and effort to defend things that were never intended. I hope in my lifetime I can dispell the needless fervor and get people to look at things in their simple, practical, intended purpose.

The God of the Bible is not bent to cause every race and nation upon this planet into submission because this is His Cosmos/Universe. It's simply a Patriarchal Diety trying to keep His children well behaved, and to handle his estate/inheritance according to His will, period.

There are plenty of people on this planet that don't need to be troubled with all of this that really ought to just be left alone. Anyway, I'm digressing.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Oh Wilsoncole...these evolutionists believe in the poofing of life into creation by as complex a miracle or process as Gods creation of fully formed kinds. They just call their endless search for 'how' some sort of science and that makes their kind of poofing into life OK and all scientific like.

I was reading cerebral cortex in Wiki. It spoke to recent research that suggests strong affinity with a ragworm dating back to the precambian era. And guess what..you'll never believe it..again ...this is support for Toe. I had a good laugh..

...Like evolution had some investment or plan in making reasoning individuals in the precambrian. The ragworm apparently has some sort of mushroom bodies that are similar to humans, so these researchers purport this is proof of some sort of connection. Thankfully it only exploded in apes. Imagine what TOE would look like if they were explaining Cow people, Ragworm people as well as us, the chimpees, It's convoluted enough as it is.

It is such a huge ask to believe anything these researchers say when it comes to TOE. Seriously trying to tell us that a chimp, orang and other bent over, tree dwellers are not more similar to each other than one is to us is incredible. For me, this sort of data proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that researchers attempts to prove ancestry has biased their findings, to the point of being ridiculous...and that is just the start.

There are no mid species here today, because there never were any mid species between kinds. Traits arise individually and then their is hybridization. The fossils they find could be anything. Most life from the Precambrian and Cambrian has changed little and is here with us today as it should be. I agree with your stance.

The blind leading the blind.....:facepalm:


Happiness Incarnate
I think it's comical that after having Abiogenesis explained to her, repeatedly, with the specifics of carboxyl groups making amino acids, and amino acids bonding to form proteins, and proteins interacting to make life, and so on. She can read all this and come out of it with "See? They believe in magical poofing!"


Admiral Obvious
I think it's comical that after having Abiogenesis explained to her, repeatedly, with the specifics of carboxyl groups making amino acids, and amino acids bonding to form proteins, and proteins interacting to make life, and so on. She can read all this and come out of it with "See? They believe in magical poofing!"
Oh yeah.
She has thoroughly demonstrated her finely tuned skill of transference numerous times.
In fact, the only skill she has shown to be even more proficient at than transference has been ratification.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I think it's almost cute.... if abiogenesis is "magic" then all chemistry is magic.

So now you have a return to the "magical poofing" of rain in the sky. The "magical poofing" of ice on lakes and let's not forget the mighty magic of fire.

It's a quaint view of the world totally in keeping with creationist ideology.



Intentionally Blank
This much is clear:
What is obvious does not need to be backed up by anything.
That's why it's obvious.

If you see a dent in your car, it is obvious that it has been hit.
What do you need to back it up?
It's obvious!
Not very smart.

( ‘ .‘ )


By what?

Humans are apes as obviously as cars with dents have been hit.



Intentionally Blank
Not surprising to me.

Amazing isn't it? It is the most amazingly accurate book of prophecy that I have ever seen.
You would be able to appreciate it as such if you knew what its creation account was really talking about.

Cool. Who's going to win the Superbowl?


Intentionally Blank
I think it's comical that after having Abiogenesis explained to her, repeatedly, with the specifics of carboxyl groups making amino acids, and amino acids bonding to form proteins, and proteins interacting to make life, and so on. She can read all this and come out of it with "See? They believe in magical poofing!"

What's hilarious is that newhope really does believe in magical poofing, while we rely on scientific research to explain a gradual change in populations over time.
evolution would have taken millions of years but there were only about 50 million people on earth around Christs time....How many do u honestly think existed in 10,000 BC


evolution would have taken millions of years but there were only about 50 million people on earth around Christs time....How many do u honestly think existed in 10,000 BC

Well we have human tools going back to 250,000 BCE.