Rather than Biblical terms, could you give this to me in common terms? About how long ago?
I cant give you exact times because the hebrew word Moses used for 'day' can mean any length of time...it can be translated as an 'age' for example. So the way we understand it is this:
The earth was created 'in the beginning' along with the universe and was a part of the universe for millions/billions of years. Gen 1:1-2
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.2.Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep'
How long the earth existed as part of the universe, no one knows, but at some point, God turned his attention to the earth and began to prepare it for habitation. The first thing he did was to allow light to penetrate the atmosphere. This took a very long time, it wasnt instant as some think. The first 'day' was when God said 'Let there be light' The hebrew word being 'ohr' and it means light in general rather then a 'source' of light. It wasnt until the 4th day that the 'source' of that light could actually be seen in the sky. Thats when moses said that God 'created the great luminaries, the sun and moon' They became visible only on the 4th day, but the light from them had been slowly penetrating the atmosphere since the 1st day....this indicates that the atmosphere had thick cloud cover for a very long time before it finally cleared.
Each of the creative 'days' could have been millions of years in length. I think the scientific evidence gives us a pretty good idea of how long each of the creative days were. The only thing we can be absolutely sure of is that the man was created 6,036 years ago. The animals came long before him though.
So what I'm getting again is magic poofing, correct? That one moment there is nothing, and the next there are two giraffes standing there munching leaves, right?
well the creation of the animals had to start somewhere. If you want to call it magic poofing you can....what is the alternative?
But what I really meant was that you say God created "kinds," but I've seen species, genera and families all as possible equivalents to kinds. Which is it? Or is it something else?
for example, God created several wolves. Those wolves were one kind. They went forth and multiplied and so today we have hundreds of kinds of wolves otherwise known as dogs.
He also made several horses. They were another 'kind' and went forth and multiplied until eventually there were a larger variety of horse 'kinds'
it was the same with cats. He created several wild cats and they went forth and multiplied eventually bringing forth a larger variety of cats...all still the same kind.
O.K. so you have no idea where. However, after the nonexistent flood, they would have all been in one place, correct?
Initially yes.
But so where humans, correct?
If humans have been able to circumnavigate the globe in 4,000 odd years, surely you dont doubt that the animals (many of whom have migratory instincts) could have done so. Animals are always on the move...Australia introduced brazillian cane toads into australia less then 100 years ago and they have spread rapidly in that time across vast distances and into other states.
Well then what are we arguing about? I've said every way we know how that we all agree on that. Since ToE doesn't deny that, why not accept modern science?
i do accept modern science....just not when it contradicts the reality. So for instance when evolutionists say "We have plenty of fossil evidence to show a transition from one form to a new form...or we can see how this bone is similar to that bone so it means these two creatures are related" I dont accept that because the opposite is in fact true. There is very little fossil evidence and there is not way to prove that one bone is linked with another...its merely 'opinion' which states such things.
I think you suffer from the common set of misconceptions. You see "evolutionism" as some sort of philosophy, something like atheism + science. It isn't. It's a very specific, clear, limited scientific theory, analogous to say gravity. It has nothing whatsoever to say about the origin of life; that's an entirely separate subject.
And no one with an ounce of sense has ever said that DNA forms on its own. What on earth are you talking about? Can we please get back to ToE? Thank you.
Well without DNA there would have been no evolution to begin with. Considering the ToE is founded on the basis of life arising by chance, then at some point DNA had to have formed undirected. I know this is abiogenesis again, but the ToE needs a starting point otherwise its impossible.
Since you keep saying that Genesis doesn't tell us how, why not use science to find out how? Don't you think science works?
absolutely I do. But I dont think the ToE will ever admit that God created the first lifeforms. I certainly believe that, you seem to believe that....but science will never accept that.
Science is all about evidence. Evidence is the heart and soul of science. No evidence; no science. Are you in favor of or opposed to science?
I am in favor of true science...not unproved and unsubstantiated theories such as " here is a bone of an ape, see how its similar to our bone...that means we descended from these apes" That is not proof, its speculation and opinion, nothing more.