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Creationists, please provide evidence


Active Member
This thread is not about abiogenesis and how your single cell or kinds appeared. This thread has not requested a hypothesis other than to speak to the creation. In other words evolved yet has requested evidence for the hypothesis “God created life’ as opposed to ‘life evolved‘. If you are too stupid to pick that up, that is your responsibility.

I have illustrated that although toe purports ancestry of the Cambrian to Precambrian life and any evidence apart from that, is theorised. Some of this life is still here with us today. What evidence you have suggests an explosion of life in a relatively short period of time in the Cambrian and many other kinds that resemble todays kinds appearing in the Mesozoic.

I have given sufficient information to demonstrate the remarkable difference in the male human and chimp chromosome. If you were uninformed, then you have had the opportunity to get yourself informed. Your theoretical assumption is that the Y chromosome should be similar in related species. They are not. You may have theories as to why they are not, however they are far more divergent than was expected. Further to that genomic comparisons can be made in a variety of ways. One holistic method that looks at more of the simialities as well as differences notes a 30% difference in similarity between the chimp and human.
Your genomics indicate that each and every living thing on the planet today has a common ancestor. It appears you can illustrate that humans are not descendant from today’s species of chimps. There are also flat faced monkeys that may have adapted and changed in size. The common ancestor of chimps and humans is theorised, with many varying models and changes in evidence that speak to human ancestry. You are now pushing forward in the fields of gene expression, epigenetic and RNA regulation. “A New Genetic” by John Mattick has some insight into this field. Many of you really need to look into recent research as you have no idea, as is illustrated by some replies.

The solid evidence you have that shows human ancestry sounded convincing until such finds were made like Lluc, Anoiapithecus 12myo, a primate with facial morphology similar to Homo. Mistakes such as Lucy, with gorilla features being initially disregarded, then reinstated and disregarded once again when Ardi came to light is testimony to your fossil specimens not being reliable evidence.
Basically, this is the way it is. Much of your evidence is supportive of creation. Support for creation or evolution does not amount to proven fact. Whether or not you accept your theoretical assumption that are put forward to explain the evidence is your choice. I’m fairly bored with a couple of regular repliers here that appear to have no life other than to clog up threads with desperate side winding and irrelevant requests.

The request was not for evidence that evos like or ‘accept‘. If that is the point to the thread then it borders on baiting and is a delusional request. Even a Precambrian human would not be ‘accepted‘ as evidence for creation.. Whether or not you like or accept another hypothesis of the facts is also unfortunately irrelevant.

The thread requests evidence for creation I have supplied some. Whether or not you are able to refute it with theoretical assumptions is irrelevant. Your acceptance is, most definitely, not required.


Empirical Curmudgeon
Actually it is evolutionsists that require more faith than creationsists. Evolutionists need to be resilient to seeing solid evidence turn to mud over and over without a loss of faith. OR ignorant of recent advances to believe their theory is not in crisis. Your Toe was alot more believable 15 years ago.

If you still can't work out if neanderthal is our ancestor with DNA and all your fancy technology, if it took Ardi to make a gorrilla out of Lucy, what hope have you got with anything else?




Empirical Curmudgeon
This thread is not about abiogenesis and how your single cell or kinds appeared. This thread has not requested a hypothesis other than to speak to the creation. In other words evolved yet has requested evidence for the hypothesis “God created life’ as opposed to ‘life evolved‘. If you are too stupid to pick that up, that is your responsibility.

I have illustrated that although toe purports ancestry of the Cambrian to Precambrian life and any evidence apart from that, is theorised. Some of this life is still here with us today. What evidence you have suggests an explosion of life in a relatively short period of time in the Cambrian and many other kinds that resemble todays kinds appearing in the Mesozoic.

I have given sufficient information to demonstrate the remarkable difference in the male human and chimp chromosome. If you were uninformed, then you have had the opportunity to get yourself informed. Your theoretical assumption is that the Y chromosome should be similar in related species. They are not. You may have theories as to why they are not, however they are far more divergent than was expected. Further to that genomic comparisons can be made in a variety of ways. One holistic method that looks at more of the simialities as well as differences notes a 30% difference in similarity between the chimp and human.
Your genomics indicate that each and every living thing on the planet today has a common ancestor. It appears you can illustrate that humans are not descendant from today’s species of chimps. There are also flat faced monkeys that may have adapted and changed in size. The common ancestor of chimps and humans is theorised, with many varying models and changes in evidence that speak to human ancestry. You are now pushing forward in the fields of gene expression, epigenetic and RNA regulation. “A New Genetic” by John Mattick has some insight into this field. Many of you really need to look into recent research as you have no idea, as is illustrated by some replies.

The solid evidence you have that shows human ancestry sounded convincing until such finds were made like Lluc, Anoiapithecus 12myo, a primate with facial morphology similar to Homo. Mistakes such as Lucy, with gorilla features being initially disregarded, then reinstated and disregarded once again when Ardi came to light is testimony to your fossil specimens not being reliable evidence.
Basically, this is the way it is. Much of your evidence is supportive of creation. Support for creation or evolution does not amount to proven fact. Whether or not you accept your theoretical assumption that are put forward to explain the evidence is your choice. I’m fairly bored with a couple of regular repliers here that appear to have no life other than to clog up threads with desperate side winding and irrelevant requests.

The request was not for evidence that evos like or ‘accept‘. If that is the point to the thread then it borders on baiting and is a delusional request. Even a Precambrian human would not be ‘accepted‘ as evidence for creation.. Whether or not you like or accept another hypothesis of the facts is also unfortunately irrelevant.

The thread requests evidence for creation I have supplied some. Whether or not you are able to refute it with theoretical assumptions is irrelevant. Your acceptance is, most definitely, not required.

So, any chance of seeing that hypothesis any time soon? ;)


Resident Liberal Hippie
New Chromosome Research Undermines Human-Chimp Similarity Claims
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. *

It should be noted that the study cited was not by the two men who wrote the article.
Jeffry Tompkins is employed as a researcher for the Institute for Creation Research, and Brian Thomas is employed as the Science writer for the Institute for Creation Research.
These two authors took research done by other scientists and twisted it to fit a Creationist agenda.

For example, the research cited conclusively,
In particular, we find that the patterns of evolution in human and chimpanzee protein-coding genes are highly correlated and dominated by the fixation of neutral and slightly deleterious alleles.


Genome-wide rates. We calculate the genome-wide nucleotide divergence between human and chimpanzee to be 1.23%, confirming recent results from more limited studies

Source of original paper.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
This thread is not about abiogenesis and how your single cell or kinds appeared. This thread has not requested a hypothesis other than to speak to the creation. In other words evolved yet has requested evidence for the hypothesis “God created life’ as opposed to ‘life evolved‘. If you are too stupid to pick that up, that is your responsibility.

I have illustrated that although toe purports ancestry of the Cambrian to Precambrian life and any evidence apart from that, is theorised. Some of this life is still here with us today. What evidence you have suggests an explosion of life in a relatively short period of time in the Cambrian and many other kinds that resemble todays kinds appearing in the Mesozoic.

I have given sufficient information to demonstrate the remarkable difference in the male human and chimp chromosome. If you were uninformed, then you have had the opportunity to get yourself informed. Your theoretical assumption is that the Y chromosome should be similar in related species. They are not. You may have theories as to why they are not, however they are far more divergent than was expected. Further to that genomic comparisons can be made in a variety of ways. One holistic method that looks at more of the simialities as well as differences notes a 30% difference in similarity between the chimp and human.
Your genomics indicate that each and every living thing on the planet today has a common ancestor. It appears you can illustrate that humans are not descendant from today’s species of chimps. There are also flat faced monkeys that may have adapted and changed in size. The common ancestor of chimps and humans is theorised, with many varying models and changes in evidence that speak to human ancestry. You are now pushing forward in the fields of gene expression, epigenetic and RNA regulation. “A New Genetic” by John Mattick has some insight into this field. Many of you really need to look into recent research as you have no idea, as is illustrated by some replies.

The solid evidence you have that shows human ancestry sounded convincing until such finds were made like Lluc, Anoiapithecus 12myo, a primate with facial morphology similar to Homo. Mistakes such as Lucy, with gorilla features being initially disregarded, then reinstated and disregarded once again when Ardi came to light is testimony to your fossil specimens not being reliable evidence.
Basically, this is the way it is. Much of your evidence is supportive of creation. Support for creation or evolution does not amount to proven fact. Whether or not you accept your theoretical assumption that are put forward to explain the evidence is your choice. I’m fairly bored with a couple of regular repliers here that appear to have no life other than to clog up threads with desperate side winding and irrelevant requests.

The request was not for evidence that evos like or ‘accept‘. If that is the point to the thread then it borders on baiting and is a delusional request. Even a Precambrian human would not be ‘accepted‘ as evidence for creation.. Whether or not you like or accept another hypothesis of the facts is also unfortunately irrelevant.

The thread requests evidence for creation I have supplied some. Whether or not you are able to refute it with theoretical assumptions is irrelevant. Your acceptance is, most definitely, not required.

Nylon Eating Bacteria - Evidence Of Evolution.

whew.!! Now that I've cleared up all your misconceptions and ramblings...

How about you share with us HOW. Poofing is not evidence. As Auto said...we can all agree, for the sake of argument in this thread, that a creator exist....specifically your creator, can you tell us HOW it created life and how we get the diversity in life we see today?

To make it easier on you start with the supposed Adam and Eve. I'm interested as to how your god made Eve from only one set of 26 chromosomes and no mtDNA.

How do we get the many races on the planet if we only had Adam (Eve - his twin)?
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
It should be noted that the study cited was not by the two men who wrote the article.
Jeffry Tompkins is employed as a researcher for the Institute for Creation Research, and Brian Thomas is employed as the Science writer for the Institute for Creation Research.
These two authors took research done by other scientists and twisted it to fit a Creationist agenda.

For example, the research cited conclusively,
In particular, we find that the patterns of evolution in human and chimpanzee protein-coding genes are highly correlated and dominated by the fixation of neutral and slightly deleterious alleles.


Genome-wide rates. We calculate the genome-wide nucleotide divergence between human and chimpanzee to be 1.23%, confirming recent results from more limited studies

Source of original paper.


Thanks for the source. It's amazing the lengths they're going to in order to try and refute ToE. This is exactly what I said she was doing....taking only the bits and pieces out of context and twisting it to fit her preconceived notions when in fact every true scientific data she's posted supports Evolution hands down.


lonely troll. living under a bridge society created. Its not her fault.

This is just another sign we need do more then just keep creation outlawed from schools.

Bad thing is allot of the weirdos pass this nonsense to there children multpilying how long it will take to finally breed this ignornace, evolve this ignorance out of society once and for all.



Thanks for the source. It's amazing the lengths they're going to in order to try and refute ToE. This is exactly what I said she was doing....taking only the bits and pieces out of context and twisting it to fit her preconceived notions when in fact every true scientific data she's posted supports Evolution hands down.

All she has is blatant quote mining and lies.

I caught her in a red handed lie in her other thread and since then I wont debate people like her

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
wiki is fine, quote mining wiki is not.

We all know and understand her blind ignorance and lack of education, the lies get really old

It's not so much that she's lying rather she's quote mining and showing her dishonesty. The other thing, as tumbleweed41 pointed out, is she may not even be aware that her own "creation scientist" are doing the same thing.

She was forced to abandon the notion of using mtEve as her evidence. Why is she now only focusing on Y Adam considering that doesn't help her case? Why is she focusing on the Y chromosome of chimps and humans considering the findings don't refute humans and chimps stemming from a common ancestor? It's because they don't understand the finding and can't be bothered to understand ALL of the data in context...What do they do? They take bits and pieces and build paragraph upon paragraph on certain quotes and present that assumption as evidence against evolution. To those who see through their facade they're not fooled.
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Intentionally Blank
Similarities in DNA, to the extent they exist (or not), prove nothing as to origin. Patterns in creation repeat themselves across many plant and animal kinds. Rather than prove any supposed common ancestry, they rather display the handiwork of a common Creator. The evolutionary emperor has no clothes.

The specific patterns of similarity in DNA are exactly those predicted and explained by ToE. For example, we sometimes see an oddity in DNA, such as two genes fusing, and that oddity will be carried out in every descendant species of that ancestor.

The specific patterns of similarity, not mere similarity, always track the homologies, vestigial features, and evolutionary pathways, exactly as predicted and explained by ToE, never otherwise.

Are you hard of understanding? Why can you not grasp the simple, elementary concept that science cannot tell us whether or not there is a common Creator, only how He created? It's not that hard. Try this simple slogan:


This may help you. So, we all agree there is a common creator. We're not arguing about that. Can you understand that? Please say yes.

Therefore they question is, in your scenario, HOW did He do so? ToE says He did so by setting up a nifty system of descent with modification plus natural selection. How do you think He did it?

Honestly, I'm getting so tired of explaining this to the same creationists over and over, with no sign of comprehension on their part, I may have to give up talking to them.


Well-Known Member
 There is no point having discussions with pretenders whose verbal diarrhoea shows their lack of knowledge and inability to understand their own research. God have mercy on you all because your science is not going to.....
I guess we won't be getting any evidence from this one.