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Creationists: what prevents you from accepting ToE?

TC Mike

The Genesis account when read from the Hebrew means a literal 24 hour day. Bible scholars will tell you this. So that is pretty straightforward then if you believe the Bible, which I do. I did not always believe in creationism though, I used to believe in a theistic evolution of sorts. In my search for the truth over years, I came across enough evidence that backs up creation and I started believing creationism since the year 2001.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The Genesis account when read from the Hebrew means a literal 24 hour day. Bible scholars will tell you this. So that is pretty straightforward then if you believe the Bible, which I do. I did not always believe in creationism though, I used to believe in a theistic evolution of sorts. In my search for the truth over years, I came across enough evidence that backs up creation and I started believing creationism since the year 2001.

Do you care to share this evidence or should we simply take your word for it?

TC Mike

Well I was just giving some of my background here, but you can find plenty of information on creation here at Dr Grady McMurtry's website
Creation Worldview Ministries

I also listen to Christian radio talk show called the Bob Dutko show on 103.5 fm in the Detroit area. He is a Creationist as well and often talks on the subject. There is an option to stream over the internet as well.
WMUZ 103.5 FM - Bob Dutko


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Is there a particular verse/passage/anything similar in your holy text(s) that prevents you from accepting ToE? And is it specifically because of human evolution, or the whole concept of animals evolving altogether?

Genesis chapter 1, Romans 1:19,20, Hebrews 3:4 and others


Resident Liberal Hippie
Now why would one want to learn about geology, biology, palaeontology and hydrology from someone with a Doctorate in Theology, a Masters in Environmental Studies, and a BS in Forestry?
Or even a talk show host with no credentials at all?

If a person really wanted to test whether their beliefs about biological evolution were true, they would research actual accredited experts in the field.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Now why would one want to learn about geology, biology, palaeontology and hydrology from someone with a Doctorate in Theology, a Masters in Environmental Studies, and a BS in Forestry?
Or even a talk show host with no credentials at all?

If a person really wanted to test whether their beliefs about biological evolution were true, they would research actual accredited experts in the field.

Have you done this? Have you researched biologist who do not accept evolution? Or only those who do accept evolution?

Zoe Doidge

Basically a Goddess
Have you done this? Have you researched biologist who do not accept evolution? Or only those who do accept evolution?

Biologists who don't accept evolution? That's like being an aerospace engineer that doesn't accept gravity. You'd only ever find such people in creation science, which is just pseudo-science.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Biologists who don't accept evolution? That's like being an aerospace engineer that doesn't accept gravity. You'd only ever find such people in creation science, which is just pseudo-science.

So only biologists who accept evolution are true biologists, in your opinion, and if a biologist doesn't swallow the ToE, they are not scientists?


Well-Known Member
When I see a lizard appear with some feathers and part of wing, it will be a very tiny step towards accepting what the world swallows. I believe in creation as the default answer ---- not because there is proof for creation, but because there is proof of God. Not because there is proof of creation, but because the evidence we have and lack of evidence says "evolution never happened."

Honestly.... I would not know where to begin (once again).


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
When I see a lizard appear with some feathers and part of wing, it will be a very tiny step towards accepting what the world swallows. I believe in creation as the default answer ---- not because there is proof for creation, but because there is proof of God. Not because there is proof of creation, but because the evidence we have and lack of evidence says "evolution never happened."

Honestly.... I would not know where to begin (once again).

The proof of creation lies within the creation itself. Just as a house demonstrates a builder, so the remarkable wisdom, forethought, and complexity in even the tiniest living thing demonstrates a remarkable intellect. A house does not engineer itself, and neither do birds capable of flying thousands of miles across trackless oceans to their nesting sites engineer themselves (to take a single example of tens of thousands.) As Romans 1:20 explains: "For [Gods] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they [those who deny God] are inexcusable."



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Zoe Doidge
Exactly. Understanding how evolution works is core to biology.

Agreed Rusra.

And just like you, I too, am waiting for that understanding of how evolution works. Talk about the greatest joke ever played on mankind.

Science PRETENDS not to have an agenda. But so much of their mission is to try to prove (in indirect subtlety) how we could have existed without God or a supreme intelligence. It is void of reason and logic.


The Lost One
mr black said:
The water isn't even the base cause of extinction salt or fresh. The thousands of tons of pressure exerted by that water would have pulverised everything except on the highest mountains. And they don't have vegetation to speak of.

That's a major flaw for one believe in the literal global flood.

Also, you have to consider food. There are those animals that eat plants, and those that eat meat. Meat-eating animals would have to eat those other animals that had survive the flood. And as for the plant-eating animals, like you said, there would be no land vegetation at this stage. Both type of creatures should have starve to extinction before one month out of the ark.

Creationists who believe in literal creation and flood as stated in the scriptures are unrealistic to the point of being delusional.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Ah yes, the Great Science Conspiracy. That secret cabal of biologists, geologists, anthropologists, physicists, biochemists, astrophysicists, etc. Who meet every third Tuesday of the month to discuss how they will further lead the world from God. Over 4 million scientists in the world are in on this pretext to destroy God. But they are just PRETENDING that there is no top=secret agenda.

Talk about void of reason and logic...:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the Great Science Conspiracy. That secret cabal of biologists, geologists, anthropologists, physicists, biochemists, astrophysicists, etc. Who meet every third Tuesday of the month to discuss how they will further lead the world from God. Over 4 million scientists in the world are in on this pretext to destroy God. But they are just PRETENDING that there is no top=secret agenda.

Talk about void of reason and logic...:facepalm:

  • Where are the scientific breakthroughs due to evolution? Dr Marc Kirschner, chair of the Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, stated: “In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.”9 Dr Skell wrote, “It is our knowledge of how these organisms actually operate, not speculations about how they may have arisen millions of years ago, that is essential to doctors, veterinarians, farmers … .”10 Evolution actually hinders medical discovery.11 Then why do schools and universities teach evolution so dogmatically, stealing time from experimental biology that so benefits humankind?See: creation.com/science#relevance.

Zoe Doidge

Basically a Goddess
  • Where are the scientific breakthroughs due to evolution? Dr Marc Kirschner, chair of the Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, stated: “In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.”9 Dr Skell wrote, “It is our knowledge of how these organisms actually operate, not speculations about how they may have arisen millions of years ago, that is essential to doctors, veterinarians, farmers … .”10 Evolution actually hinders medical discovery.11 Then why do schools and universities teach evolution so dogmatically, stealing time from experimental biology that so benefits humankind?See: creation.com/science#relevance.

Amusingly Dr. Kirschner isn't a creationist, and has written books and published journals on evolution. Here he's complaining about the situation, he thinks different fields in biology should interact more.

As for Dr. Skell, he's a chemist. He's way outside of his field of expertise here.

And this is one reason why nobody takes creation science seriously. They quote mine and lie to push their agenda all the time.


Resident Liberal Hippie
  • Where are the scientific breakthroughs due to evolution? Dr Marc Kirschner, chair of the Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, stated: “In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.”9 Dr Skell wrote, “It is our knowledge of how these organisms actually operate, not speculations about how they may have arisen millions of years ago, that is essential to doctors, veterinarians, farmers … .”10 Evolution actually hinders medical discovery.11 Then why do schools and universities teach evolution so dogmatically, stealing time from experimental biology that so benefits humankind?See: creation.com/science#relevance.
Oh goody! A quote mine from Johnathon Wells book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design"

Shall we follow up by including all the relevant paragraphs in the book?

“Over the last one hundred years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself.” Although he lamented this situation, Kirschner acknowledged: “Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.” If anything, Kirschner and Gerhart hope their book will have an impact at least as substantial on their colleagues in biology. For too long, they say, researchers in its different domains-from evolutionists in the field to cell biologists in the lab-have remained isolated. "I wouldn't call it an antagonism as much as one not knowing anything about the other," Gerhart offers.

Kirschner likes to invoke the much-quoted declaration of famed 20th-century biologist Theodesius Dobzhansky that "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" (the title of a 1973 essay). "In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself," Kirschner declares. "Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all."

Of course, maybe if you actually read Kirscher's book, you would get the full context of what he is saying.

Or you could just keep using the dishonest method of quote mining.

clyde fern

New Member
There is a person, calls himself Dr. dinasaur, he says that everything everything came into existance six thousand years ago. Although The Creator has existed forever, all of eternity, must have been awful lonely out there before six thousand years ago.