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Criss Angel (Illusionist)


Veteran Member
Just looked at the "half a woman" video and notice how the dress of the woman props up, so you can't see the whole woman on the other side laying down, who is moving her legs and toes.

Clever, but not that clever...
Criss Angel And Half A Woman!!

The bottom half never gets up and walks away, but lays there still, with the dress propped up so you can't see the top half of the woman.

It's all a bunch of clever editing to make it all seem like one sequence, when in reality it's a bunch of different sequences spliced together to create the illusion...

He choses one participant then another to make it seem spontaneous/not planned...and the whole woman who he choses, with the black skirt is different than the woman with the disability and the legs are stiff in that sequence until they pull away from that shot and then the legs are bent and moving with the skirt propped up...

The other woman never pulls the legs off the bench, because they are fake and if she did then the next sequence, with the toes, feet and legs moving would not be able to be shot... The whole woman on the bench is hidden behind the black skirt, which props up for the illusion that it's alive and to hide the whole woman... There are two similar looking women involved, with the same clothes on, one whole and the other with a severe disability, no legs...

The black dress hides the top half of the woman. Look again...

Everyone's in on this cruel joke...no one is innocent of what's going on, they're all actors...


Veteran Member
Check this out...

I served about 8 months in Yokohama, Japan on an LDS mission.

Many speak english fluently there, because they have spent time in the states, for instance at an American college, this guy speaks English fluently. He mixes English with Japanese.

A Japanese Criss Angel, shot in Yohohama, Japan

Levitation is real, I've experienced the powers which govern this, while serving an LDS mission to Japan, while in Fuji city...

These powers are real, whether he (this Japanese guy) is really levitating this woman, I don't know... Criss has pulled the same stunt...

Here is an illusion performed with the help of clever editing and acting...


Criss Angel building to building levitation illusion revealed..

Explain these, they're much harder to disect..

The only explanation is that one, or more, or all, are in on this, and they are all lying and acting their parts, including Criss...

Are these well known men in on these tricks or not ?????

Criss Angel fools Robin Leach

Criss Angel - The Amazing BOOK TRICK!

Can Criss read minds ??????

Is this what he means when he says, some things he does are real ????????

Criss Angel-Mentalism


Veteran Member
In this clip, Criss Angel interview, Criss states...

"A lot of what I do is real and a lot of it is pure illusion, I believe when the mind, body and spirit works together anything is possible, and what I try to do is connect with people and show everybody that, you know, you can live your life a little fuller, you can do what seems to be impossible, if you just confront your fear and overcome it."

A far cry from this Christian teaching...
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me"

Again, back to this one from Japan.

The shadows stay the same, indicating no editing/splicing or seperate sequences..

My only explanation is they computer generated/erased the wires out of the shot, which are holding her up...that's my only guess..

Real or an illusion ??? This one is hard to fugure out, best one I've seen so far...

A Japanese Criss Angel, shot in Yohohama, Japan

Since there is a wall on either side of them, there were probably wires strung across with wires coming down to support her. There is a slight mark around her chest, which seems to indicate a chord/wire around her chest...one of the supports/wires which were later computer edited/erased/generated out of the shot...

He chose a good location for this illusion and again the actors did a good job too as did the announcer, they are all in on it for sure, everyone...

With levitation the hair would also levitate...WHICH IT DOESN'T....proving it's a fake for sure....

I have literally felt the powers which govern levitation and all the aspects of your entire body levitate... as we see with the earth, for it "hangs upon nothing," according to scripture..

In these videos the head and/or sometimes the legs don't seem to be supported/levitated as also the hair, which should also levitate, thus proving these videos to be fake...


Veteran Member
Another computer generated fake...

Criss Angel : Luxor Light Levitation : High Quality Video

[SIZE=-1]Criss Angel Mindfreak Season 3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]4 min 45 sec -

An antichrist for sure.

God is the ultimate real levitationist.

Job 26: 7
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.


Just to make sure, you aren't suggesting that anything he does is more than stage illusions, right?

You don't believe that he has supernatural abilities, do you?



Veteran Member
Just to make sure, you aren't suggesting that anything he does is more than stage illusions, right?

You don't believe that he has supernatural abilities, do you?

After closely examining him and his performances it seems as if it's all fake...

But as for setting himself on fire and hanging by hooks imbedded in his skin, those were real stunts.

As for the levitation stunts, it's all fake, but levitation powers are real, God is the source of this power, we can never forget that...

Criss, in one of his acts, states, "If you can levitate yourself, call me"...because he can't obviously...

The power to levitate, read minds, etc. is real though, I've personally experienced both...

God is the source of these powers..

Job 26: 7
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Criss may be able to do some mind tricks, like read minds and navigate with the images he sees in his mind or the energy he feels, which we can all tap into. My former boss was able to read my mind to an astounding degree, it was amazing. These are things that are real. Whether Criss can read minds or drive blind, without the aid of any support/tricks, I can't say one way or another, because I have not obviously met him in person, so anything he films is subject to scrutiny by those not actually there...

I do however respect Mandy Moore and don't think she would be in on this trick as an actor, but you never know. She is a well respected Christian artist and actress, if she wasn't in on this stunt as an actor, then they were just using her to bring credibility to Criss' trick and for that purpose only as was Robin Leach... They may have just been brought in to bring more credibility to their tricks or these well known personalities were in on it..

This one has me stumped....

Would love to figure out how he did this one..

Criss Angel: Blind Car Drive with Mandy Moore

...and this one...

Criss Angel- motorcycle roulette part 1

Criss Angel - motorcycle roulette part 2

Either he's flat out lying here, or he has tapped into the energies present in the universe we can all tap into..

It's called intuition, the spirit, etc.. He claims to have tapped into his "inner voice" as he calls it...

Here's a quote from this clip.

Criss states, "Everybody has an inner voice, some call it intuition, my inner voice is pretty accurate most of the time, I've developed it and I listen to it, here I put it to the test"..

"Thou shalt not put the Lord thy god to the test".
~ Jesus speaking to Satan ~

Whether this is prearranged or not, his philosophies are clear...

On his second attempt in the video below, he states...

"Intuition is connectivity, Carrot Top's nervous energy was sending me very mixed signals, that only became clear at the last moment I could stop the bike, I tried to relax him to better connect with his inner voice"...

We have no inner voice, only the spirit of God/Christ, which is given to every man, according to scripture, which directs us in all aspects of our lives and helps us discern the truth from among the many lies fed to us daily.

He wears the cross of Christ, and bears the name Christopher, yet he teaches doctrines consistent with devils/demons...
Criss Angel - motorcycle roulette part 3

We have no "power within," only the powers given to us by God.

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me".


Veteran Member
Precognition ~ predicting the future

Are these kids in on this, are they all lying, is Criss lying, is something prearranged ????

Either Criss is flat out lying or he's able to predict certain future events.

He's got the mind of a devil. Satan can do the same thing, as can God, but God orchestrates all future events for the good of man, Satan, his demons and other followers on earth do not...

Criss Angel Mindfreak- Back to School part1


Veteran Member
Again, real or fake, it matters not, but his philosophies are being subtly engrained into people's lives..

Here, in this video clip of his show below, Criss states...

"The power that is in this hand can move a mountain, it can move a car, it can do anything you want to do, if you focus and if you believe."

These are my (FFH's) words. It's only through the power of God that we can move a mountain or do anything for that matter. There is absolutely no power within us to do anything, absolutely none...

This is why I call Criss an antichrist, because he teaches anti-Christian principles; doctrines of devils/demons...

Extremely subtle teachings, but very very affective in drawing the hearts of many away from God and onto themselves as the source of tjos power.

I AM GOD, is the underlying theme of all anti-Christian doctrines, which is the "spirit" of antichrist, which Christ said was already in the world when he was yet alive and walking on this earth...

This world will be drawn to this teaching like a fat man to pizza. The world will crumble and fall to this type of belief pushed by Satan and his angels...

Call me a feak, I don't care, I call it like it is; Satanic deceptions consistant with the spirit of antichrist...

Criss Angel - Back to School part 3


Veteran Member
Criss gets into this girls mind/head..

We can use these gifts for good or for evil, Criss uses these gifts for evil purposes, to push his anti-Christian philosophies onto unsuspecting individuals..

Christ said, "watch and pray," so that we will not be decieved, for his coming will be as a "thief in the night," to those not aware...

Criss Angel Mindfreak- Back to school part 2

Sorry guys, this dude is funny, but very scarey at the same time, teaching his philosophies of the "powers within," which don't exist in us at all, but come/originate from God, who is the source of all power...

Satan uses humor to engrain certain things into peoples mind without them knowing or realizing it..


Veteran Member
Criss stops his pulse...

Either he's a liar or a real freak/Satan incarnated individual ???

Hook up the EKG, but even then, none of us were would be there to prove or disprove this stunt, so it's all fake until proven otherwise, which is impossible for us to do, unless we have a personal session with him and are able to feel his pulse stop.....

Criss Angel mindfreak- my secret cabaret part 3

What a freak, but an affective one at that. He will draw away many to Satan's philosophies/doctrines of devils.


Liebe ist für alle da
We can use these gifts for good or for evil, Criss uses these gifts for evil purposes, to push his anti-Christian philosophies onto unsuspecting individuals..

Thank you, I love to know that anything that is not Christian is EVIL, that make me feel so much better. Ok now FFH get off your High Horse, there's not a lot of oxygen up there, mess with your head.


Obstructor of justice
So, exactly how many anti-Christs are there? First it was the Pope, now its Criss Angel?

And, I noticed recently that you certainly do spend a lot of time searching on the internet for, and immersing yourself in things you consider evil. I hear Christians say all the time that they "are to live in the world, but not be 'of the world'". So, your approach confuses me, as it seems to go against Biblical command not to surround yourself with evil things.

Next thing you know, you'll start collecting idols.


Veteran Member
So, exactly how many anti-Christs are there? First it was the Pope, now its Criss Angel?

And, I noticed recently that you certainly do spend a lot of time searching on the internet for, and immersing yourself in things you consider evil. I hear Christians say all the time that they "are to live in the world, but not be 'of the world'". So, your approach confuses me, as it seems to go against Biblical command not to surround yourself with evil things.

Next thing you know, you'll start collecting idols.
Exposing evil where I see it...


Veteran Member
Thank you, I love to know that anything that is not Christian is EVIL, that make me feel so much better. Ok now FFH get off your High Horse, there's not a lot of oxygen up there, mess with your head.
Nobody is perfect, but we can perfectly discern individuals who have evil agendas which contradict our own beliefs. ...


Obstructor of justice
Exposing evil where I see it...

And, in order to do that, you immerse yourself in evil. You focus on evil, and not on good. Your time would much much better spent focusing on God, and not looking for evil hiding under every corner. You seem to see evil everywhere, which leads me to believe that you have evil on the mind all the time. How else could you find it in so many places?

Not only that, but I doubt anyone is really interested in what you have to say about what is and isn't evil. I'd be willing to bet that most people are with me in saying that most of your claims in that respect are laughable.


Veteran Member
People need to get over the whole good and evil thing and just see it for what it is...