I just saw a documentary on tv, well streamed it. It included an interview with an actual pedophile currently under investigation by the police. This person said that he want to be cured from his condition. Curing pedophiles is not possible with today's understanding of medical science but maybe, one day it will be. This is the Pandora's box, once we figured out how to cure certain mental conditions, we are on the road to cure all of them. In some cases it would be voluntary treatments but soon peer pressure and sometime local law will force treatment on on everyone that are deviating form the norm. I guess most people would like the pedophiles cured but shall we force that on say, homosexuals? Homosexuality are illegal in some countries after all and those countries will most likely enforce the cure, and screen for closet gays to make sure they get them all. After that the cure can be used on people that disagree with an totalitarian government. We could end up with nations of living zombies that do what the government tells them to do, or else they be reprogrammed to want to obey. So, shall we risk opening Pandora's box or is the human mind something we should stay away from?