Grumpy Old Man
Tribal groups of the middle east have been killing each other for millennia, it is their tradition. After all its only 100 years since they were basically camel jockeys. They breed like rabbits because so many are expected to die young, multiple wives because of the depleted number of males etc. They are just another fringe social experiment that occurs regularly the same as Rwanda and Pol Pot in Cambodia a few years back. We are horrified at the beheadings but are they really any worse than the gas chamber or electric chair practiced by "civilized" states such as the USA.
Iraq was defined by the British and French after WW1, where economics rather than demographics decided borders. I believe this is the root cause, Iraq should be split into three, Kurdistan in the North, Shiastan in the east, and Sunniland in the west. Many religions talk of peace yet practice war, under the pretext of "protecting" their particular brand of "holy literature", which has extensive descriptions of how to conduct war "in the name of" so and so. Remember these countries have some of the lowest education levels in the world, they are taught by wrote learning rather than taught to think, so are easily manipulated.
Education and competitiveness of the west has led to some disillusioned well educated youth to give up being a small fish in a big pond and idealistically seek to join these tribal loonies in the fanciful belief of becoming a big fish in a small pond. I wonder how many had their illusions shattered on arrival, having their phones and passports confiscated and thrown in at the deep end to kill or be killed. Having killed they are now permanently trapped.
My opinion is let them kill each other, it is their tradition, then we can clean up whats left. We could Nuke the entire middle east and they would simply pop up again some where else such as Pakistan or Indonesia etc.
Although the appalling acts of 911, Beirut, Istanbul, Bali and most recently Paris etc are despicable acts of violence, the actual chance of being killed by a terrorist is less than being struck by lightning, yet the west spends billions "defending" itself and restricting personal freedoms causing factionalism and marginalization of minorities that help perpetuate the problem.
It is the ideology that must be attacked and reckoned with, that can only occur through education.
Iraq was defined by the British and French after WW1, where economics rather than demographics decided borders. I believe this is the root cause, Iraq should be split into three, Kurdistan in the North, Shiastan in the east, and Sunniland in the west. Many religions talk of peace yet practice war, under the pretext of "protecting" their particular brand of "holy literature", which has extensive descriptions of how to conduct war "in the name of" so and so. Remember these countries have some of the lowest education levels in the world, they are taught by wrote learning rather than taught to think, so are easily manipulated.
Education and competitiveness of the west has led to some disillusioned well educated youth to give up being a small fish in a big pond and idealistically seek to join these tribal loonies in the fanciful belief of becoming a big fish in a small pond. I wonder how many had their illusions shattered on arrival, having their phones and passports confiscated and thrown in at the deep end to kill or be killed. Having killed they are now permanently trapped.
My opinion is let them kill each other, it is their tradition, then we can clean up whats left. We could Nuke the entire middle east and they would simply pop up again some where else such as Pakistan or Indonesia etc.
Although the appalling acts of 911, Beirut, Istanbul, Bali and most recently Paris etc are despicable acts of violence, the actual chance of being killed by a terrorist is less than being struck by lightning, yet the west spends billions "defending" itself and restricting personal freedoms causing factionalism and marginalization of minorities that help perpetuate the problem.
It is the ideology that must be attacked and reckoned with, that can only occur through education.