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Daily philosophy


Well-Known Member

- Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet (French Proverb)

- Patience is the companion of wisdom - St. Augustine (354-430)


Veteran Member
Of Death

Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children, is increased with tales, so is the other.

Certainly, the contemplation of death, as the wages of sin, and passage to another world, is holy and religious; but the fear of it, as a tribute due unto nature, is weak.

Yet in religious meditations, there is sometimes mixture of vanity, and of superstition.

Of Unity

The fruits of unity (next unto the well pleasing of God, which is all in all) are two: the one, towards those that are without the church, the other, towards those that are within.

For the former; it is certain, that heresies, and schisms, are of all others the greatest scandals; yea, more than corruption of manners.

For as in the natural body, a wound, or solution of continuity, is worse than a corrupt humor; so in the spiritual. So that nothing, doth so much keep men out of the church and drive men out of the church, as breach of unity.

Francis Bacon, in an collection of Essays written for the Duke of Buckingham.


Angel slayer
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her


Veteran Member
This is lyrically my favourite song. It's very "tripped out" but download it and have a listen. I think the innocence of emotion this band carries is wonderful

Yes - And You & I

A man conceived a moment’s answers to the dream,
Staying the flowers daily, sensing all the themes.
As a foundation left to create the spiral aim,
A movement regained and regarded both the same,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

Changed only for a sight of sound, the space agreed.
Between the picture of time behind the face of need,
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

Turn round tailor, coins and
Assaulting all the mornings of the crosses
Interest shown, never know
Presenting one another to the cord, their fruitless worth;
All left dying, rediscovered cords are broken,
Of the door that turned round, locked inside
To close the cover, the mother earth.
All the interest shown, they won’t
To turn one another, to the sign hide, hold, they won’t
At the time tell you, watching the world,
To float your climb. watching all of the world,
Watching us go by.

And you and I climb over the sea to the valley,
And you and I reached out for reasons to call.

Ii. eclipse

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
As a movement regained and regarded both the same,
All complete in the side of seeds of life with you.

Iii. the preacher the teacher

Sad preacher nailed upon the coloured door of time;
Insane teacher be there reminded of the rhyme.
There’ll be no mutant enemy we shall certify;
Political ends, as sad remains, will die.
Reach out as forward tastes begin to enter you.
Ooh, ooh.

I listened hard but could not see
Life tempo change out and inside me.
The preacher trained in all to lose his name;
The teacher travels, asking to be shown the same.
In the end, we’ll agree, we’ll accept, we’ll immortalise
That the truth of the man maturing in his eyes,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
As a moment regained and regarded both the same,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you.

Iv. apocalypse (anderson/bruford/howe/squire)

And you and I climb, crossing the shapes of the morning.
And you and I reach over the sun for the river.
And you and I climb, clearer, towards the movement.
And you and I called over valleys of endless seas.


Angel slayer
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up


Veteran Member
We come into our world formless, and leave it the same. The time in between is wasted preceiving Form in a universe constantly in motion.


Angel slayer
Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas, I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human spirit is more important


Active Member
The soul is not born, nor does it die. That self has not come from anywhere, has not become anyone.
Unborn, changeless, primeval, everlasting, that self is not slain when the body is slain.

Katha Upanishad



Angel slayer
If a technological feat is possible, man will do it. Almost as if it's wired into the core of our being.


Veteran Member
All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness.

Mark Kennedy


Active Member
Significantly, Vishnu (Krishna) here identifies himself with
Shiva. This seems a contradiction in terms since the former is
credited with the creation of the world and the latter with its
destruction (death). However, God clarifies matters:

"I am immortality (amrita) as well as death (mrityu)." (9.19)

"I am the all-depriving death and also the source of all future
beings." (10.34) BG.



Active Member
All the animate and inaminate beings that comprise the universe, which has the form of an unbroken circle, are permeated by Brahman who is beyond these.
I bow to that supreme reality.

Skanda Purana