I apologise for any insult, MG. As I understand it, though, your dairy is a family business on the S. island of New Zealand and I suspect it is not typical of the factory farms that now dominate the market in many parts of the world.
Still, I'd ask if your cows, and their calves -- however well treated whilst in your care -- were allowed to live out their natural lifespans.
Letting them do that isn't viable at all, so no - having said that though, they are treated well at least until they leave the farm on a truck. From there, naturally, I have no idea, and no control on how they're treated on the way to the pet food place (Cats and dogs in cities and towns have got to eat too!
). However I'm confident that they're sold to a company that does treat them humanely. The trucking company is different altogether, they are contracted by the pet food company. I know we do the best we can to ensure the best treatment, but like I said alot of things are out of our control, just as alot of things are out of the control of the meat company we sell to - they have no idea how well or badly the stock were treated before they received them.
Oh yeah, we do set aside one beast a year or so for our own meat. And when needed, he'll be shot in the paddock by the butcher who will then take it away and butcher it for us. A much more pleasant way to die, btw, than being mauled by a pack of dogs in the wild