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Darwin movie too hot for the big screen in USA


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Are people in America making a fuss about this? You should if you want that film showing in your country. I would be annoyed, very annoyed. I would want to be able to see this film on the big screen. Do something about it!

You're probably going to get sick of hearing me say this, but everything boils down to economics.

I suspect that there's not a huge market on the big screen for this film. Believe me, if there was money to be made from it, it would be playing in every venue.

That's what I love about Netflix - I can watch all sorts of great movies from independent filmmakers and across the globe - on my own private big screen.

For a lot less money too!


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Man, I love me some Netflix. I have four movies downstairs right now, just waiting for me. I feel rich!

I've really gotten into German cinema lately. They've been putting out some good flicks for the past few years.

I'm also a big fan of Bollywood.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Man, I love me some Netflix. I have four movies downstairs right now, just waiting for me. I feel rich!

I've really gotten into German cinema lately. They've been putting out some good flicks for the past few years.

I'm also a big fan of Bollywood.

I haven't watched many German films. Haha, I love Bollywood! Not because they are particularly good. I love it specifically because it is so silly. Even the most tradgic plots in Bollywood films seem to keep me amused and smiling.
I like Italian films! And some French films, though I haven't seen too many of those either.
I haven't watched many German films. Haha, I love Bollywood! Not because they are particularly good. I love it specifically because it is so silly. Even the most tradgic plots in Bollywood films seem to keep me amused and smiling.
I like Italian films! And some French films, though I haven't seen too many of those either.

lol channel 4 on a saturday morning watching such delights as this , BEST VERSION OF SUPERMAN EVAH!

YouTube - Indian Superman


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Bollywood Thriller is freaking HILARIOUS!!!!!

I love Bollywood because it's so over the top.

I also really love so many independent films. A couple that come to my mind from recent times are "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Juno."

Also, isn't "Bella" an independent film?

French films are some of my favorites as well. Has anyone seen "The Eighth Day?" Wow, what a movie.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Bollywood Thriller is freaking HILARIOUS!!!!!

I love Bollywood because it's so over the top.

I also really love so many independent films. A couple that come to my mind from recent times are "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Juno."

Also, isn't "Bella" an independent film?

French films are some of my favorites as well. Has anyone seen "The Eighth Day?" Wow, what a movie.

I haven't seen Bella or The Eighth Day. Recommendable?
This is for me Religious backlash. The Media do not want to offend anyone by showing something that could affect their ratings or $. America is under such a religious umberella of self protection it will stop anything thats controversial to the core. Passion of christ and last temptation of christ got to the cinema and they were based on a belief and an idea of how things may have been. This is based on a factual life that existed, he wanted and discovered factual theory based on evidence. What we know already of DNA is also helping to prove the routes of life in its basic form.

Its a shame that those people that need to see this wont ever get the chance. Those that search for the film online are those that are already open to other idea's.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Are people in America making a fuss about this? You should if you want that film showing in your country. I would be annoyed, very annoyed. I would want to be able to see this film on the big screen. Do something about it!

Wave cash and yell, "PUT IT ON"! :D

Personally, like Gmonon stated earlier on, I believe this to be a marketing decision rather than as a result of any religious oriented pressure. I'm still holding out that they maybe some distributors are waiting to see if there is enough clamor for the film in the U.S. If there are enough wallets, I would think they will pick it up and show it without hesitation.
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Tu Stultus Es
Personally, like Gmonon stated earlier on, I believe this to be a marketing decision rather than as a result of any religious oriented pressure. I'm still holding out that they maybe some distributors are waiting to see if there is enough clamor for the film in the U.S. If there are enough wallets, I would think they will pick it up and show it without hesitation.
The hesitation was mainly an economic issue; advanced reviews have been weak, Jon Amiel is not well known, Bettany and Connelly, while repectable actors, are not leads who have shown they can carry a film. I'm not surprised distributors are wary in this economic climate. I mean this is the movie season where an established director like Apatow released Funny People, a major film with a proven box office draw in Adam Sandler, that just flopped. Back in May at Cannes, U.S. distributors were down 100%(!) in purchasing distribution rights.

It appears to have been a manufactured controversy, generated and exaggerated by the producers and director. Creation does have U.S. distributor now. There's a bidding war and it'll be over with by Friday I bet. So yeah, it's going to be theatrically released.

Heh, ironically Von Trier's film Antichrist was purchased by IFC for U.S. release. Maybe if Creation had a more lurid title and graphic scenes of genital mutilation it would've been picked up immediately. :D


I think that goal has been achieved already, just not celebrated.

It is every time people compare Obama to Hitler.

There would be no fanatical, hysterical fear of healthcare and economic recovery if the American people were even slightly educated in history, ethics, and economics.

Republicans are allowing the scum of our country to speak for them, and that is artless and unpatriotic.


Oldest Heretic
Do the Amaricans make any serious films and TV.
We have loads of Stuff over here from your studios, but it is all popular nonsense, which is fine for filling in spare time, but you soon get bored with it.


Tu Stultus Es
Do the Amaricans make any serious films and TV.
We have loads of Stuff over here from your studios, but it is all popular nonsense, which is fine for filling in spare time, but you soon get bored with it.
Sure we do. American filmmakers are varied and have contributed extensively to film and tv. But the stuff that hits the theaters and homes abroad is the popular stuff that obviously has a huge market in the U.K. and elsewhere. There's a reason American pop culture does well abroad; the world is consuming the same crap that Americans consume. The cream of the crop of pop culture tends to get skimmed off and it's the dregs that find their way to other countries simply because that's what the majority enjoy watching.

But some of the best films and tv shows of the last 5 years have come from the U.S.: The Wire, Mad Men, Dexter, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Deadwood, Generation Kill, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, etc.
And film! Wow... I mean just the last few years we've had No Country for Old Men, Pixar films, Brokeback Mountain, There Will be Blood, Milk, The Hurt Locker, Syriana, etc. And those are just the extremely popular films; there are smaller indie films that are equally if not more impressive.



Well-Known Member
Do the Amaricans make any serious films and TV.
We have loads of Stuff over here from your studios, but it is all popular nonsense, which is fine for filling in spare time, but you soon get bored with it.

I just watched Gran Torino the other day it was a good American flick but we do have a lot of shallow crap coming out of our culture.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Do the Amaricans make any serious films and TV.
We have loads of Stuff over here from your studios, but it is all popular nonsense, which is fine for filling in spare time, but you soon get bored with it.

We didn't have anything good until you sent us American Idol, Chef Ramsey, and Supernanny. Thanks for enriching our inferior culture.
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