Well-Known Member
What Darwin has done is manipulate abstractions rather than performing a single experiment.
The manipulation of abstractions is often called 'inductive reasoning". While I don't believe it is never correct the results are very much language and thought dependent. Results may not in any way reflect reality. Typically results are "correct" only in a left handed sort of way or are correct only from a single perspective. There is far too much inductive reasoning in all the soft sciences. Like all conclusions they are very difficult to shake because they are founded in fundamental beliefs and we all reason circularly.
Darwin's primary belief was that no "God" is required to explain life. He then proceeded to study the change ibn life inductively without ever even defining "consciousness" which in tandem with genetics explains all behavior and is the cause of the change in species he simply ignored while focusing on abstractions. He believed there was no God and then determined there was no need for God to explain all of life. The reality is whether there is a God or not he missed it by a country mile. The reality we should pray to God he was wrong about everything and we'll prove it BEFORE we go extinct. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.