This highlights much of what I'm trying to tell you; that perception is language and beliefs. Human consciousness is wholly different than all other consciousness which is the very means that individuals use to survive. It is NOT fitness that allows success or survival, it IS consciousness. These aren't mere words as they are perceived but rather the very nature of life. Survival doesn't derive from fitness because all healthy individuals are equally fit rather survival depends from behavior which is an expression of an individual's genes and his experience which in turn derives largely from his genes.
Having watched you argue with people with a lot more knowledge than you for a (long) while, I decided to just pick one post as random. Man, I can't tell you how wrong you are, how little you understand about anything you claim to "know."
Human consciousness is no different from any other consciousness, where consciousness exists. The intelligence that can use to inspect and analyze our conscious awareness may be orders of magnitude greater, but that is not even close to the same thing.
And we do not use consciouse "to survive." What nonsense -- you can be very conscious of the fact that your are dying, right up until the moment you've done so. You can consciously do things so stupid that they'll inevitably result in your death (we have Darwin Awards for that).
Also, you confuse survival of the individual with survival of characteristics (generally the result of genetic variance). Any genetic variation that results in more offspring with the same genetic trait (whether through simply surviving long enough to reproduce, or through producing more offspring than those without the trait), will mean that genetic variation will quickly, within very few generations, overtake and replace the unvaried gene.
This has no similarity at all to Darwin's illusion. Significant change in species ONLY occurs when most typical behavior of a species is eradicated. The typical genes driving the typical behavior is lost leaving only individuals with atypical behavior and atypical genes and atypical experience. These already different individuals breed a new "species". This new species is based not on the niche which exists at their birth but on the genes of their parents. But like all life this new species will quickly adapt to fit the new niche.
The first sentence is nonsense of the first order. What on earth does "most typical behavor of a species" even mean? Coloration, as a very simple example, is not a "behavior" at all. It's simply a means (often) to remain hidden while another of your kind without that color change gets to be dinner. Behavior has zero to do with that. (Google "peppered moth" for more information.)
And while you are correct that species characteristics are the result of parental genes (rather than the niche that exists at their birth), you totally miss the fact that those genes are occasionally mis-transcribed during reproduction. Most mis-transcriptions are harmful, but a few make it more likely that the inheritor, in "the niche that exists at their birth," will be more likely than others of its kind to pass on the newly modified gene to many more offspring -- thus magnifying the effect of that change signifcantly, within very few generations.
These are very simple concepts supported by observation and experiment. Darwin's illusion has no support except people want to believe it. People want to imagine they are the fit ones just as Egyptologists want to believe they would be the guy with the whip instead of the guy dragging stones up ramps. People believe what we want because we use analog language and abstraction to exist in a digital very concrete reality.
Those may be "very simple concepts," but you have shown precisely zero observation and experiment to support them. The rest of that segment of your post simply reminds me of those who like to think reincarnation is real -- that is, how many who think they've lived before imagined that they were kings, nobles, saints, Jesus, famous or what-have-you, versus how many claim that they were toilet cleaners, slaves and other vermin-infested low-lifes (who were, in fact, the vast majority of the population)? QED.