No one can really explain evolution even though they try. They obviously offer explanations but it does not and cannot explain really how it happened, even though yes, they offer explanations. One is: "While there is
no direct fossil evidence for the evolution of DNA (because of its size and fragility), scientists have
theorized on its origins based on verified laboratory evidence." Oh? They've theorized based on verified laboratory evidence? Really?
The explanation offered goes on: "One theory goes like this: RNA, the compliment molecule to DNA, was the first to evolve naturally from materials already common in the pre-biotic Earth."
But if I were in school again I'd hear it and then figure ok kind of with a slight shrug of the shoulder IF I believed it, knowing of course as a student of science that things change.
So maybe yes, maybe no, I'd figure
The article goes on, "Self-replication was achieved through catalytic actions in RNA-based molecules, called ribosomes,
or possibly through an intermediary molecule. This step still remains unverified to science as of this writing."
Uh-huh. Unverified. Or possibly. Maybe? Maybe not. But let's figure.