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Darwin's Illusion


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Brain chemistry is no more "consciousness" than is a brain. It is no more "consciousness" than is the brain of a rabbit that's been run over by a bus. We might be able to one day understand "consciousness" on this path but I seriously doubt it. A live rabbit has a better understanding of consciousness than any neurosurgeon or microbiologist. A bee must understand consciousness to dance.

I've done so many times.

The work required is extensive and will take centuries.

It will be far easier going forward after we reinvent ancient science. This can go very quickly.

No. At worst this is a tempest in a teapot.

There are five serious threats to the species and the most imminent is "Tower of Babel 2.0". This will result from the breakdown in communication and the impossibility of amalgamating the many scientific disciplines. It is already affecting the economy because businesses are working against themselves with none of their hands knowing what the others are doing.

Also imminent is human obsolescence as machine intelligence takes over. AI is a dead end but there will be machine intelligence within twenty years.

I believe much of the corruption choking the world is really just a symptom of the hostile takeover of science by monied interests. The tower looms.

Our problems all stem from confusion and belief. The tool we call "science" has already done nearly as much work as its design makes possible. I believe it must be combined with ancient science to move forward because there is no going back.
Hello. While this is interesting to an extent, some things are automatic, meaning no thinking is involved. I haven't spoken to a bee lately, and frankly, I hope no bee ever speaks to me, but -- I think bee dancing is not something a bee thinks about. Similarly, to be a queen bee is not something that bee would contemplate, or think about. Some things are programmed, reactive, and the word conscious would not relate here. Also, conscious would not equate to being alive. For instance, a person can be alive yet not conscious. OK, nice speaking with you, take care.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
So how did it happen?
I believe God created the various groups. It is possible certainly that within a group there have been genetic changes making various entities, but I cannot say which ones, although bats and the various types of birds seem to be indicative of changes that are more or less permanent within a group.


The Lost One
By "metaphysics" I mean "the basis of science".

You realize that metaphysics is a philosophy, not science.

Saying it is the "basis of science" are irrelevant and meaningless, as there are number of other "basis of science", such as Natural Philosophy, cause-and-effect, Empiricism, Verificationism, Logical Positivism, Metaphysical Naturalism, Methodological Naturalism, Experimentation, etc.

The only ones relevant are Methodological Naturalism with the specifications of...
  • Falsifiability
  • Scientific Method
...being steps required for any prospective models of being "scientific".

Metaphysics is outdated and overrated philosophy, with only very limited uses in Natural Sciences.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You have the most remarkably dim and
sketchy idea about biology.
No wonder you don't believe ToE.
Nobody in his right mind would believe
the things you talk about.
I think, in fact my review is based on evidence, you are wrong. But -- is that which makes the world go round? :)
Hey, take care and have a good one! In the meantime, think about it.
Just to reiterate, I don't believe in the ToE because there is no PROOF of it at all. It is conjecture by figuring fossils as evidence, but -- as there is -- no - proof. What I have found, however, is that every time someone with more education about these things (like biochemists, etc.) puts forth his ideas relating to WHY the ToE is not realistic he is ridiculed by others. With or without biochemical education and/or education in physics, quantum mechanics or otherwise. :) Even though they keep pondering and changing their minds over things. Not even evidence.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You have the most remarkably dim and
sketchy idea about biology.
No wonder you don't believe ToE.
Nobody in his right mind would believe
the things you talk about.
Just to mention, I suppose you believe those who get messages from beyond, consort with spirits, believe in hellfire are in their right minds?


The Lost One
Just to reiterate, I don't believe in the ToE because there is no PROOF of it at all. It is conjecture by figuring fossils as evidence, but -- as there is -- no - proof.​

And that’s why you are not a scientist, because you are still mistakenly confusing proofs with evidence.

Science required evidence, not proof.​

You are just another science illiterate creationist, who talking about science that you don’t even understand.

A person who cannot learn from his or her mistakes, no matter how many times that person have been corrected, is stubbornly ignorant...as well as being intellectually dishonest.

Fossils are not conjecture, they are evidence, but your failed high school education is not enough to dictate what is conjecture?

Are you experienced paleontologist, YoursTrue? Have you ever worked in the fields of paleontology or in stratigraphy? What qualifications do you have? Do you even have any degree in any field of natural sciences? Biology?

Is it arrogance or ignorance that you make such a bold claim that you cannot support except waving the Bible around, and proclaiming the absurd “God did it” superstition?

Proof isn’t evidence. Pick up a biology book for goodness sake, and learn to read it.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't believe in the ToE because there is no PROOF of it at all
That's not credible. Proof isn't necessary for you (or the critical thinker) to believe either way, and only the empiricist requires compelling evidence before belief, the faith-based thinker not needing even that. You no doubt don't accept the ToE because it contradicts your faith-based creationist beliefs. If it didn't, you would likely have no more opinion about it than you do about quantum theory.

You seem to believe that evolution shouldn't be believed without more and better evidence, but don't require that for gods. Why do you have a different standard of belief for gods and the theory of evolution? If you used the same standards for both, whatever they were, either both would be believable (belief by faith) or only the science (belief following sufficient evidence). Only by using your double standard to you accept the religion and reject the science, and if you're interested, that fallacy is called special pleading.
every time someone with more education about these things (like biochemists, etc.) puts forth his ideas relating to WHY the ToE is not realistic he is ridiculed
Ridicule is reserved for ideas that indicate a lack of understanding of the science or the rules of evidence and the hubris required to argue with somebody educated in the area with a few false or irrelevant bullet points gleaned from a creationist site. Bring a serious idea to the experts, and they may reject it, but they won't ridicule it. The idea that there might be irreducible complexity in biological systems was not ridiculed, nor were the examples offered, all refuted without ridicule. Ridicule was reserved for crackpot ideas like Behe's definition of a scientific theory, but not his allegedly irreducibly complex mousetrap, where he was merely refuted and shown that he was wrong.

You could have been (but weren't) ridiculed for your first comment above, because it does demonstrate a lack of understanding of the basics of science, and it feigns an understanding of and respect for empiricism and critical analysis. In so doing, it gives homage to reason and evidence the way hypocrisy, another example of an unjustified double standard, does to virtue, but doesn't employ them properly. Ridicule is also often evoked by references to macroevolution being impossible because nobody has ever observed it, or man not being an animal or an ape, or evolution being only a theory. Those are litmus tests for eye rolling reactions from serious students of the sciences.

"The problem with today’s world is that everyone believes they have the right to express their opinion AND have others listen to it. The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!" - Brian Cox

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them." -Thomas Jefferson


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I believe God created the various groups. It is possible certainly that within a group there have been genetic changes making various entities, but I cannot say which ones, although bats and the various types of birds seem to be indicative of changes that are more or less permanent within a group.

So you agree with evolution you just want to put limits on it to keep it within your religious beliefs?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
So you agree with evolution you just want to put limits on it to keep it within your religious beliefs?
First let me say other than some figuring it must have been evolution when comparing types of animals and fossils, there IS no proof. Then allow me to say that if a group of humans produce people with dark skin or long legs on a regular basis, this is not evolution. Humans remain humans. And so far that's about how I look at it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And that’s why you are not a scientist, because you are still mistakenly confusing proofs with evidence.

Science required evidence, not proof.​

You are just another science illiterate creationist, who talking about science that you don’t even understand.

A person who cannot learn from his or her mistakes, no matter how many times that person have been corrected, is stubbornly ignorant...as well as being intellectually dishonest.

Fossils are not conjecture, they are evidence, but your failed high school education is not enough to dictate what is conjecture?

Are you experienced paleontologist, YoursTrue? Have you ever worked in the fields of paleontology or in stratigraphy? What qualifications do you have? Do you even have any degree in any field of natural sciences? Biology?

Is it arrogance or ignorance that you make such a bold claim that you cannot support except waving the Bible around, and proclaiming the absurd “God did it” superstition?

Proof isn’t evidence. Pick up a biology book for goodness sake, and learn to read it.
Since science does not require proof, the evidence itself is more than questionable. It is like a jigsaw puzzle. Scientists trying to fit in the pieces but they can't. The frame just isn't there. Until you can show me evidence of a frame and evidence where the pieces fit exactly, it just isn't more than guesswork. As you say, no proof. Doesn't matter whether science requires proof or not. The real evidence just... isn't...there.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
First let me say other than some figuring it must have been evolution when comparing types of animals and fossils, there IS no proof. Then allow me to say that if a group of humans produce people with dark skin or long legs on a regular basis, this is not evolution. Humans remain humans. And so far that's about how I look at it.

I really have no idea how to follow your conversations. You were talking about groups of animals (bats and birds) and now you've changed to leg length and skin colour in humans. It really makes it impossible to have any sort of meaningful discussion.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I really have no idea how to follow your conversations. You were talking about groups of animals (bats and birds) and now you've changed to leg length and skin colour in humans. It really makes it impossible to have any sort of meaningful discussion.
Same as I think about you. So you go your path and I'll go mine. Take care.


Well-Known Member
Hello. While this is interesting to an extent, some things are automatic, meaning no thinking is involved. I haven't spoken to a bee lately, and frankly, I hope no bee ever speaks to me, but -- I think bee dancing is not something a bee thinks about. Similarly, to be a queen bee is not something that bee would contemplate, or think about. Some things are programmed, reactive, and the word conscious would not relate here. Also, conscious would not equate to being alive. For instance, a person can be alive yet not conscious. OK, nice speaking with you, take care.

No bee experiences "thought" at all. What homo omnisciencis thinks is "thinking" is the comparison of sensory input with his beliefs.
Consciousness has no beliefs and no abstractions. But the bee really does "think", it is just as conscious as you or I. Consciousness is the tool with which all living things are equipped to succeed and procreate. This consciousness is distinct to the species and varies only slightly between individuals and between species. It is all formatted the same way in every species. It is individual. Think of it like a universal language with many mutually intelligible dialects.

Nothing is really "programmed" except the hard wiring of the brain which we mistake for "instinct". There is no such thing and it is not a survival characteristic per se because it limits the individual's response. Every rabbit will seek shelter because of a hawk but it is not instinct; it is hard wiring. A rabbit might choose not to run at the sight of a hawk but such rabbits are unlikely to survive long. If you hung a scare hawk over your garden the rabbit would learn to not run in time.

Bees and rabbits understand most all of this but humans mistake thought for both intelligence and consciousness. We are essentially sleep walking while suppressing all our hard wiring. We live in a virtual dream world created by our beliefs.

I contend that in order to have a consistent definition of consciousness that also agrees with all known experiment there is no other possible definition.

I am not contending that consciousness is in any way related to God or to any act of God. It exists and it exists in all life. I believe that at this juncture the necessity or non-existence of God is irrelevant to science. One day we might need to postulate a Supreme Being or Initial Cause but we are far too ignorant to address such a thing at this time.

Consciousness is at the very root of ALL life and at the heart of ALL change in species.


Well-Known Member
You realize that metaphysics is a philosophy, not science.

More word games. You never never tire of word games and semantics.

I defined it as "the basis of science" and then spelled out exactly what "basis of science" means.

Deal with it and quit wasting peoples' time.


Well-Known Member
Its justification is that it works ─ beyond argument the most successful system for advancing human knowledge about the world external to the self that we've ever had.

How do you think ancient people invented agriculture and explained fossils?

They used ancient science. This was very poor for generating technology but it did generate a great deal of understanding. Its metaphysics was language just like other life forms.

But we know about gravity, and I can't think of any sense in which "we've forgotten how we know it.

Oh. Then tell me what causes it and whether it's faster or slower than the speed of light.

...proceedings of science in modern Western society. Is that right?

Science now days is bought and paid for. The same people who bring us wide spread corruption bring us Soup of the Day Science.

There is still some real science but not so much now days.

Please give me an example of "the best scientists" making the "error" you speak of.

Even Richard Feynman can sound like a mystic to a metaphysician.

What then do we experience through our senses, if not the world external to us, aka objective reality?

Under hypnosis you will develop a blister if touched by a pencil after being told it is a lit cigarette.

I define objective reality as the world external to the self, which we know about through our senses,...


We see what we believe.
Last edited:


The Lost One
Since science does not require proof, the evidence itself is more than questionable. It is like a jigsaw puzzle. Scientists trying to fit in the pieces but they can't. The frame just isn't there. Until you can show me evidence of a frame and evidence where the pieces fit exactly, it just isn't more than guesswork. As you say, no proof. Doesn't matter whether science requires proof or not. The real evidence just... isn't...there.

You don’t even know what these words are, YoursTrue.

Just by reading the your post, I can see that you are not qualified as a scientist.

Creationists are like at preschool level, lacking the maturity to learn from one’s mistakes, no matter how many times one were corrected.

Until you understand what each words mean, in their proper contexts.

The last part - “in their proper contexts” - is very vital, because a word can have multiple meanings or definitions, for different spheres or settings, so a word can have different usages, like say,
  • law court setting vs science setting,
  • finance setting vs plumbing setting
  • mathematics vs science
  • science vs engineering
  • physics vs chemistry
  • physics vs biology
  • astronomy vs biology
  • and so on.
What I am getting at, is that when you use certain word in their respective & correct setting, it will allow two or more people to understand each other.

For example, when you hear the word “period”, for the majority of settings, period relates to time or cycle of time, but among group within chemistry setting, period can mean groups of atoms in the periodic table and so the word period has nothing to do with “time”.

Likewise, when anyone used the word “metal”. For majority of people it is any metallic substance that are pure or alloyed (mixing two or more different types of metals). It means the same thing in astronomy, except when you are talking about the chemical or elementary composition of any star. In stellar chemical composition, metal or metallicity means any elements heavier than helium, so lithium, oxygen, nitrogen & carbon having more mass than helium (thus more protons & more neutrons), are each considered “metal” in a star’s “metallicity”.

Another example, theory is a word that mean - assumptions, conjecture or speculations - for anyone with non-scientific background.

BUT in any field or subfields of Physical Sciences and Natural Sciences, a “theory” or more precisely a “scientific theory” is a former falsifiable “hypothesis”, which would include sets of detailed “models”, and each models that have been successfully and thoroughly “tested”. These “tests” are observations of the phenomena, which can be referred to as evidence, experiments and data.

A scientific theory and hypothesis is similar in many ways. However, a scientific theory are explanations that have been tested and accepted by scientific community, and therefore are considered factual knowledge.

While a hypothesis is proposed explanations that either awaiting to be tested or currently undergoing testing (this would be working hypothesis ). So a hypothesis haven’t yet been accepted as being true or false, therefore have been verified one way or the other.

The differences between hypothesis & scientific theory, is that a hypothesis only need to be falsifiable, while a scientific theory MUST PASS ALL 3 CRITERIA or requirements:
  1. Falsifiability
  2. Scientific Method (especially the testing (& analysis) step, so a hypothesis must be tested before considerations of being to “scientific theory” status)
  3. Peer Review
Evidence are essential to all 3 requirements. You cannot accept any hypothesis as true or as science, until there are sufficient evidence & data to support the hypothesis. No explanations and no predictions in any hypothesis or any theory are ever accepted as true by-default, without testing or without evidence.

Now, this is where you, and just about every creationists don’t understand, and seemed incapable of learning: the differences between proof and evidence.

Proof is a logical model or logical statement, which are often expressed mathematically, like formula or like mathematical equations, which contained variable(s), constant(s) and number(s).

Proofs or equations are usually included in the explanations or predictions, or both, as part of the explanation or prediction.

And like the explanations or predictions within a hypothesis or within a theory, no proofs or equations are ever accepted as true by-default. Equations or proofs MUST BE TESTED TOO.

Proof, like the explanations and predictions, can be wrong, YoursTrue. And to determine if the proofs or equations are true or false, you would have to test them with evidence or with experiments.

No proofs are true in science, unless it is supported by sufficient evidence.

Proofs, such as equations, are manmade “logic” that can be wrong, false or incorrect, so it cannot determine which hypothesis or hypothesis is true. That because proofs are abstract.

Evidence, on the other hand, is physical, not abstract. Evidence are the observations of the physical phenomena.

It is the phenomena that we are trying to learn and understand, YoursTrue.

As I said to you here, and in past threads, proof and evidence are not used interchangeably in sciences and in mathematics. They are the same.

Yes, people do used both words as if they were synonymous, like in law enforcement and in law courts or court procedures. But they are not treated the same among scientists and mathematicians. Police, lawyers and judges are not scientists, nor mathematicians.

So the words evidence & proof have different contexts in law setting and in science & mathematics settings.

And since this thread is aimed Evolution, then it is better to use the proper context of the word in science setting.


Veteran Member
And that’s why you are not a scientist, because you are still mistakenly confusing proofs with evidence.

Science required evidence, not proof.​

You are just another science illiterate creationist, who talking about science that you don’t even understand.

A person who cannot learn from his or her mistakes, no matter how many times that person have been corrected, is stubbornly ignorant...as well as being intellectually dishonest.

Fossils are not conjecture, they are evidence, but your failed high school education is not enough to dictate what is conjecture?

Are you experienced paleontologist, YoursTrue? Have you ever worked in the fields of paleontology or in stratigraphy? What qualifications do you have? Do you even have any degree in any field of natural sciences? Biology?

Is it arrogance or ignorance that you make such a bold claim that you cannot support except waving the Bible around, and proclaiming the absurd “God did it” superstition?

Proof isn’t evidence. Pick up a biology book for goodness sake, and learn to read it.
As if


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No bee experiences "thought" at all. What homo omnisciencis thinks is "thinking" is the comparison of sensory input with his beliefs.
Consciousness has no beliefs and no abstractions. But the bee really does "think", it is just as conscious as you or I. Consciousness is the tool with which all living things are equipped to succeed and procreate. This consciousness is distinct to the species and varies only slightly between individuals and between species. It is all formatted the same way in every species. It is individual. Think of it like a universal language with many mutually intelligible dialects.

Nothing is really "programmed" except the hard wiring of the brain which we mistake for "instinct". There is no such thing and it is not a survival characteristic per se because it limits the individual's response. Every rabbit will seek shelter because of a hawk but it is not instinct; it is hard wiring. A rabbit might choose not to run at the sight of a hawk but such rabbits are unlikely to survive long. If you hung a scare hawk over your garden the rabbit would learn to not run in time.

Bees and rabbits understand most all of this but humans mistake thought for both intelligence and consciousness. We are essentially sleep walking while suppressing all our hard wiring. We live in a virtual dream world created by our beliefs.

I contend that in order to have a consistent definition of consciousness that also agrees with all known experiment there is no other possible definition.

I am not contending that consciousness is in any way related to God or to any act of God. It exists and it exists in all life. I believe that at this juncture the necessity or non-existence of God is irrelevant to science. One day we might need to postulate a Supreme Being or Initial Cause but we are far too ignorant to address such a thing at this time.

Consciousness is at the very root of ALL life and at the heart of ALL change in species.
OK, so you're saying that consciousness does not require thinking, is that right?