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Darwin's Illusion

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes. Exactly. Dḥwty, is "thot". "The eye of Horus glowers (?) on the wing of Thot,". "...with the great and mighty word, which comes forth from the mouth of Thot,". "If Thot comes in this his evil coming; do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of "thou hast no mother.".

"Thot" was not a god because the author of these words had no abstractions whatsoever. The author didn't even have a word that meant "belief". His language breaks Zipf's Law and it's impossible to mean "god" if he had no abstractions. You must deduce the meaning from context. I did this and found a metaphysical language; a basis of science language. It is binary and contains no definitions. Words have a mathematical relationship to one another. For instance the feminine concept of "human progress" is writing or speech and thot's consort was seshat who Egyptologists mistaking believe was the goddess of... ...drum roll please... ...writing. This was no "wife", it was the feminine expression of human progress. I simply can't help it that Egyptologists refuse to see this and refuse to perform basic science.

This being said I really don't want to discuss this (much) further in this thread. It certainly touches on why Darwin was so confused that he thought he could exclude consciousness and it explains how he came to such confusion. Even though it's fundamental to Darwin's illusion AND highlights the fact ancient people had a different theory of "Evolution" most people believe it is off topic. So I have to split up my non-reductionistic theory into many categories because believers in science don't see connections between all things and can't see language is confused but this hasn't always been so.
This doesn't offer criticism of Darwin or the theory of evolution. It's opinion and speculation. Baseless opinion and speculation.

Now they have theories in contrast to previous claims they had no theories. These ancients of yours are rather wishy washy. It seems like the implication of all that you say are that they were superstitious, stinky-footed bumpkins.

I've never been sure of the significance of how a person's feet smell has to do with knowledge and learning, but that is the problem with nonsensical claims.


Well-Known Member
If life on earth started about 1 billion years ago, why don't we call today the year, 1,000,000,000, instead of the year 2023? What is so significant about 2023 years ago or even 6000 years ago that these dates are considered more important than the assumed science starting date for life? What happened in terms of evolution at these two zero points that make them stand out and persist?

2023 years ago; time=0, was when our modern western calendar was proclaimed by Caesar. This new zero point, marked the pinnacle of the ancient world, and the beginning of a new chapter for humans; BC to AD, which is still used today. In terms of evolution, this milestone is better explained by a change within consciousness than in biology. Jesus reached the mind and heart and not the cells. There is no evidence that people from 2023 years ago had any extra organs or appendages that were different from us. They had basically the same human brain for modern behavior patterns, in terms of social evolution. They got in on the ground floor.

About 6000 years ago, coincides with the invention of written language; in the beginning was the word, and the appearance of the first persistent civilizations. Civilization was a new wild card in that its persistent appearance was a distinct departure from natural living and natural selection for humans. The change from civilization was like the difference between raw camping and going to a luxury resort.

Manmade selection appears, stemming from life in the new unnatural civilization environments. Man made selection, caused by the needs of civilization added a wild card to human evolution. This change also appears less connected to biology and natural selection, and more connected to a change in consciousness, away from just natural selection for humans; fall from paradise.

For example, nobody today accepts social Darwinism, since we are no longer natural animals. There are other factors, beside natural, connected to civilization, that come first. In nature, the sick and weak become food for predators. What is left in healthier for the future. This is natural selection. In human cultures, instead, we devote a lot of resources to the sick. About 6000 years ago humans began to lose their connection to natural selection; divine spark appears (will and choice).

I believe Creationism is about a critical milestone within human evolution, away from natural selection, due to a key update in the human brain's operating system, allowing persistent civilization and the written language. This update allowed humans to break their connection to natural selection, in favor of human selection.

For example transgender, if natural, would disprove the current theory of natural selection and/or might prove speciation by an unknown method. How can new systemic behavior, stem from crossing the DNA of parents who were not the new way? Was there a spontaneous shift in genes, that led to new instincts and new behavior, for thousands of unrelated people, all over the world, forming a new species? It makes more sense this change is in the brain, which is not limited to DNA or natural selection. The human brain can willfully acquire, process and organize information in new ways.

An interesting parallel point is most scientists believe in the future of AI; artificial intelligences, all the way to where computers become conscious and can exceed their programming. Yet they cannot perceive that this also happened to humans, when they left the program of the natural human brain. This tech analogy should make it easier to see, since sci fi, often projects for the times. If Conscious AI suddenly appeared, a new era would appear; t=0. There is worry about losing the old ways.

The Creationist have unique data about the change that occur when something like human AI; ego, appears in the human brain; Adam. They have ancient writings from people who were there to see the change. They have preserved this observational data since it is key to many new and old things.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Not so much a dreamer as a contrarian. Yes, I do believe man's best days are ahead of him but only if we can avoid extinction in the next century.
But being contrary for the sake of being contrary is not a position of authority and doesn't make your baseless speculation rise to the level of established fact without the effort and rigor of work and explanation.

You have a dream. You see it, because you want to see it. There is nothing substantial for anyone else to use to see what you believe.

That you believe something, no matter how deeply, doesn't make it a fact. That you go out of your way to avoid explanation or support of your claims is evidence that you don't have anything substantial beyond speculation. Certainly nothing that would raise doubts about theories that explain things.

You are an expert in your own speculation. Which isn't all that surprising of a position. But is no more evidence that your speculation has any teeth than me claiming to be the ruler of the world and expecting others to believe it.

I am by the way. Using your standards.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member

Not so much a dreamer as a contrarian. Yes, I do believe man's best days are ahead of him but only if we can avoid extinction in the next century.
What sort of prediction is that? My best days are ahead of me if I don't disintegrate right now.

Of what use is that sort of claim?


Active Member
Please tell me how the scientists would know the millions, if not billions of years they say it took to accomplish whatever they talk about.
You could try reading G. Brent Dalrymple's books The Age of the Earth (Stanford University Press, 1991) and Ancient Earth, Ancient Skies (Stanford University Press, 2004). Chapter 3 of The Age of the Earth and Chapter 4 of Ancient Earth, Ancient Skies are particularly useful, since they describe radiometric dating methods.

You could also read Age of Earth - Wikipedia and Radiometric dating - Wikipedia and the references attached to these articles.


Veteran Member
Here's the situation: do you believe that you evolved from fish?
You are not describing a situation. You are just asking a rather obvious question.

But the answer to it is that I, personally of course did not evolve. A single organism can't evolve. That's not what evolution is. But my species most certainly did evolve from fish.

I'm a chordate, with a skull and bilateral symmetry, just as fish are.

I'm also a tetrapod: Evolution of tetrapods - Wikipedia

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I've never been very religious but the only people who consistently make sense around here seem to be religious.
That's interesting. In what way do religious people make more sense to you than atheist humanists, for example?
It's funny how everyone figures ancient superstitious bumpkins would think our technology is "magic".
Did you mean people who sacrifice animals to make it rain? People in Texas still prayed for rain in 2011.
No matter how many times I define "metaphysics" as "the basis of science" some even refuse to parse it this way and magically still see magic!!!
That's not an adequate definition. I don't know what you mean. What does "the basis of science" mean to you? To me, it's a handful of principles like skepticism, empiricism, and peer review. I would sooner define it as the basis and source of experience - reality unmodified by the human nervous system before it is experienced.

It's the world outside of Plato's cave, some "objects" casting shadows that are seen, some not. Many of the religious are telling us all about what is going on outside the cave that is not projecting any phenomenon onto the cave wall (the theater of consciousness). They refer to the realm of the unfalsifiable and "not even wrong," the things they say exist but aren't detectable, like gods and angels and heavens and hells. Philosophers like the logical positivists and Popper give such comments short shrift, and so do I.

That might not be an adequate definition for you, and perhaps it's not for many philosophers, but I think you can understand what to what I refer.
You can't handle the possibility that the Bible is closer to truth than Darwin.
Why would you think that? Because skeptics don't believe holy books? Do you see that as some kind of psychological defense against ideas too horrible to consider - a faith-based confirmation bias protecting a belief from evidence that must ignored to be held?
People don't follow me because they can't accept my premises nor can they understand the concepts. They simply are not willing.
Do you think I'm unwilling to understand you? I've been doing my level best to parse meaning from your comments as you like to phrase it
I beg to differ. Assumptions are fundamental to every argument. It is, for instance, fundamental that Darwin believed he didn't need to understand individual consciousness to understand Evolution.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No. The timeline can be, and probably is guesswork by scientists, of course, based on what is deemed to take that much time to develop.
No, the timeline is formed by dating evidence, very usually fossils. Those datings have margins of error, but they still establish the sequence.

Yes, there will be different possible conclusions from the evidence at times. It will largely be about the relationships of one piece or body of evidence to another.

If you want to attack the modern ToE, you'll need to present evidence acceptable to science for your case. The bible certainly won't cut it. It was written in the first century BCE, and the earliest evidence for Yahweh dates [him] to about 1500 BCE. The gods of Sumer and of Egypt were already at leat 2000 years old by then, and the temple at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey was begun in 10,000 BCE. Considering we don't know of any human culture without supernatural beliefs, it seems very likely that gods, or at least supernatural beings, are as old as H sap sap.
My main point is that humans supposedly eventually evolved from a few fish. Because that is what is proposed by scientists, yet I'm getting a lot of clatter about it. I didn't propose that humans eventually evolved from fish.
Modern fish and modern humans have a common ancestor. The time-line I posted for you outlines how that works.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I'm unwilling to understand you?

No. I'm sure for the main part you are trying. This is why I try to respond to all your relevant points and questions. There are some not trying at all.

What I am trying to say here is that my premises lie so far outside your belief system that you can't understand. You can't parse my words as intended because they are too strange. If you do parse something correctly it is seen as too fantastic to believe so you seek another meaning. I mean what I say literally and it is taken as metaphor or symbolism or dismissed out of hand.

The things I say about "Evolution" however are simple enough and the premises clear enough anyone should understand. People are married to the belief in survival of the fittest and that the fossil record must show gradual change because that's what everyone sees. Ancient people saw something else because they didn't think like us.

I've been doing my level best to parse meaning from your comments as you like to phrase it

If true then why not parse "metaphysics" as "basis of science" or at least tell me what word you're willing to accept to mean this?
Why would you think that? Because skeptics don't believe holy books?

What I am not talking about is not in the Bible. It appears to have been intentionally excluded as it appears in various ancient writing including the Book of Enoch (not in the Bible).

That's interesting. In what way do religious people make more sense to you than atheist humanists, for example?

They are using brutal deductive logic within the confines of a parseable language. Some of the arguments are genius though, obviously, I find most unpersuasive. Some of the scientific arguments are sound but most seem to be just a rehash of what was read in a textbook, or god forbid, Siri and wiki. Quoting texts is fine and productive in a conversation with people who agree with you and agree with your premises but it's just an annoyance when they don't agree with the assumptions of the other side. I simply don't accept any of Darwin's assumptions so stating things dependent on these assumptions is irrelevant.

As I said, I never used to notice that religious people made sense and have good arguments ofttimes because I couldn't get past their premises. People make sense only in terms of their premises so if you reject all the premises it's easy to miss the sense.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Arguments and testing are not science. What is "reasonable" to one individual is not reasonable to another. Remember I keep saying everyone makes sense in terms of his premises? We each have different premises except for peers who by definition have the same premises. I keep telling you why these premises are wrong but they are hand waved, gainsaid, ignored and used for word games.

Reality is highly complex and we can use experiment to catch little tiny peeks at bits of it. Ancient people understood this. The called "reality" "the hidden" and named it "amen". Now millions use this name after every prayer.

Just because experiment has given us many thousands of little peeks at reality doesn't mean we can extrapolate and interpolate the entire picture. We still need experiment to see in between and outside of existing experiment or we run the risk of misinterpretation. There is simply no evidence to show a gradual change in the fossil record. It doesn't matter how "reasonable" you think it is.
Looking at the statements about humans evolving from fish over the long run, it is claimed that scientists base their conclusions on evidence. Naturally there is no proof in this case as there may be in developing vaccines and the like. The evidence purported is that humans have some physical characteristics reminiscent of fish. That's the evidence scientists apparently use as backing up their claims. And let's not forget the land walking fish types. That is also, I suppose, claimed evidence by scientists who say that humans evolved from fish. Over billions of years, of course. Not overnight. It is also not proof tested by watching fish develop ability to breathe out of water, grow feet and eventually leave water entirely as their basic necessary breathing environment.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You are not describing a situation. You are just asking a rather obvious question.

But the answer to it is that I, personally of course did not evolve. A single organism can't evolve. That's not what evolution is. But my species most certainly did evolve from fish.

I'm a chordate, with a skull and bilateral symmetry, just as fish are.

I'm also a tetrapod: Evolution of tetrapods - Wikipedia
oh ... you personally cannot claim your way back ancestor as a fish or a couple of them, is that right? Naturally there are no birth records billions of years ago. But you do agree you, not personally, but as a member (?) of the human species (and not fish) evolved from fishes that started the descent or ascent (however one may look at it) in part from fish. Thank you for your response. But naturally there are still fish. According to the theory, they didn't all evolve, leaving no fish behind. Only some of them evolved.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the statements about humans evolving from fish over the long run, it is claimed that scientists base their conclusions on evidence. Naturally there is no proof in this case as there may be in developing vaccines and the like. The evidence purported is that humans have some physical characteristics reminiscent of fish. That's the evidence scientists apparently use as backing up their claims. And let's not forget the land walking fish types. That is also, I suppose, claimed evidence by scientists who say that humans evolved from fish. Over billions of years, of course. Not overnight. It is also not proof tested by watching fish develop ability to breathe out of water, grow feet and eventually leave water entirely as their basic necessary breathing environment.

The way I interpret the idea of fish ancestors is simply that all of the first complex life forms on earth were fish or fish like. All these species changed suddenly into something else and over a very long time we came into being. I don't think we must think of our ancestors as "fish" but I doubt there was a more direct path to the emergence of humans (at babel). It's unlikely that life evolved on earth anyway so one of our ancestors was quite possibly something very similar to us on another planet. Or perhaps it was in most ways similar but very different in appearance. Life and consciousness are highly complex and there's plenty of room for almost any belief in reality. Indeed, from our poor perspective Darwin mightta been almost right. If you torture definitions sufficiently you can even describe the earth as being "flat". It makes the equations needed to go to mars a lot more complex though!

I often say Darwin was completely wrong because all of his assumptions were wrong but in point of fact it's impossible to be completely wrong in a parseable language or with a species that always reasons in a circle right back to our assumptions.

To say it another way humans share a lot of our genome with acorns so why be distressed that we share a lot with fish as well. "Evolution" is wrong but it's impossible to really be completely wrong. You can't even be not even wrong so long as your definitions are consistent.


The Lost One
There were no "symbols". Our language has symbols, words are symbols, ideas are symbols, even letters are symbols. Ancient Language was representative. "Words of the gods" represented our symbol "language". "Thot" was the closest representation to what we call "science'. They said "thot had no mother" because when you se logic to think and communicate logic (the mother of thot) becomes unseeable.

There were no symbols.

There were no abstractions.

I cannot find this “thot” anywhere, unless it is just another way to write thoth, which when capitalized meaning the Egyptian moon god and god of wisdom, Thoth, and the supposed god of writing and god of all sciences.

However, Thoth is a Greek name (Thoth Θώθ), not Egyptian name.

In Egyptian, the hieroglyphs would transliterates to ḏḥwty, where the first 3 letters, ḏḥw be the hieroglyph of the bird, the ibis that is associated with Thoth.

Are you hijacking the Attic Greek, Θώθ, for your own use?

I am not even surprised that you’d borrow concepts of religions, and mixed them with philosophies, history and science, to developed your own personal hotch-potch religion.

Never mind.

Can you show where you got “thot” from? Source, please...

...Unless, what I said, was right, about hijacking thot from the Greek “Thoth”???
I'm uncomfortable pursuing this conversation in this thread. Yes "thot" is exactly the same thing as "Thoth". In Ancient Language "thot" was representative of the change in human progress; the first derivative of human progress. It was a "neter" that meant "theory" and should be translated "nature (specific)". It belonged to a class of words that defined the subject of a sentence and served to tie it to reality and to context. It was not parseable and always meant the same thing "theory of human progress". No word was ever defined so parsing Ancient Language destroys author intent.

Pidgin languages were formatted like ours and contained abstractions. Every word was defined and every utterance took meaning only after being parsed. Science didn't exist in the pidgin languages so the concept of "theory" didn't exist. "Thot" became "Thoth" and was just as mighty and powerful so he became a "God". The language has been confused for 4000 years. I say "metaphysics" you see "magic".

We all see what we expect and we all parse sentences to reflect what we expect. Author intent is always left by the wayside but sometimes it is left bloodied and dying in the ditch.

As I have told you, Thoth comes from either Classical period (5th & 4th centuries BCE), eg Attic, language developed from Ionic Greek in Athens, or from Koine Greek of the Hellenistic period (late 4th to 1st centuries BCE). Koine Greek is based on Attic Greek with borrowing of foreign languages in the regions spoken and written, eg Egyptian hieratic & hieroglyphs in Egypt, Aramaic alphabets used through the Neo-Babylonian empire and Persian empire prior to Alexander’s invasion of Asia.

So Θώθ is transliterated into Latin and into English as Thoth.

That you would use a fairly young Thoth Θώθ, and not the Egyptian hieroglyphs of Thoth’s real name (since the Pyramid Texts), that transliterated into English as ḏḥwty or ḏḥwin, only demonstrated your lack of knowledge in philology of Egyptian written languages.

The Romans conquering Egypt, after Octavian (later Augustus) defeated Marcus Antonius & Cleopatra in 31 BCE, Romans who lived there don’t actually read Egyptian hieroglyphs or hieratic; no instead they read Koine Greek translated into Classical Latin, so...

...When people translate Egyptian texts from either Θώθ becomes Thoth. You need to remember English didn’t exist in Hellenistic period or Roman period, so “Thoth” really comes from 1st century BCE to 3rd century CE Latin, Latin translation of Θώθ.

As I said in my previous post, ḏḥwty, is transliteration into English from Old Kingdom Egyptian hieroglyphs. The part ḏḥw comes from the hieroglyph for the “ibis” bird.

In Egyptian art (eg painting, sculptures, bas-relief, etc), Thoth frequently appeared with human body but with the head of ibis.

My points that transliteration of hieroglyphs into English as ḏḥwty, not the Greek Θώθ and not the popular Latin and English that we know Thoth by.

Thoth’s real Egyptian name, is actually derived from Egyptian word for ibis, so Thoth’s Egyptian name has nothing to do with “logic”, “science” or “metaphysics” as you have claimed, and not even “magic”, but have everything to do with ibis.

Btw, that’s another strawman. I only said that Thoth was a god of moon, of wisdom, of science, and of hieroglyph writing (or the inventor of hieroglyphs). I didn’t say anything about “magic”.


I know you are uncomfortable with this conversation, because you have forgotten that Thoth comes from Latin translation of Greek Θώθ. People who translate Egyptian texts into English, often used the popular Latin words from Attic Greek or Koine Greek.

You using “thot” to mean logic or science or metaphysics, is etymologically wrong.

Now, I don’t know if there are Egyptian hieroglyphs for “logic”, but I do know that “logic” isn’t ḏḥwty.


Well-Known Member
Now, I don’t know if there are Egyptian hieroglyphs for “logic”, but I do know that “logic” isn’t ḏḥwty.

"Logic" is an abstraction in a language based on logic. Thot has no mother. Human progress and increasing complexity in the words of the gods is observable but not the logic that underlie them.


The Lost One
Yes. Exactly. Dḥwty, is "thot". "The eye of Horus glowers (?) on the wing of Thot,". "...with the great and mighty word, which comes forth from the mouth of Thot,". "If Thot comes in this his evil coming; do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of "thou hast no mother.".

"Thot" was not a god because the author of these words had no abstractions whatsoever. The author didn't even have a word that meant "belief". His language breaks Zipf's Law and it's impossible to mean "god" if he had no abstractions. You must deduce the meaning from context. I did this and found a metaphysical language; a basis of science language. It is binary and contains no definitions. Words have a mathematical relationship to one another. For instance the feminine concept of "human progress" is writing or speech and thot's consort was seshat who Egyptologists mistaking believe was the goddess of... ...drum roll please... ...writing. This was no "wife", it was the feminine expression of human progress. I simply can't help it that Egyptologists refuse to see this and refuse to perform basic science.

This being said I really don't want to discuss this (much) further in this thread. It certainly touches on why Darwin was so confused that he thought he could exclude consciousness and it explains how he came to such confusion. Even though it's fundamental to Darwin's illusion AND highlights the fact ancient people had a different theory of "Evolution" most people believe it is off topic. So I have to split up my non-reductionistic theory into many categories because believers in science don't see connections between all things and can't see language is confused but this hasn't always been so.

Blah, blah, blah. More false claims and more conspiracy theory.

What do Darwin’s work in Evolution have to do with Greek Θώθ or Latin/English Thoth or with Egyptian ḏḥwty?

Absolutely nothing.

All I see that you had wrongly associated Thoth’s original name with “science” or “logic”, because you are using Greek and Latin transliterations/translations. You wrote:

There were no "symbols". Our language has symbols, words are symbols, ideas are symbols, even letters are symbols. Ancient Language was representative. "Words of the gods" represented our symbol "language". "Thot" was the closest representation to what we call "science'. They said "thot had no mother" because when you se logic to think and communicate logic (the mother of thot) becomes unseeable.

But as I have pointed out in both my replies, Thoth’s real name is transliterated to ḏḥwty. The name is derived from the hieroglyph of ḏḥw, which is the image of bird, the ibis, which have nothing to do with science or with logic.

You are just making meanings to Thoth’s Egyptian name, that don’t exist except in your deluded fantasy.

Thoth is really Latin, not Egyptian. It is Latin transliterated and translated from Greek Θώθ.

ḏḥwty was never directly translated from Egyptian hieroglyphs into Latin.

Even in Roman period in Egypt, many Romans were bilingual people, who can speak/read/write in Latin and Greek, and they often relied on Greek writings, to understand anything related to Egypt.

You, using thot, is actually from Latin, not Egyptian.


The Lost One
"Logic" is an abstraction in a language based on logic. Thot has no mother. Human progress and increasing complexity in the words of the gods is observable but not the logic that underlie them.

Again, you are making up claims.

If thot comes from Thoth as you have admitted, then that’s a Latin word, not Egyptian word used in Pyramid Texts.

The “Thot has no mother”, is meaningless gibberish.

If you really derived thot from Thoth, then you have mistakenly used Latin word, and confused Latin for Egyptian origin.

Your thot is a derivative of Thoth, not from ḏḥwty. You are basing thot on Latin, not on Egyptian.

With that being the case, everything said recently about “science” or “logic” with “thot”, is wrong.


Well-Known Member
The “Thot has no mother”, is meaningless gibberish.

"If Thot comes in this his evil coming; do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of "thou hast no mother.".

1271a The Pyramid Texts: The Pyramid Texts: 26. For The Protection of the Pyramid Enclosure Against Osiris and His Cycle, Utterance 534

A homo sapien long dead wrote this. Tell him it makes no sense because, as I said, it makes perfect sense to me.

Tell him about the Greeks too. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it. Then explain to him how he invented agriculture and built cities and pyramids. Explain to him how you've come to know everything and why he's wrong to believe in gods when he doesn't even have a word for god. Be sure not to use even one abstraction and don't let your explanation obey Zipf's Law or he'll surely not understand you.

You understand all of reality in terms of assumptions that are not correct. He won't be able to explain this to you because he won't understand the concept of "assumption" or why it has to lead you to the wrong answers.

"If Thot comes in this his evil coming; do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of "thou hast no mother.". If you read this as being literal and solve the words in context it might make sense to you too.

"If Science comes in this its evil coming; do not embrace it with thine arms; [As] that which is said to it, in its name of "thy mother is metaphysics.". This stuff is simple enough but between not wanting to understand, not understanding how our science works, and so many bad premises people are missing it. To understand the speciation event 4000 years ago you need to understand the nature of consciousness. To understand ancient people you have to reject the premises you learned on your parents knees. To learn anything at all you must be aware you don't know everything.

My job is more difficult than a homo sapien's job of explaining all of thot to you. You only have to unlearn language to communicate with him.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Language changed. The very nature of language changed. Ancient Language was metaphysical and universal and arose naturally like the bee's dance. It became too complex as humans progressed for some people to use it.
Not only do you have no evidence for any such thing, but the evidence against you is total.

And I'm weary of this nonsense so I'll leave it now.