Here you are apparently confusing reality with theory. "Theory" is an attempt to define reality but theories are ofttimes revised or overthrown. There is simply no reason to suppose any theory is a perfect or good reflection of reality and we judge them on their predictive abilities and the types and degrees of anomalies they generate.
You are fibbing again.
Nowhere did I say that any theory is “perfect”.
Of course, theories can be questioned or challenged, revised or refuted.
No theories are omniscient, not even the theory of Evolution.
But any changes or any debunking/refuting must have better or stronger TESTS to challenge existing scientific theory.
Let take a look at evolutionary biology, as an example.
What do you think the Modern Synthesis is?
While Darwin was a pioneer of Natural Selection - one of 5 known mechanisms in today’s Evolution - his explanations on genetics was inadequate, sloppy.
Georgs Mendel’s inheritance hypothesis in genetics was much better. But Darwin didn’t know anything about his contemporary or about Mendel’s independent papers on genetics or his successful experiments with peas, during 1865-1866.
His works became known as “Mendel’s Law of Inheritance” or “Mendelian Inheritance”.
Mendel’s works were forgotten, only to be rediscovered in 1900.
During the 1930s, biologists have combined Darwin’s Natural Selection and Mendel’s Genetics into a single framework for the theory of Evolution, which started the Modern Synthesis. And if I remember correctly, Modern Synthesis was coined by Julian Huxley in 1942(?).
The Modern Synthesis is example of Natural Selection being revised, modified and updated, or expanded.
Further expansion and updates to Evolution was the inclusion of other mechanisms:
- Mutations,
- Genetic Drift,
- Gene Flow &
- Genetic Hitchhiking (or Genetic Recombination).
Darwin’s original framework have been corrected and modified, and it isn’t the only possible mechanism.
Darwin was only one man who contributed to Evolution, and he was limited in his time, technologically, and he was unaware of knowledge that were only available in the 20th century, which further helped expanding and updating Evolution, such as DNA testing, the genome project, molecular biology, biochemistry, modern paleontology, etc.
Another example. Michael Faraday and James Maxwell were both pioneers of electromagnetism, but like Darwin’s Natural Selection, they also didn’t know everything there is to know about electromagnetic fields. Their works were also revised and updated, by physicists during the 20th and 21st centuries. Even Maxwell’s equations aren’t exact solutions, which have been updated in Quantum Electrodynamics theory.
Another example is the Atomic Theory.
The Atomic Theory that started in chemistry, have undergone many changes by physicists of the 20th century, which included physics fields: quantum physics, nuclear physics, field physics, the Standard Model of elementary particles (particle physics), etc, each ones of them expanded what we know about atoms that we didn’t know in the 18th and 19th century chemistry.
So of course, no scientific theories are written in stone. Changes can be made, better alternative can replace existing theories, all of it depending on the available evidence.
What all this mean is that all scientific theories are provisional, hence are subjected to changes or replacement by tested alternatives.
There are no exceptions. These would include theories on gravity, on quantum physics, on electromagnetism, on big bang, on evolution, etc