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Darwin's Illusion


My own religion
I already did that many times.

Again, in an article dated 2013, James A. Shapiro said, “Research dating back to the 1930s has shown that genetic change is the result of cell-mediated processes, not simply accidents or damage to the DNA. This cell-active view of genome change applies to all scales of DNA sequence variation, from point mutations to large-scale genome rearrangements and whole genome duplications (WGDs). This conceptual change to active cell inscriptions controlling RW genome functions has profound implications for all areas of the life sciences.”

https://shapiro.bsd.uchicago.edu/Shapiro.2013.How Life Changes Itself- The Read-Write (RW) Genome.Physics of Life Reviews.pdf

Also please see # 1245 for further info.

(810) Darwin's Illusion | Page 63 | Religious Forums

See item 3, 4 & 5 of #5221

View attachment 75705

Further illusions: On key evolutionary mechanisms that could never fit with Modern Synthesis - ScienceDirect

Yeah, quote mining.
First, the MS lacks distinction among the two basic types of information: genome-defined system and gene-defined parts-information, as its treatment was based mostly on gene information. In contrast, it is argued here that system information is maintained by species-specific karyotype code, and macroevolution is based on the whole genome information package rather than on specific genes. ..."

Learn to read the whole text and don't just mine for an isolated part.


Well-Known Member
Nobody anywhere in the relevant fields has suggested it is untrue that:
1) organisms change over generations - via a series of processes we are still learning about - to adapt better to their environment and,
Adaptation is a fact. Adaptation is a controlled response to address environmental pressure through directed mutation. Nothing about adaptation is random. See #1245

Adaptation doesn’t lead to macroevolution. See #5258
2) crucially, that this leads to the appearance of new species.
That depends on the definition of species. The species concept is controversial. To keep things simple, changes through adaptation will never give rise to a new family. It’s only variations within a species.

Again, Consider the example of artificial breeding of dogs, it will never create new species, it will always be dogs. You may think a Chihuahua is a lot different than a Great Dane but both are still the same species. If you breed different species, you get sterile offspring. Gene mutations through adaptation never give rise to a new family of species. imagined transformation to another family of species is not possible.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I already did that many times.

Again, in an article dated 2013, James A. Shapiro said, “Research dating back to the 1930s has shown that genetic change is the result of cell-mediated processes, not simply accidents or damage to the DNA. This cell-active view of genome change applies to all scales of DNA sequence variation, from point mutations to large-scale genome rearrangements and whole genome duplications (WGDs). This conceptual change to active cell inscriptions controlling RW genome functions has profound implications for all areas of the life sciences.”

https://shapiro.bsd.uchicago.edu/Shapiro.2013.How Life Changes Itself- The Read-Write (RW) Genome.Physics of Life Reviews.pdf

Also please see # 1245 for further info.

(810) Darwin's Illusion | Page 63 | Religious Forums

See item 3, 4 & 5 of #5221

View attachment 75705

Further illusions: On key evolutionary mechanisms that could never fit with Modern Synthesis - ScienceDirect
You keep finding obscure scientists with opinions only. I do not know of anyone in that area of science that takes your two heroes seriously. One can always find some outsiders in almost any science. The question is do the experts in the field take those people seriously. That does not appear to be the case with the bare handful of support that you can find.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
If the mechanisms have been refuted and the theoretical framework has been refuted, why do you think that the scientific theory still stands?
Of course the mechanisms have not been refuted. and the "framework" has never been refuted. What we do see is endless evidence for evolution regardless of how it happened. The fossil record is much more complete than it was fifty years ago and it clearly shows evolution. The genetic evidence is still there and it clearly supports evolution. So much so that one would have to be insane, dishonest, or totally ignorant to deny it. We still have all of the physical evidence for evolution from homology, from biochemistry, from source after source. The evidence for evolution is separate from the mechanisms that explain it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, quote mining.
First, the MS lacks distinction among the two basic types of information: genome-defined system and gene-defined parts-information, as its treatment was based mostly on gene information. In contrast, it is argued here that system information is maintained by species-specific karyotype code, and macroevolution is based on the whole genome information package rather than on specific genes. ..."

Learn to read the whole text and don't just mine for an isolated part.
What quote mining? Obviously, you don’t even understand what you are talking about.

In # 5278 I said, “The organism can make changes controlled by the cell machinery". In # 5279 you asked me to post the supporting links, which I did in #5280. Why you argue now about the MS? I guess you’re trying to talk about the fact that the gene-centric view doesn’t explain or reflect the significant differences in phenotype, which effectively confirms the controlling rule of the cell machinery,

The genes don’t create the organism; it’s the living system, which interprets the genes. DNA is merely the database from which the organism gets the necessary information. The cell machinery does not just read the genome. It imposes extensive patterns of marking and expression on the genome. Without purposeful interpretation of DNA towards meaningful functions, the DNA is nothing more than storage of coded info.
it's not about the info but rather the controlling processes.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they conflate the following.
The current model of evolution is not true, thus evolution is wrong.

The “Modern Synthesis” is not a model of evolution. It’s the scientific theory of evolution. Evolution is not an independent axiom. Evolution is a scientific theory (MS), which has already failed. See #4087
Darwin's Illusion | Page 205 | Religious Forums

The notion that evolution is an axiom that maintains its status regardless of the status of the scientific theory is false.


My own religion
What quote mining? Obviously, you don’t even understand what you are talking about.

In # 5278 I said, “The organism can make changes controlled by the cell machinery". In # 5279 you asked me to post the supporting links, which I did in #5280. Why you argue now about the MS? I guess you’re trying to talk about the fact that the gene-centric view doesn’t explain or reflect the significant differences in phenotype, which effectively confirms the controlling rule of the cell machinery,

The genes don’t create the organism; it’s the living system, which interprets the genes. DNA is merely the database from which the organism gets the necessary information. The cell machinery does not just read the genome. It imposes extensive patterns of marking and expression on the genome. Without purposeful interpretation of DNA towards meaningful functions, the DNA is nothing more than storage of coded info.
it's not about the info but rather the controlling processes.
Yes, “The organism can make changes controlled by the cell machinery".
Now is that a biological case or a God case?


Well-Known Member
Of course the mechanisms have not been refuted. and the "framework" has never been refuted.
nothing but the usual meaningless empty claims of yours. see # 5222



Well-Known Member
Yes, “The organism can make changes controlled by the cell machinery".
Now is that a biological case or a God case?
The central concept of the ToE is dependent on the assumption of random mutation. The assumption is false and more importantly, the controlled mutation of the adaptation process never leads to the transformation to a new family. IOW never leads to macroevolution.


Well-Known Member
Disagree again. Various modifications of matter (brain) result in predictable alterations of consciousness.
Affecting consciousness is one thing and giving rise to consciousness is totally different thing.

Consider the example of watching a football game on TV. The TV is the physical link between the event and your consciousness. Anything that affects your TV, affects your ability to watch the game but that has nothing to do with your consciousness.

Your inner being/true self interface with the physical world through the physical body. Your consciousness is subject to the limitations of the physical body and can be affected by anything that affects the physical body. After you die, you are free from these limitations of the physical body as evidenced through the NDE research.
Disagree. It's not an example of a mind without a living brain.
Sure, it’s a verified continuous true consciousness with the ability to have a much higher level of qualia without any physical organs. Even NDErs who were blind since birth have seen and accurately described visual experiences of true physical events that they have seen for the first time in their lives. The experiences have been verified and documented.
The argument you linked to is a variation of Hoyle's junkyard tornado and 747 fallacy, which generates astronomical numbers by treating all events as independent.
No, it has nothing to do with the junkyard tornado. It’s a scientific article by the University of Oxford published by the Royal Society in November 2010.

The calculation is for the reasonable range of possible interactions/gene products for each phenotype characteristic. The mathematical modeling of these interactions is an approach of computational system biology concerned with the understanding of mechanisms and the contextual dependence of phenotypic outcome as well as the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes.


My own religion
The central concept of the ToE is dependent on the assumption of random mutation. The assumption is false and more importantly, the controlled mutation of the adaptation process never leads to the transformation to a new family. IOW never leads to macroevolution.

Yes and no. It is more about the interplay of different genes in effect.
Remember the replication of the fittest genes. How that happens is irrelevant if it happens how it happens.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
A) abiogenesis is regarded as an axiom.
It's not an axiom. It's deduced from the existence of self-reproducing cells on earth, uncontroversially c. 3.4 billion years ago, arguably c. 3.8 bya.

Where do you claim the first cells came from?

What evidence do you cite for your claim?
Evolution is a scientific theory
Well, the modern theory of evolution is a scientific theory. It sets out to explain the uncontroversial phenomenon of evolution.
The MS has finally failed as a scientific theory because of its contradiction with the 21st century scientific finds
What finds are those, how do they contradict the modern theory of evolution, and who says so?


My own religion
It's not an axiom. It's deduced from the existence of self-reproducing cells on earth, uncontroversially c. 3.4 billion years ago, arguably c. 3.8 bya.

Where do you claim the first cells came from?

What evidence do you cite for your claim?

Well, the modern theory of evolution is a scientific theory. It sets out to explain the uncontroversial phenomenon of evolution.

What finds are those, how do they contradict the modern theory of evolution, and who says so?

LLIA doesn't understand science, so don't go down that rabbit hole.


Well-Known Member
But you are still ignoring the facts that hundreds of philosophies don’t use rational reasoning or logic.
No conclusion can be drawn without logical ground. Logic is the necessary reference at the very top of any rational process. No idea or meaning can stand without a logical ground to support it.

You’re making an empty claim, but I wouldn’t entertain getting sidetracked with an irrelevant discussion beyond the point made in #5224.

Again, the specific point of my post #5224 was the relationship between philosophy and the scientific method. Do you understand the relationship?

A relevant response should demonstrate your specific agreement/disagreement with any specific part of my post not merely some irrelevant empty claims.

Let's keep it simple. Whether the concern is the scientific method or any rational process of any kind, no conclusion can be drawn without a logical ground defined through philosophy. Do you disagree?
Most philosophies are related to how one should behave or how ones should live their lives...hence most of them have to do with cultural or social philosophies. And here, it goes beyond being rational or logical, WHICH ARE REALLY NOT RELEVANT TO STUDY OF NATURE.
It’s another empty claim. Did you hear about natural philosophy? Do you know that the famous “Principia” by Isaac Newton that explains the laws of motion/gravitation that is still used today was titled “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”? Do you know that the concept of science was born from the original concept of natural philosophy?

If you really think that philosophy goes beyond being rational or logical, and “REALLY NOT RELEVANT TO STUDY OF NATURE”, then you really don’t understand what philosophy is but I’m not here to argue about philosophy?

Didn’t I already explain to you in #5224 that no, philosophy doesn’t explain the anatomy of brown bear and also explained that my point is specifically the relationship between philosophy and the scientific method? Do you understand? Why do you continue making confused irrelevant statements?
Only a fraction of the philosophies involved pure logic and reasoning, and even then, these are not always compatible with Natural Sciences.
Again, you don’t understand what philosophy is and it's not my concern to argue about philosophy.
Sure, scientists needs to be rational, logical, analytical, methodological, and so on, and it is a good thing to have does qualities, but even then physical evidence take precedence over anyone’s logic & reasoning.
You still don’t understand the essential role of logic in the process of establishing evidence.

As explained multiple times (see#2164 & #5224), the process to establish data as evidence with or against a theory is not possible without a philosophical ground to serve as the defining reference to validate the rationale behind the conclusions.

Logic is not merely a “good thing to have”; it’s an essential/integral aspect at the very top of any rational process including the scientific method. Without logic, no conclusions of any kind are possible.
Reasons and logic alone, don’t make a hypothesis into science.
It’s never logic alone or data alone. The process towards drawing conclusions must have both. Logic is the necessary reference to allow for the assessment of data.

In your mind, you see a false barrier between philosophy/logic and science as two separate or contradicting entities. You don’t understand the relationship/overlap.

At the very root, either philosophy or science is a process that is essentially dependent on two fundamental components:

A) Data Input (through sense perception).
B) Rational/Logical assessment of the data (through the power of the human mind).

At a fundamental level, the process with respect to the logical assessment of input is the same but philosophy involves a higher level of rational/logical assessment of the “macro” input towards the understanding of fundamental truths while science has more focus on the assessment of the “micro” input which is gained through observation/experimentation.

The philosophic inquiry may have more focus on the rational power of mind yet it’s not possible to draw conclusions without the input (observations/data) while Science has more focus on the input yet it’s not possible to process the input to draw conclusions without the rational power of mind/logical principles of inference as derived from philosophy.

That said, “a hypothesis” is a product of the rational assessment of some input while “making a hypothesis into science” is a product of “further assessment of more input”. Similarly, philosophy at a different level can draw conclusions through the assessment of the “macro” input.

To give you an example:

Picture this: a scientist, known for his superior logical reasoning, starts a new hypothesis on some phenomena.

What if the person’s rationality or logic is wrong, because the evidence refute his hypothesis. Do that scientist simply ignore the evidence because of his supreme intellect?

If such scientist, then he is allowing his ego cloud his judgment, because he no longer following the requirements of Scientific Method. That’s biases, LIIA. It is bias when a scientist ignore evidence that counter the hypothesis.

I seriously don’t think you understand the Scientific Method, if you think logic and reasoning alone would rule over evidence. It doesn’t.
Data are accepted as evidence through logic. It’s never data alone or logic alone and it’s never logic against data. Logic cannot draw conclusions without data and data cannot be assessed without logic. Both are two essential components of one process. Both are inseparable and there is no contradiction.

Any idea, meaning, conclusion must be derived from both logic and data. It’s never data alone or logic alone. If either component is missing, the process is not possible.

The testable evidence are, what make a hypothesis or scientific theory, “science”.

The whole purposes of the scientific Method:
  • To test the explanations & predictions of a model in the hypothesis or theory.
  • To test the logic and maths (eg equations, formulas, constants, numbers, etc).
The “test” means “observation”, eg EVIDENCE, EXPERIMENTS, DATA.

It is the evidence, not the logic and reasoning that determine if the hypothesis or theory -
  • true or false,
  • probable or improbable,
  • verified or refuted/debunked.
All reasoning and logic must be tested. No reasoning or logic are true by-default.

I am not saying that scientists shouldn’t be logical or rational. Sure, they have to be. Logic and rationality can be helpful when developing a new hypothesis. But it evidence that objectively determine which hypothesis is scientific or not.
Yes, it’s the evidence yet evidence can very well point to a conclusion that cannot be directly observed or tested but regardless must exist.

Consider the example of dark energy, the conclusion was drawn through evidence yet the dark energy itself cannot be observed, tested and we don’t have the slightest idea about its intrinsic nature. All what we can do is infer its existence through the observation of its influence.
Philosophies, the majority of them, are just talks, they have no values if there are no evidence to support the studies of nature.
Philosophy is derived from the observations of the world. There is never a contradiction between Philosophy and the facts of nature.
Philosophy is useless in this regards.
False. Philosophy is the essential reference/ ground for any rational process. Without which the scientific method itself wouldn’t be possible. Yes, observation and experimentation are essential, but it cannot be analyzed to draw conclusions without a philosophical ground. Raw input (data) is totally meaningless without being logically processed to allow for meaningful output.

You’re under the false impression that logic may point to one direction and evidence to another; it’s a confused understanding that doesn’t even apply. Such contradiction doesn’t exist. Raw data gets processed through logic then the output (evidence) is what points to one direction or another. It’s never the logic alone or the data alone.

I never said that logic points to a different view that contradicts evidence, did I?

I said that empirical evidence of latest science proved that the theoretical framework and all central assumptions of the scientific evolutionary theory (i.e., the modern synthesis) to be false.

I said that empirical evidence points to the fact that everything in our realm is contingent including the universe in its entirety. Logic mandates an absolute entity as the ground that allows for the initiation of all contingent entities. Without such ground, no contingent entity of any kind is possible. Do you understand?