Let's go full Trottle
If you are truly truly truly honest there is always doubt. Gaps in knowledge on my side leave a possibility of a deity like being possible of existing. But to be fair I do think that I am a de facto atheist in regards to the gods the human race has talked about. Now there could very well be a god out there that doesn't fit any of the descriptions that any human up to date has ever thought about or written about.
Tangent Alert: I mean What if a god came to Earth and decided to have a chat with us lowly mortals. And this god happened to hold nothing similar to to any existing or historically documented poly or monotheistic faith on record. Would ya'll abandon your faiths and worship this suddenly new existing one? Or would you doubt it is a god since it does not fit your description of god?
Plowing Ahead.
Nor can truly honest theists that believe in god, have faith in god say there factually is a god when there is no such evidence to support it's existence, in addition many faiths' dogma clearly dictates that humans are incapable of even comprehending their deity in the first place, so that what ever they think they know, they can't know...which going back to the tangent, Would your incomprehension of this god that was sitting in front of you lead you to think that it was not a god because you talked to it and you and your soul was not utterly destroyed?
Tangent Alert: I mean What if a god came to Earth and decided to have a chat with us lowly mortals. And this god happened to hold nothing similar to to any existing or historically documented poly or monotheistic faith on record. Would ya'll abandon your faiths and worship this suddenly new existing one? Or would you doubt it is a god since it does not fit your description of god?
Plowing Ahead.
Nor can truly honest theists that believe in god, have faith in god say there factually is a god when there is no such evidence to support it's existence, in addition many faiths' dogma clearly dictates that humans are incapable of even comprehending their deity in the first place, so that what ever they think they know, they can't know...which going back to the tangent, Would your incomprehension of this god that was sitting in front of you lead you to think that it was not a god because you talked to it and you and your soul was not utterly destroyed?