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Death and Decision


Well-Known Member
Just a hypothetical scenario for Christians and Muslims.

You're dead.

You have just died, but you are standing on a field of grass in a familiar area. You're wearing the same clothes as you are now, and suddenly, a wall of light appears before you, ascending as high as you can see, and as far left and right as you can see. The wall of light cuts and burns through the ground, and earth trembles beneath your feet, revealing an endless chasm of fire just a few steps away. The wind is warm and the fire that burns miles below you is red hot, but intuitively you know that what awaits below is more than just fire. Fear seethes in your chest.

Then you hear someone. Speaking from inside yourself. You know who or what it is...

"You've displeased me. So, your punishment shall fit the choices you've made. You had a chance to do my will on Earth, and so live with me, but you didn't do my will."

Upon hearing this, you begin to sob.

..you still have a chance to do my will. Will you choose to do something for me?

"Anything..." you say to God. "Absolutely anything."

"Good. Here is what you must do..."

God pauses for a moment. A silence covers you that you have never felt before. The endless rift of fire still burns below you, just feet away.

"You must choose to step into Hell... On your own.
Then I will be pleased."

What do you do?


Is not going to save you.
Just a hypothetical scenario for Christians and Muslims.

You're dead.

You have just died, but you are standing on a field of grass in a familiar area. You're wearing the same clothes as you are now, and suddenly, a wall of light appears before you, ascending as high as you can see, and as far left and right as you can see. The wall of light cuts and burns through the ground, and earth trembles beneath your feet, revealing an endless chasm of fire just a few steps away. The wind is warm and the fire that burns miles below you is red hot, but intuitively you know that what awaits below is more than just fire. Fear seethes in your chest.

Then you hear someone. Speaking from inside yourself. You know who or what it is...

"You've displeased me. So, your punishment shall fit the choices you've made. You had a chance to do my will on Earth, and so live with me, but you didn't do my will."

Upon hearing this, you begin to sob.

..you still have a chance to do my will. Will you choose to do something for me?

"Anything..." you say to God. "Absolutely anything."

"Good. Here is what you must do..."

God pauses for a moment. A silence covers you that you have never felt before. The endless rift of fire still burns below you, just feet away.

"You must choose to step into Hell... On your own.
Then I will be pleased."

What do you do?

Eh....The choices? Refuese and burn in hell. Listen to this 'god' and jump into hell. I would totally jump screaming f u all the way down.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Does Gnostic fall under Abrahamic? Yeah...I think so.

What would I do? I'd do what the poster above me said.


renouncing this world
I actually had a dream something like that when I was very little. I was 9 years old, and in this dream I was running through an alley and I felt a strong pain in my back, and then I realized that I had died. Then a line was drawn in the center and a judgment took place, and I was sent to Hell. This dream has stayed with me for the rest of my life, and I think it was a sign for me to lead a good life.

But getting back to your hypothetical . . . of course jump.


Well-Known Member
I got to thinking, once; one these wicked Christians could curse my Gwynnies to hell... got all wound up. So I did some research, some thought experiments, formed an hypothesis, put it to the ritual... fourteen times, sucking up evil in the environment; black, stringy... eww. Burned it up in my Gwynnies (when her poster was my altar on the wall, in the days without direction)

Later read in scripture where Moses performed a similar act...

Ain't no hell. Its bs.