Why is it that all humans die someday? Even the Christians say “Jesus” died, but not: “God” died. In the Bible, Mark 10:18 says only God is truly good. I can believe this because all humans die and God does not. Humans are beings. God is a being. One dies, the other doesn’t. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know you’re not really a good being. Otherwise, you’ll never die. It’s undeniable. Then it should be no surprise to know that humanity is on the verge of extinction; there’s a war between Good and evil behind the scenes. Goodness should have just deleted evil at the beginning, but strangely, evil has enough power to prevent its immediate death. This is why humanity STILL exists today. But by definition, good is stronger than evil; Goodness will win the war and finally vanquish humanity after striking ENOUGH killer blows to evil.
Now, how come humans don’t exist in a perfect abode like what you could call Heaven? A place where there is only peace, one is always strong and healthy, no hatred, no dishonesty, no filth etc.
You are what you create! God is only good and thus cannot create anything that isn’t good. It is known that existence is full of many infirmities and rubbish. Who created those? Definitely not God! This therefore means that humans are actually all the sin, evil, bad, wrong, flaws etc in existence. Yes, there is a human out there who embodies bad breath, initials: BB = Barry Borden, who embodies body odor, initials: BO = Benjamin Oliver, who embodies weakness, initials: WN = Winifred Newton etc.
Good is stronger than evil, therefore God cannot be limited and is already omnipotent and omniscient. He can do absolutely anything good, but there is no such thing as purifying humanity. Making a change to a being means changing identity. Purging humanity would mean deleting the old identity of sin, and somehow creating a new one of purity. That deletion means death. They call it sinner, but that sinner is actually a sin itself!
The fact that humans die means humanity is not good. Accept it. Therefore there’s a higher power ensuring that existence will one day be purified. Too bad no one here will be there!
Clearly, you are confused as they come. You do not look through Loving eyes. You see evil everywhere ignoring any goodness. Do you fear death so much and see death as something evil so badly that you need to Blame others for it? Could Death be a good thing instead?
You see that it is all about good and evil. What if I told you good and evil has nothing to do with it? Further, If God created everything, that surely includes evil. Could evil be a good thing as well? Widen your view. It's all there.
How about this? Life is the education of God's children. This world is a multilevel classroom. We learn through the parameters of our lives, our interactions with others, and from the results of our choices. When one acquires enough knowledge through living our lessons, our intelligence will make the best choices.
Since this is a multilevel classroom, one can see others learning lessons we have already learned. Isn't it no more than Hate if we condemn others as evil in their process of learning what evil really is?
More is learned through bad choices than almost any other thing. If bad choices never existed, how could one discover what the good choices were. Since evil or bad choices must be part of the equation, doesn't that make part of evil a good choice? Instead of hating or condemning, one should point them in the right direction in order to see for themselves the good answers exist as well.
When times are good, we sit back and enjoy the ride. When adversity hits, we have to think, study, analyze, plan, experiment and work toward resolution. Knowledge and wisdom are gained on that journey to resolution.
People tend to take adversity personally. When they hurt, they close themselves off from the hurt. Given enough time learning becomes slowed or impossible. This is the real reason for death. Death is no more than a Change. When in school, you do not use the same book through all levels. Change is important. Change can be a Good thing.
Between lives, God will show you that it has never ever been about punishment, judging, blaming, or condemning. God is above these petty things. Mankind has not advanced beyond this yet. Very few people have.
Everything has a place. Everything has been figured out ahead of time. Even the Fear of Death is important. It prevents one from running away from the lessons they must learn.
This is how I am seeing things. The good news is that everyone will make it. Everyone will learn. Perhaps, it's time to stop judging, condemning, blaming, and hating others and start helping others move forward.
Mankind and this school progress slowly. As students learn and leave, a new set of students arrive with lessons of their own to learn. Only when all the lessons are learned will one choose and create the peace and utopia that is within us all.