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Deeply Disturbing Article


I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?


Veteran Member
What do you mean by "go out of their way"?

I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.
Why are you caring what they say?
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Guardian of Asgaard
I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

Faith by definition brings ridecule on itself.

People who have faith all to often spew dogma and then complain when their beliefs are attacked.

Simply speaking your beliefs should never be an issue unless you bring them up. Stay off the subject if you're sensitive. No one has to respect your beliefs.


Guardian of Asgaard
Isn't that what we should all strive for, though? To respect eachother's beliefs and at least try to get along? Free speech is a part of the constitutions of many countries these days.

Ideally yes but realistically do you think its going to happen?

From my perspective, people who come to my door selling Jesus have no respect for my beliefs. People who give me pamphlets at university because i'm unfortunate enough to have to walk past their God selling point have no respect.

I stand by my other point and will attempt to explain further. Because respect is often non-existant, the easiest way to prevent offense in both ways is to stay off the topic of beliefs unless both parties agree to it.

From experience on these forums and around the place, stereotypically those with faith are all to happy to put in their opinion but claim to be the victim when their beliefs are refuted or attacked.

My solution is to not force respect but to simply avoid bringing up the issue all together unless agreed upon.


New Member
I'm sorry if you feel encroached upon, but it is a fact that a major part of the Christian religion is to spread the Jesus-love. Some people feel like this is a commandment to be aggressively selling their faith, though I believe it's best to live as an example of a good person. Though, flowery words aside, I honestly believe that some people are, Christian or otherwise, COMPLETELY RETARDED IN A FIGURATIVE AND CERTAINLY NOT LITERAL WAY. Blame humanity. :D


Guardian of Asgaard
I'm sorry if you feel encroached upon, but it is a fact that a major part of the Christian religion is to spread the Jesus-love. Some people feel like this is a commandment to be aggressively selling their faith, though I believe it's best to live as an example of a good person. Though, flowery words aside, I honestly believe that some people are, Christian or otherwise, COMPLETELY RETARDED IN A FIGURATIVE AND CERTAINLY NOT LITERAL WAY. Blame humanity. :D

Yeh i've been told that before but how is that respectful. If part of my religion meant burning down your centres of worship would you tolerate that as well because its part of my religion?
You're right though, some people take religion so seriously that I wouldn't be suprised if they took holy water and a shotgun to the mailbox in case a demon possessed their newspaper.


I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.


New Member
Yeh i've been told that before but how is that respectful. If part of my religion meant burning down your centres of worship would you tolerate that as well because its part of my religion?
You're right though, some people take religion so seriously that I wouldn't be suprised if they took holy water and a shotgun to the mailbox in case a demon possessed their newspaper.

There is a line between tolerance and the law. If you burnt down any kind of building you would most likely be punished for it. In addition, a part of tolerance is loving one another, no? Love the sinner, not the arson.
Reminds me of how my grandma told us, just the other day, that the Buddha vase we keep in our house is satanic and that we need to remove it and cleanse every room in our house with the blood of Jesus. I love that woman. xD


Guardian of Asgaard
I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.

A common arguement. Most atheists and myself included compare the seemingly illogical nature of faith the similarly illogical belief in santa. Essentially because there is a complete lack of evidence other than simple faith.

Its not simple minded, rather not scientifically logical. A lot of atheists point to a lack of demonstratable evidence as lack of proof.

If you want to hit them back, go tell him to get with an ape because they might speed up the evolutionary process or something :cool:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.

That's it? I've seen worse.

Most of it is fine. People have a right to share their opinions. Saying religion is childish is hardly disturbing, however offensive it might be.

What IS disturbing is when people have an agenda to get religion, ANY religion, removed from society altogether. That's most disturbing, because the only possible way to do that would be with force.


New Member
I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.

I think that site, in general, focuses on getting a rise out of people. That guy who wrote that response also did one on how men were smarter than women. The world is not black and white, that is the problem.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
There is a line between tolerance and the law. If you burnt down any kind of building you would most likely be punished for it. In addition, a part of tolerance is loving one another, no? Love the sinner, not the arson.
Reminds me of how my grandma told us, just the other day, that the Buddha vase we keep in our house is satanic and that we need to remove it and cleanse every room in our house with the blood of Jesus. I love that woman. xD

Buddha is satanic? How does that even work?


Guardian of Asgaard
There is a line between tolerance and the law. If you burnt down any kind of building you would most likely be punished for it. In addition, a part of tolerance is loving one another, no? Love the sinner, not the arson.
Reminds me of how my grandma told us, just the other day, that the Buddha vase we keep in our house is satanic and that we need to remove it and cleanse every room in our house with the blood of Jesus. I love that woman. xD

True, but just because preaching the bible isn't harming anyone/ property doesn't make it anything but completely wrong. No one should be forced to tolerate beliefs. I remember it got so bad where I lived that we actually started locking our gate at night so the beggers couldn't get in. They started leaving pamphlets everywhere which was littering and defacing of property. Should have had them arrested :eek:

My grandmother is the same and thinks that my university degree in engineering is a ticket to hell :facepalm:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No one should be forced to tolerate beliefs.

I kind of disagree, to an extent.

We are forced to tolerate all kinds of pet peeves in our lives. Some of mine are being interrupted when I'm in the middle of doing something, certain annoying cliches in stories, etc. I think for you, people proselytizing to you unbidden is one of yours.

I do believe that it's a great virtue to patiently wait out a pet peeve, however persistent it is.

That said, I do agree in terms that it certainly shouldn't be illegal to do what you can to avoid proselytizers. But it shouldn't be illegal for them to do that, either.


New Member
It really makes me wish people could just "spread the gospel" by living a good life and setting a good example. Of all the conversion stories I've heard, I can't recall any that came about from reading a pamphlet or being yelled at.
And anything that isn't Jesus is obviously the devil's plot to lead the lambs away from the flock. DUH. ;P


Veteran Member
I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.
Why do you care what he says?


Guardian of Asgaard
I kind of disagree, to an extent.

We are forced to tolerate all kinds of pet peeves in our lives. Some of mine are being interrupted when I'm in the middle of doing something, certain annoying cliches in stories, etc. I think for you, people proselytizing to you unbidden is one of yours.

I do believe that it's a great virtue to patiently wait out a pet peeve, however persistent it is.

That said, I do agree in terms that it certainly shouldn't be illegal to do what you can to avoid proselytizers. But it shouldn't be illegal for them to do that, either.

Where do you draw the line though? What if my beliefs contradict theirs and they deeply offend me by even comming to my private residence? Do I have the right to privacy from these hyenas?
I understand that its a persons right but what if you change the message? What if the message is going to a deeply christian area and asking everyone there to become gay? Is that not offensive to them? Should I be allowed to offend others because its my religion? Thats one of my gripes with what they do. Its not the message, its the mindset associated with the message which is somehow socially tolerated because Christianity i seen as "good."

I'm divided on this issue. I'm for freedom of speech but i see this issue as abusing the right. I don't think they have the right to offend me and I am certainly offended by the arrogance displayed by trying to "save" me.

Pet peeves for me are people talking on their phones whilst being served at a fast food restaurant or people using their phones/ talking loudly in a study area at university. This issue is beyond a pet peeve.


Well-Known Member
I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

Interesting tidbit.

I don`t see your problem with it.

It was posted as a debate with both the atheistic and theistic sides represented.

Of course the atheist was far more rational.


As far as making fun of others beliefs I don`t make any more fun of someone who sincerely believes in god as I do someone who sincerely believes in the tooth fairy.

They`re equal in nuttiness from my perspective.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.

From what I've seen on that site, every argument presented there has childish debaters on both sides. Overall a pretty crappy website.