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Deeply Disturbing Article

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I'm sorry if you feel encroached upon, but it is a fact that a major part of the Christian religion is to spread the Jesus-love. Some people feel like this is a commandment to be aggressively selling their faith, though I believe it's best to live as an example of a good person. Though, flowery words aside, I honestly believe that some people are, Christian or otherwise, COMPLETELY RETARDED IN A FIGURATIVE AND CERTAINLY NOT LITERAL WAY. Blame humanity. :D

Promoting your point of view is fine, but it's also fine for others to critique and scrutinize it. It works both ways you see.


Woke gremlin
Here's an idea:

Instead of just being offended or upset about people voicing a negative view of your belief structure, why not formulate an argument that shows that the things they are saying are false?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Here's an idea:

Instead of just being offended or upset about people voicing a negative view of your belief structure, why not formulate an argument that shows that the things they are saying are false?

Exactly. Those confident in their beliefs would welcome challenges.
I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

Religious beliefs are difficult to take seriously and therefore those that hold these beliefs to be true are equally difficult to take seriously. Ultimately if you choose to hold beliefs which are superstitious in nature and rely on religious faith then you have nobody else to blame except yourself when you find your beliefs and therefore yourself subject to criticism in its many forms, including mockery and satire.

The comparison between God and Santa is valid and just as a adult professing to still believe in Santa would face criticism and mockery an adult who still believes in God can expect the same. They are both things which with intellectual maturity, self-reflection, education, and a willingles to change ones views and beliefs even when it goes against ones society/culture, should eventually be discarded as relics of naive childhood.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Isn't that what we should all strive for, though? To respect eachother's beliefs and at least try to get along? Free speech is a part of the constitutions of many countries these days.
Sure... and objecting to - or even ridiculing - religion is speech. Should people not be free to say their mind? Or is free speech only for the religious?

It really makes me wish people could just "spread the gospel" by living a good life and setting a good example. Of all the conversion stories I've heard, I can't recall any that came about from reading a pamphlet or being yelled at.
The only problem with this strategy is that there are people of virtually every religion and no religion at all spreading their "gospel" by living good lives and setting good examples as well. If I was to try to deduce which religion to follow based on how their adherents behave, my conclusion would be that religion is irrelevant.

The best you can hope for with that sort of "evangelism" is just to avoid putting people off your religion.


Left Hand Path
Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

In essence, faith is something everyone possesses simply because it keeps them comforted in their Mind. Though it is a word that is often misleading and inaccurately applied to a certain group of people.

I haven't really been ridiculed for being a Satanist, I'm more often ridiculed by those who think they actually know something about what I believe.

Everyone likes to impose themselves upon others, as if pointing out the Oppositions dogma did not reflect upon the partakers, its hypocrisy ;)

So I'm sure this can apply to Christians and Atheists alike.


Left Hand Path
Here's an idea:

Instead of just being offended or upset about people voicing a negative view of your belief structure, why not formulate an argument that shows that the things they are saying are false?

Because people that argue already have it cemented in their Mind that they are right ;)


Veteran Member
a quote from the article.

"I tend to feel sorry for those who refuse to acknowledge the power of our Lord. For they cannot experience the joy our Father gives to us and are forced to walk the Earth without his guidance and love."

i just don't understand how someone can say this.
this insinuates you are happier than everyone who isn't a believer, not just happier than you were before...but happier than unbelievers...
if this is the case why feel sorry? i see right through this line of reasoning...
no no no, you feel sorry because you cannot convince the unbeliever...an admission of the need to control.


New Member
I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

What disturbed you about that?

Do you also grow frustrated when people who do have religious faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who don't, or is it just one-sided?

I know many people who claim to be Christians who make fun of and insult beliefs including atheism, Islam, Judaism, Satanism, Wicca, and many more. I'm not saying that makes it right in either direction, but it sounds like you filter that out and focus only on when atheists do it to your religion.

I do have to wonder what you consider "making fun of your beliefs", if you find this article disturbing, though. I have found that many times, Christians are very sensitive when it comes to comments made about their religion.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
That article is not even slightly disturbing. It barely registers as criticism, even.


slow walker
I'm sorry if you feel encroached upon, but it is a fact that a major part of the Christian religion is to spread the Jesus-love.

And this is one reason why your religion doesn't gain respect. Religion should be a private affair, and perhaps you don't realise how intrusive it is having to endure being stopped in the street by people asking if you have been 'saved' yet. Having to endure being labelled a 'sinner', as 'evil', as 'lost'.

If your religion and its followers want respect, stop judging others and stop thrusting it upon us. Respect our decision not to be a christian.


Empirical Curmudgeon
I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

Considering that this is in the Science vs Religion part of the forums there is only one answer to your query:

Evidence or get lost.

Simple as that.
I personally find a non-evidence based view of reality to be ridiculous.
As for the science part, there is such a thing as the Null Hypothesis, which applies in this and similar cases.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Where do you draw the line though? What if my beliefs contradict theirs and they deeply offend me by even comming to my private residence? Do I have the right to privacy from these hyenas?

But they're not stealing anything. How is calling them hyenas accurate? :confused: They're door-to-door insurance salesmen at worst.

I understand that its a persons right but what if you change the message? What if the message is going to a deeply christian area and asking everyone there to become gay? Is that not offensive to them? Should I be allowed to offend others because its my religion? Thats one of my gripes with what they do. Its not the message, its the mindset associated with the message which is somehow socially tolerated because Christianity i seen as "good."

I'm divided on this issue. I'm for freedom of speech but i see this issue as abusing the right. I don't think they have the right to offend me and I am certainly offended by the arrogance displayed by trying to "save" me.
Well, I'm offended by Twilight. I still say she has every right to publish whatever trash she wants, just as I have every right to criticize her work.

Pet peeves for me are people talking on their phones whilst being served at a fast food restaurant or people using their phones/ talking loudly in a study area at university. This issue is beyond a pet peeve.
I fail to see any difference.
Last edited:


Guardian of Asgaard
But they're not stealing anything. How is calling them hyenas accurate? :confused: They're door-to-door insurance salesmen at worst.

No but they're persistent and sometimes you have to be harsh so they leave.

Well, I'm offended by Twilight. I still say she has every right to publish whatever trash she wants, just as I have every right to criticize her work.

Thats somewhat unrelated to what I said.

What do you think would happen if I went through small town Louisiana asking people to become gay? Its an inappropriate message for such an area. Just because people have the right does not make it appropriate.

I've had to lock the front gates to these people before because they simply do not take no for an answer.

I fail to see any difference.

I'm annoyed by people on the phone but i'm absolutely disgusted by religion salesmen.


Left Hand Path
No but they're persistent and sometimes you have to be harsh so they leave.

Thats somewhat unrelated to what I said.

What do you think would happen if I went through small town Louisiana asking people to become gay? Its an inappropriate message for such an area. Just because people have the right does not make it appropriate.

I've had to lock the front gates to these people before because they simply do not take no for an answer.

I'm annoyed by people on the phone but i'm absolutely disgusted by religion salesmen.

Dystopia is a good song man...

I like Impossible Brutality better though ;)

But yea...your statement reminds of Direct TV, calling me in school whenever they want, getting my phone taken away by teachers and such.

It must be ok in their mind to continue calling me after I told them to stop calling me three times.

Imposing and authorative, tsk tsk.

Some people are just so caught up in themselves to realize that other people possess a will of their own too, though a large majority are as mindless as the robots that attempt to convert them.

I agree, sometimes you have to be harsh.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No but they're persistent and sometimes you have to be harsh so they leave.

Guess I haven't had that kind of experience. Most door-to-door preachers around here are actually somewhat polite and just leave patiently if you say you're not interested.

Thats somewhat unrelated to what I said.

What do you think would happen if I went through small town Louisiana asking people to become gay?

Not quite the same thing, since it's not possible for a heterosexual to become homosexual.

Now, if you were asking people to become Satanists, that'd be a more appropriate simile, I think.

Its an inappropriate message for such an area. Just because people have the right does not make it appropriate.

But even that's not enough to make it illegal.

I've had to lock the front gates to these people before because they simply do not take no for an answer.

I've never had that happen to me.

I'm annoyed by people on the phone but i'm absolutely disgusted by religion salesmen.

Salesmen are salesmen, whether they're selling cars, insurance, or religion. I've never seen any real difference, except that religious salesmen are often not out for profit.

But I live in an area without a whole lot of preachers.


Ninja Master
I am new to the forum and interested in debates. Earlier today, I read an article that disturbed me.


I understand that people will have feelings and opinions, but I grow frustrated when people who do not have faith go out of their way to say derogatory things about those who do.

My brother claims to be an atheist and constantly makes fun of my beliefs. Have any of you encountared similar reactions to your faith?

Seems to me if you're reading on a website called "Controversialcontent.com" you're probably getting what you asked for.


Jehovah our God is One
I have a particular problem with the author comparing God to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. He also calls believers child-like and simple-minded. These words are clearly meant to insult those who believe differently than him.

These things are designed to provoke. The best thing you can do is let it go in one ear and straight out the other. Dont let the ignorance of those people affect you. I view their opposition as evidence that having faith in God is worthwhile. Worshipers of God have been the target of abuse since Cain killed Abel...so take their comments as proof that you are on the right track.

Satan will not let it rest until he gets what he wants...so dont give in. :)