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Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
An afterthought: One could also say "I cannot buy any car because I cannot choose between all the makes and models." ;)
Not really a good comparison though. If I was at a car dealership I might actually be looking for a car, but I'm not necessarily in the market for accepting beliefs of the religious kind even if they were loaded unto me during my childhood. Hence why I want to see religious education gone from schooling. The argument that we are all ultimately looking for some religious explanation - and hence a choice being necessary - is not really valid (for me at least), given that even if some of us still will not have appropriate answers to any of our questions, we might accept such rather than accept some flawed answers from any particular religion - as we might see such.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Zero evidence that the universe is ontologically physical.

Seems to me there is lots of evidence existence is physical. Physical is anything that is perceptible by our senses of affects something perceptible by out senses. The only way to not have evidence of the physical would be to exist without senses.

The non-physical however would not be able to affect anything we could detect. So the existence of anything non-physical would be irrelevant to our existence sense it would be unable to affect us in anyway.


My own religion
Seems to me there is lots of evidence existence is physical. Physical is anything that is perceptible by our senses of affects something perceptible by out senses. The only way to not have evidence of the physical would be to exist without senses.

The non-physical however would not be able to affect anything we could detect. So the existence of anything non-physical would be irrelevant to our existence sense it would be unable to affect us in anyway.

I am not in the mood to go over how come it is methodological naturalism and not philosophical physicalism. Maybe we can do it another day. :)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
An afterthought: One could also say "I cannot buy any car because I cannot choose between all the makes and models." ;)

Yes, but if one is surrounded by salesmen who keep wanting you to buy their car while telling you if you buy any other car you'll die a fiery death which will continue into the Afterlife, then that may put some people off car buying.


Veteran Member
Except you continually do expect them to.
No, I don't because there are facts (objective evidence) to back up my belief.


Messengers are the evidence for God, but they are not subjective evidence, they are objective evidence.

Subjective evidence is evidence that we cannot evaluate. In fact, we have two choices; to accept what somebody says or reject it. ... Objective evidence is evidence that we can examine and evaluate for ourselves.
Objective evidence - definition and meaning - Market ...

Subjective evidence is subjective evidence because it is personal and we cannot evaluate it for ourselves,.

Messengers are objective evidence since we can examine and evaluate the Messengers for ourselves.

For example, we can examine and evaluate the evidence for Baha'u'llah for ourselves because there are actual facts surrounding the Person, the Life, and the Mission of Baha'u'llah.

All that is what I refer to as evidence.
I explained about extraordinary claims and why they need extraordinary evidence. These are not my ideas.
I agree, but what is extraordinary evidence to one person is not always extraordinary evidence to another person, although some of us agree on what is extraordinary evidence.
I don't believe for a minute that a god (at least a just and fair one who is at all interested in interacting with humanity) exists. The whole idea seems utterly incompatible with the world we live in. Hence I am not thumbing my nose at any god but I would be if I thought that the one you describe existed and I wouldn't care about 'not getting anything' - I wouldn't trust it anyway.
You said: "The whole idea seems utterly incompatible with the world we live in." That implies that you think that is a just and fair God existed the world we live in would be different. Since this is your personal opinion, why do you think the world would be different and how would it be different? In other words, what do you think God would do that you don't see God doing, if God existed?
If it exists, it most certainly is. An omnipotent could make its message stand out regardless of anything humans did.
God could if God chose to, but an omnipotent God only does what he chooses to do, not what humans want Him to do.

“Say: O people! Let not this life and its deceits deceive you, for the world and all that is therein is held firmly in the grasp of His Will. He bestoweth His favor on whom He willeth, and from whom He willeth He taketh it away. He doth whatsoever He chooseth.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 209
Yet you cannot provide anything worthy of the word 'evidence'.
It's been done.
Look. The world is full of religious claims. None of them stand out at all, just a confused mess of contradictory fantastical claims. Wading through all of them, on the off chance that one of them might be true is a lot of effort. Said effort just isn't worth it because if a god is hiding like that, I don't want to have anything to do with it anyway.
I never suggested you look at all the religious claims. Why would you need to do that? Why would you look at religions that were not revealed for the age in which we live, ancient religions? But you don't have to look at any of them if you don't want to, it's a choice. Some people are interested in God and some are not. I just read a new thread on a Baha'i forum from a lifelong atheist who came to the conclusion that God exists and decided to be a Baha'i. After researching many religions he found that Baha’i best aligns with his interpretation of what God is like and what his core values are. I asked him how he came to the conclusion that God exists and I am still waiting to hear back.
So zero evidence for god, then.
The history of the Baha'i Faith is evidence.
You started off the list with "What a logical person would expect to see if God existed". You can't exclude items from such an expectation on the basis that they haven't happened. That is begging the question again. It is perfectly logical to expect a just and fair god, that wants to communicate with humanity to make itself known to everybody. That it hasn't happened is good reason to think such a god does not exist.
I certainly CAN exclude items from such an expectation of 'what God would do' on the basis that they haven't happened, any logical person would understand that. If an omnipotent God could do x and God has never done x that means God has chosen not to do x. What do you think, God is suddenly going to change His mind and do x?

God has always communicated to humans via Messengers, as long as humans have existed. God is not going to now say to Himself, "Oops, I guess I made a mistake so now I am going to communicate directly to humans because there this a small percentage of atheists in the world who don't believe in my Messengers."

It is perfectly logical to expect a just and fair God that wants to communicate with humanity to make itself known to everybody but it is completely illogical to expect God to make Himself known in the manner that you (or anyone else) expects God to make Himself known.
Again, an omnipotent God only does what He chooses to do, so what you see is what you get. If you don't like it you can reject it since you have free will.
No they don't.
No, they don't, if they are not interested in knowing about the message of Baha'u'llah. They only have to if they are interested in knowing.
You're contradicting yourself. You deny that your god is all-powerful by limiting what it can do. An omnipotent god could obviously speak and write like a human without becoming a human. Jeez, we're pretty much at the point where a machine can speak and write like a human.
Nobody except God knows what God can do...
No, I do not limit God, God limits what He will do. It does not matter if God could do it, it only matters if He does do it.

AGAIN, an omnipotent God only does what He chooses to do.... Try to think about why.
God did speak and write through the Messengers because that is what God chose to do.
Except all your so called logic seems to have the existence of a god as a premiss. It's like you can't even imagine the non-existence of god so it just drops out of your 'logic' completely.
No, the existence of God is my conclusion based upon the evidence. It is not my premise.
No, I cannot imagine the nonexistence of God since there is too much evidence for God staring me in the face.


Veteran Member
But your second sentence falsifies the Abrahamic God. Why is your God causing you to suffer even when you believe in him?
God is not causing me to suffer, suffering is just inherent in a material world.

"I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."Exodus 20.5-6

FYI, I don't believe in ancient texts that anthropomorphize God. God is not punishing anyone for the sins of Adam and Eve since they never even existed.
God loves everyone, even if they hate Him or don't believe in Him.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
The same evidence that can be used as evidence for different gods is not good evidence.
There are no different Gods, only different religious beliefs.
There is only one God and all true religions come from that God through different Messengers in different ages.



Veteran Member
Not really a good comparison though. If I was at a car dealership I might actually be looking for a car, but I'm not necessarily in the market for accepting beliefs of the religious kind even if they were loaded unto me during my childhood. Hence why I want to see religious education gone from schooling. The argument that we are all ultimately looking for some religious explanation - and hence a choice being necessary - is not really valid (for me at least), given that even if some of us still will not have appropriate answers to any of our questions, we might accept such rather than accept some flawed answers from any particular religion - as we might see such.
True, not everyone needs to choose between different makes and models of cars because not everyone needs a car, not unless we are going somewhere and have no other method of transportation.


Veteran Member
Yes, but if one is surrounded by salesmen who keep wanting you to buy their car while telling you if you buy any other car you'll die a fiery death which will continue into the Afterlife, then that may put some people off car buying.
That's one reason why I would never buy a car off a car lot. In fact, I never bought a new car in my entire life. I get all my cars off Craigslist.
My newest car is a 1999 and my older car is a 1986. :)


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
This is just getting silly...

No, I don't because there are facts (objective evidence) to back up my belief.
Why haven't you posted any?

Messengers are the evidence for God, but they are not subjective evidence, they are objective evidence.
There is no objective evidence that the so called 'messengers' have any connection whatsoever to a real, existing god. Every time I ask you, you go on about evidence for their lives and messages. I don't care what they did or said, no possible set of words and (non-miraculous) actions can possibly be evidence for a god.

Messengers are objective evidence since we can examine and evaluate the Messengers for ourselves.
Not for a god.

"The whole idea seems utterly incompatible with the world we live in." That implies that you think that is a just and fair God existed the world we live in would be different.

Since this is your personal opinion, why do you think the world would be different and how would it be different? In other words, what do you think God would do that you don't see God doing, if God existed?
It would not inflict unnecessary suffering, would not let people inflict unnecessary suffering on each other (please don't go on about 'free will', I have never heard a coherent definition that would make the slightest sense from the POV of a god), and would make its message clear to all. This is what seems logical and reasonable to me. However, I only have my own mind to use, and if there is a god, that would be its fault too if I'm wrong.

God could if God chose to, but an omnipotent God only does what he chooses to do, not what humans want Him to do.
Yes. And choosing not to make its message stand out is either dimwitted or playing silly games. I don't care which, I'm not interested either way.

It's been done.
No. Not the slightest hint of objective evidence for a god. Evidence for people who claim to be 'messengers' and evidence for yet another faith is not evidence for a god. What's so hard? No amount of evidence for humans doing stuff is evidence for god.

I never suggested you look at all the religious claims. Why would you need to do that? Why would you look at religions that were not revealed for the age in which we live, ancient religions?
Begging the question again. :rolleyes: The idea that your faith is the one for this time is just another baseless, unevidenced religious claim.

The history of the Baha'i Faith is evidence.
No matter how hard you stamp your little foot, evidence for yet another religion is not going to magically turn into evidence for a god. You really need to give this up. It's silly.

I certainly CAN exclude items from such an expectation of 'what God would do' on the basis that they haven't happened, any logical person would understand that.
No, it's just more question begging. In order to exclude them, you'd have to assume a god existed, which is the question you're trying to answer.

If an omnipotent God could do x and God has never done x that means God has chosen not to do x.
See? You assumed the existence of a god. :facepalm:

The question was "What a logical person would expect to see if God existed?", so we should be thinking of expectations regardless of what we actually see, otherwise you're assuming the conclusion.

It is perfectly logical to expect a just and fair God that wants to communicate with humanity to make itself known to everybody but it is completely illogical to expect God to make Himself known in the manner that you (or anyone else) expects God to make Himself known.
So why ask the question about expectation? This kind of nonsense just undermines any logic at all. We only have our own expectations to go on, we can't possibly second guess the way in which some god might not meet our expectation because it could be literally any way at all, which makes the question pointless.

It does not matter if God could do it, it only matters if He does do it.
And my point is that either no god exists (by far the most likely - it explains what we see perfectly) or it is making stupid choices or playing daft games.

No, I cannot imagine the nonexistence of God since there is too much evidence for God staring me in the face.
Yet you continue to fail to post any. Evidence for people, their actions, and messages, can never be evidence for a god.


Veteran Member
This is just getting silly...
It is not getting silly, it is silly.
Why haven't you posted any?
Because I cannot post entire books on a forum.

God Passes By (1844-1944)
The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volumes 1-4, which cover the 40 years of His Mission, from 1853-1892.

Writings: The Works of Bahá'u'lláh
There is no objective evidence that the so called 'messengers' have any connection whatsoever to a real, existing god. Every time I ask you, you go on about evidence for their lives and messages. I don't care what they did or said, no possible set of words and (non-miraculous) actions can possibly be evidence for a god.
It is evidence but it is not proof. Do you know the difference between evidence and proof?

Don't ever expect to get proof that God exists, or proof that Baha'u'llah was a Messenger of God, since these can never be proven as facts.
All we have is the evidence that indicates that this was the case and causes 'some of us' to believe, but evidence is not the same as proof.

Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid: https://www.google.com/search

Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened.
Objective evidence definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Proof: evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement: https://www.google.com/search

There are many kinds of evidence, and not all evidence is verifiable. Verifiable evidence is proof because it establishes something as a fact.

Fact: something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which there is information:
Not for a god.
Messengers are the evidence for God. Don't expect to get anything else since God doesn't provide anything else.
It would not inflict unnecessary suffering, would not let people inflict unnecessary suffering on each other (please don't go on about 'free will', I have never heard a coherent definition that would make the slightest sense from the POV of a god), and would make its message clear to all. This is what seems logical and reasonable to me. However, I only have my own mind to use, and if there is a god, that would be its fault too if I'm wrong.
You are correct in saying that what you said is what seems logical and reasonable to you and that you have only your own mind to use.
You are incorrect in saying that if there is a God, it would be God's fault if you are wrong. That is incorrect because God does not think for you, you think for yourself.

Why this seems logical to you is what you need to explain. I can explain why I think it is illogical.

How could God stop people from inflicting suffering on other people unless God took over their free will to choose?
Why should God do that?

How could make its message 'clear to all' without thinking for them and taking away their free will to think for themselves?
Why should God do that?
Yes. And choosing not to make its message stand out is either dimwitted or playing silly games. I don't care which, I'm not interested either way.
The message stands out to some of us but not to everyone because all people are different, so they think and process the same information differently. No two brains think alike.

Does everyone's brain work the same?​
Everyone's body and everyone's brain differs from everyone else's from the moment of birth, and these differences grow as the final shaping of our bodies and brains is done outside the womb and incorporates our individual experiences in the world.May 17, 2022​

No. Not the slightest hint of objective evidence for a god. Evidence for people who claim to be 'messengers' and evidence for yet another faith is not evidence for a god. What's so hard? No amount of evidence for humans doing stuff is evidence for god.
There is not and never will be objective evidence for God. There is only objective evidence for the Messengers of God. The Messengers are the only evidence that indicates that God exists and only through them can we ever know anything about God's attributes and God's will for us. .
Begging the question again. :rolleyes: The idea that your faith is the one for this time is just another baseless, unevidenced religious claim.
It is a religious claim but it is neither baseless nor unevidenced.
No matter how hard you stamp your little foot, evidence for yet another religion is not going to magically turn into evidence for a god. You really need to give this up. It's silly.
Wake up and smell the coffee! All the great religions are the evidence for God because they were revealed by God through Messengers.
No matter how hard you stamp your little foot, you can never change that. Why atheists cannot see what is so obvious to almost everyone in the world is beyond my comprehension.
No, it's just more question begging. In order to exclude them, you'd have to assume a god existed, which is the question you're trying to answer.
"I certainly CAN exclude items from such an expectation of 'what God would do' on the basis that they haven't happened, any logical person would understand that."

Now we are shifting the goalposts?

This is hypothetical. This dialogue assumes the existence of God since there can be no expectations of a nonexistent God.

So if God exists we know that God has never done x becaue we have no evidence for x (where x = direct communication to everyone)
But if God exists we know God has done y because we have evidence for y (where y = sending Messengers)
See? You assumed the existence of a god. :facepalm:

The question was "What a logical person would expect to see if God existed?", so we should be thinking of expectations regardless of what we actually see, otherwise you're assuming the conclusion.
Whenever we discuss God we are assuming the existence of God, even if we do not 'believe' in God.

If God existed and could do x and we have never seen x that means that if God exists, God has never chosen to do x. How simple is that?
So why ask the question about expectation? This kind of nonsense just undermines any logic at all. We only have our own expectations to go on, we can't possibly second guess the way in which some god might not meet our expectation because it could be literally any way at all, which makes the question pointless.
That's a good point. Why ask about expectations since what we see is what we get, and there is nothing we can do about it.
And my point is that either no god exists (by far the most likely - it explains what we see perfectly) or it is making stupid choices or playing daft games.
Here we go again. What you just said, that if God exists God is making stupid choices or playing daft games is nothing more than your personal opinion based upon your expectations of what God would do if God exists. How do you think you can know what God would do if God exists?
Yet you continue to fail to post any. Evidence for people, their actions, and messages, can never be evidence for a god.
All the great religions are evidence for God. The Bible is evidence fro God since it was inspired by God. The Writings of Baha'u'llah are evidence for God because they were revealed by God to Baha'u'llah. You have free will so you can choose to believe the claim or reject it

“O KING! I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of the All-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hath been. This thing is not from Me, but from One Who is Almighty and All-Knowing. And He bade Me lift up My voice between earth and heaven, and for this there befell Me what hath caused the tears of every man of understanding to flow.”
Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 57


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Because I cannot post entire books on a forum.
How would that help?

It is evidence but it is not proof. Do you know the difference between evidence and proof?
I know the difference and so called 'messengers' are not evidence of a god. You could say they are evidence of sincere belief in a god but not of the actual existence of a god.

Messengers are the evidence for God.
In what possible way? What is the logical path from the lives and teaching of these humans, to the truth of what they believed? Religions and their leaders are two a penny. They contradict each other. At least most of them must be wrong. None of them have provided objective evidence for their claims. None, zip, nada, zilch...

You are incorrect in saying that if there is a God, it would be God's fault if you are wrong. That is incorrect because God does not think for you, you think for yourself.
False. I can only use my mind to the best of my ability. If there is a god, the capabilities of my mind are down to its creation. QED.

How could God stop people from inflicting suffering on other people unless God took over their free will to choose?
Why should God do that?
As I said, there is no definition of 'free will' that I've ever heard that is both self-consistent and would make sense from the perspective of an omnipotent, omniscient creator. Such a god would not be able to "take over" our 'free-will' because it would already have full control anyway. Anything else leads to contradictions.

How could make its message 'clear to all' without thinking for them and taking away their free will to think for themselves?
See above. But, even if 'free will' existed in that sense, giving a clear message (providing information) doesn't take it over.

There is not and never will be objective evidence for God.
If evidence is not objective, it isn't evidence. So you've admitted that your claim that "Messengers are the evidence for God." is simply false.

I'm not going to accept a proposition (any proposition) about external, objective reality without objective evidence. To do so would be irrational.

Whenever we discuss God we are assuming the existence of God, even if we do not 'believe' in God.
Of course we're not. I'm discussing a concept that you think is correct and I think is wrong. Making an assumption makes the whole conversation futile.

The Bible is evidence fro God since it was inspired by God.
Begging the question.

The Writings of Baha'u'llah are evidence for God because they were revealed by God to Baha'u'llah.
Begging the question.

You have free will so you can choose to believe the claim or reject it
Nobody can choose what to believe. You are either convinced or you aren't, it isn't a choice. Try not believing in your god for 15 minutes or believing that the earth is flat. See?


Veteran Member
How would that help?
It wouldn't help, which is why I wouldn't do it, aside from the fact that I cannot post entire books on a forum.
I know the difference and so called 'messengers' are not evidence of a god. You could say they are evidence of sincere belief in a god but not of the actual existence of a god.
Unless you can prove that they ARE NOT the evidence for God that God has provided, that is only your personal opinion, just as it s only my belief that they ARE evidence.

Moreover, it is a bald assertion to say 'you know' that Messengers are not evidence for the existence of God unless you can back it up with facts.

What is "bald assertion?" Well the name says it all, doesn't it? It's stating something without backing it up.
Logical Fallacy Lesson 4: Bald Assertion | Rational Response Squad
In what possible way? What is the logical path from the lives and teaching of these humans, to the truth of what they believed? Religions and their leaders are two a penny. They contradict each other. At least most of them must be wrong. None of them have provided objective evidence for their claims. None, zip, nada, zilch...
There is a logical path but one has to embark upon the path without prejudice, with a desire to know the truth.

The revealed scriptures that religions are based upon don't contradict each other although they are different since humans and the world they lived in were different in different ages. The purpose of a religion is to reveal what humans need to grow spiritually and give us the teachings and laws we need to live morally and in harmony with each other. If humanity and the world we live in never changed over time, there would never have been a need for any more than one religion, but that is not the case since humans and the world they live in change over time..

The religious teachings contradict each other because the scriptures of the older religions have been misinterpreted and distorted my man over time.

Baha'u'llah wrote:

"Certain traditions of bygone ages rest on no foundations whatever, while the notions entertained by past generations, and which they have recorded in their books, have, for the most part, been influenced by the desires of a corrupt inclination.” Gleanings, p. 171
False. I can only use my mind to the best of my ability. If there is a god, the capabilities of my mind are down to its creation. QED.
That is completely illogical. Now it is God's fault for the way you think. Haven't you ever heard garbage in, garbage out? We are all the procts of what we put in our brains nd that is why education is so important. All people have the capacity to believe in God, we were created that way. Otherwise we could not be held accountable for believing. Whether or not we use our capacities is up to us.
As I said, there is no definition of 'free will' that I've ever heard that is both self-consistent and would make sense from the perspective of an omnipotent, omniscient creator. Such a god would not be able to "take over" our 'free-will' because it would already have full control anyway. Anything else leads to contradictions.
Free will is simply the will/ability to make choices based upon our desires and preferences. Our desires and preferences come from a combination of factors such as childhood upbringing, heredity, education, adult experiences, and present life circumstances. All of these can be considered causes or reasons why we choose one thing or another.

How free our choices are varies with the situation. Certainly what we refer to as “free will” has many constraints such as ability and opportunity but we have volition as otherwise we could not choose anything. However, we can make choices because otherwise we would just be pre-programmed robots.

There is absolutely no reason what free wil cannot exist alongside an omnipotent, omniscient God. Such a God would not be able to "take over" our 'free-will' if He wanted to but He does not want to so He doesn't.
See above. But, even if 'free will' existed in that sense, giving a clear message (providing information) doesn't take it over.
I never said it did. The message is clear, but not everyone is able to comprehend it yet, although everyone will eventually.
If evidence is not objective, it isn't evidence. So you've admitted that your claim that "Messengers are the evidence for God." is simply false.

I'm not going to accept a proposition (any proposition) about external, objective reality without objective evidence. To do so would be irrational.
As I said in a prior post, the evidence for the Messengers is objective.

Objective evidence is evidence that we can examine and evaluate for ourselves.
Objective evidence - definition and meaning - Market ...

Messengers are objective evidence since we can examine and evaluate the Messengers for ourselves.

For example, we can examine and evaluate the evidence for Baha'u'llah for ourselves because there are actual facts surrounding the Person, the Life, and the Mission of Baha'u'llah.
Of course we're not. I'm discussing a concept that you think is correct and I think is wrong. Making an assumption makes the whole conversation futile.
Whenever you invoke the name God you are discussing God even if you don't believe in God.
Begging the question.

Begging the question.
Begs the question is a term that comes from formal logic. It's a translation of the Latin phrase petitio principii, and it's used to mean that someone has made a conclusion based on a premise that lacks support. Begging the question - Wikipedia

The premise does not lack support so the conclusion is warranted and it is not begging the question.
Nobody can choose what to believe. You are either convinced or you aren't, it isn't a choice. Try not believing in your god for 15 minutes or believing that the earth is flat. See?
I won't argue with that. Look back to my definition of free will and you will see it has many constraints. So just because everyone has the 'capacity' to believe in God that does not mean they will be able to use that capacity. God is the only one who fully understands what our capacities are so God does not hold someone accountable if they tried to believe but couldn't. However, God might hold someone accountable is they never even tried.

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
Messengers are the evidence for God. Don't expect to get anything else since God doesn't provide anything else.
We have our soul possibly as evidence. If we have a soul that is unified with a higher power then by looking within one can see

I just disagree on a religious level your specific Bahai theology asserting that knowledge of god only comes from a few select messengers and there's no other way.
All the great religions are evidence for God. The Bible is evidence fro God since it was inspired by God. The Writings of Baha'u'llah are evidence for God because they were revealed by God to Baha'u'llah.
My forum posts are obviously evidence of God. Edit: (see how flimsy that is?)


Be your own guru
FYI, I don't believe in ancient texts that anthropomorphize God. God is not punishing anyone for the sins of Adam and Eve since they never even existed.
God loves everyone, even if they hate Him or don't believe in Him.
What about God himself and the prophets/sons/messengers/manifestations/mahdis supposed to have been sent by him?
Things happen in this world only if your omni-potent and omniscient God desires it. Can anything happen in the world without God desiring it?
Why is he punishing you, what for, what sin have you committed? He certainly does not seem to love you.