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Define God


As the title says.

Include qualities, accomplishments, responsibilities, attributes, etc. if any of these apply.
God is reality. If there is anything actual, or anything factual, it is derived from God. All things real, productive, edifying, truthful, good and constructive, are derived from God and reflect His character. Anything corrupt, destructive, subversive and consequential, stems from either the absence or distortion of what God has created and intended to be.
Love must be authentic and sincere, and therefore, man cannot be coerced to remain faithful, reverent and obedient to God. Thus, all that is in opposition and contrary to God's impeccable character and will, is initiated by man's defiance and antipathy towards his creator.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
As the title says.

Include qualities, accomplishments, responsibilities, attributes, etc. if any of these apply.
God is the supreme deity who is is:
“The only true God”
  1. He is YHWH, the ruler over heaven and creation
  2. God is ONE God, one ruler, the ONLY RULER we should worship - and ‘Worship’ is not simply bowing the knee’!
  3. God is Father: “Father” means:
    1. “He who creates”
    2. “He who brings into being…”
    3. “He that gives life …”
    4. “The head of all who are called heads”
Yhwh gave us his eternal name. ‘Yhwh’ means:
  • “I am” … “I am a constant … I never change”
  • “What I say must be else I am not ‘God’”
“God” is both a TITLE and an adjective. Anyone who is:
  • Glorious
  • Sinless
  • Creative
  • Magnificent
  • Masterful
  • All powerful
  • Majestic
  • Wisest
  • Strongest
  • Absolute righteous judge (He is not partial)
  • Rule maker
  • Rule upholder
  • Creator
  • Maintainer
  • Commander
  • Gracious
  • Love of all he is (positive Vanity)
  • More… (all superlatives of righteous positivity)
All - in CONTEXT - are ‘GOD’ of that aspect of their being. Therefore we can say:
A judge in his courtroom is supreme rule keeper… he is GOD of his courtroom
  • A Father is the commander in his family home .. he is GOD of his household
  • A Principal is GOD of his School
  • …. Choose your own contextual example
You see all the examples given are physical and earthly in their context. Therefore there can be MORE THAN ONE of such ‘God(s)’ in each context. Therefore, as the scriptures says:
  • “Though there are many Lords and Many Gods, for us there is only ONE GOD; the Father…”
  • “I am God of all whom are called ‘Gods’”
  • “I sad ‘ye are Gods’” (yhwh speaking of holy men who received and kept the word of yhwh God - and also of the holy angels)
This title can be used for many BY CONTEXT because of the ADJECTIVE definition. But we need to understand that while YHWH is ALL THOSE SUPERLATIVES, humans are ONLY MADE IN THE IMAGE OF YHWH… So we can only aspire to be like the source that we are the image of:
  • An image can only do what the source shows itself doing
  • “I can only do what I see my Father doing … and only say what my Father teaches me to say” (Jesus… paraphrased)
It stands to reason, therefore, that we need to clarify what we mean by ‘God’ when we write. For instance, scripture verses says:
  1. ‘Thy throne, o God, is forever…’
  2. ‘And therefore God, thy God, Will make your throne an eternal throne” (paraphrased)
Trinitarians mis-interpret those verse claiming that YHWH was calling Jesus ‘God’!!!


First off, the verses are directed at KING DAVID, and no one imagines that yhwh was calling David, ‘God’ as a title.

The verses are saying:
  1. Thy throne, o glorious one, supreme ruler over Israel, my beloved [David]… your throne will be eternal…’
  2. “And therefore, YHWH, your worshipful one, will make your throne an eternal throne’
And guess what: it is used also as a prophesy of Jesus Christ… So how is it wrongfully concluded that the interpretation claims that Jesus is YHWH GOD?

And, of course, John 1:1 is so badly mistranslated that it destroys all credibility of all Trinitarians… because they says that:
  1. ‘God was GOD’
  2. ‘God was with God’
  3. ‘God was in the beginning with God’
So we are to believe that the eternal YHWH was with and GOD yet was the same GOD that was YHWH!!

Sorry, NO!

The context is that ‘YHWH’s word was SUPREME… all powerful… majestic, commanding… full of wisdom and power. ‘ and thus YHWH was PLEASED with his creation.

The powerful all commanding word of God created all things.

By the way, the verse saying:
  • “Hear, o Israel, yhwh your god is ONE GOD’
is not a definition of a TRINITY of persons in God… how do they say that?

The Israelites were among tribes and nations who worshipped MANY GODS. YHWH told them that they must not believe in many gods as the pagans around you - but WORSHIP ME ALONE AS YOUR ONLY GOD!!!

How is that incredulously interpreted as ‘YHWH is three persons’ when YHWH clearly state that he is ONE GOD??
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Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
As the title says.

Include qualities, accomplishments, responsibilities, attributes, etc. if any of these apply.

Made universe in 6 days.

I am eternal...the alpha (beginning) and the omega (end).

I am goodness itself.

My son was Jesus Christ.

I am the law giver.


We could have made the universe in 4 days and done a better job.

You're inexperienced.

We don't trust you (you won't qualify for a security clearance).

My son is a doctor...yours practiced medicine without a license.

We don't want to hire a bossy boss.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
God is a man-made invention.
God is the result of humans first attempt at explaining the world before the scientific method was developed.
God is a figment of imagination.
God is a profit center.
God is a political action committee.
God is a tool used to control people.
God is a false consolation to make people feel better about dying.
God is an imaginary friend that will never be proven or disproven, just like all imaginary friends.

Most of all, God is the most divisive ideas Neolithic and Bronze Age men concocted, responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths and the subjugation of women (and races) for thousands of years.

Writhes on the ground, babbling incoherently (talking in tongues in God's language). God just told me that he exists. Well, I hope that is sufficient proof.

Oops....I have to go now.....We all have appointments to kill ourselves (Heavens Gate cult) so our souls will fly around the solar system on a passing comet. I turned down Jones at Jonestown (because the poison jello was lime that day, and I wanted cherry poison).

You know, it will be nice to go to the afterlife to get away from all the nuts down here.

The Crimson Universe

Active Member
As the title says.

Include qualities, accomplishments, responsibilities, attributes, etc. if any of these apply.

The word 'God' as per hinduism atleast denotes a kind of anthropomorphic divine being, with human features and qualities.

To christians, jews, muslims and dualist hindus, God is immanent. That is, he is all around us. He has pervaded this world with his presence. He often interacts with his chosen ones and guides them, like he did with Abraham, Moses etc.

Many consider God to be compassionate, forgiving and merciful, while some consider Him to be a vengeful, jealous God.

If you ask me, then i would say that i don't really think of Him as a jealous God, but in my opinion He definitely lacks compassion. Even if we suffer due to our karmas, that doesn't mean God should abandon us. He should be rather forgiving. But when i see all around us, people are suffering due to their karmas and no help or forgiveness is coming from above, then it makes me doubt God's so called compassionate nature.


Veteran Member
To christians, jews, muslims and dualist hindus, God is immanent. That is, he is all around us. He has pervaded this world with his presence.

Actually, that is a fringe view in Islamic philosophy. Its a good philosophy, but its not general. The general philosophy about God in Islamic discourse is that he is separate from the universe. Its not that I agree with it or not, I am just stating the general perspective. So being separate from the universe, he cannot be logically deemed "he is all around us". God is considered to be close to you, but that's in knowing, not physical presence.

Nevertheless, the Quranic discourse does not make any of these cases. Its just "there is nothing like God".


Well-Known Member
God is the supreme deity who is is:
“The only true God”
  1. He is YHWH, the ruler over heaven and creation
  2. God is ONE God, one ruler, the ONLY RULER we should worship - and ‘Worship’ is not simply bowing the knee’!
  3. God is Father: “Father” means:
    1. “He who creates”
    2. “He who brings into being…”
    3. “He that gives life …”
    4. “The head of all who are called heads”
Yhwh gave us his eternal name. ‘Yhwh’ means:
  • “I am” … “I am a constant … I never change”
  • “What I say must be else I am not ‘God’”
“God” is both a TITLE and an adjective. Anyone who is:
  • Glorious
  • Sinless
  • Creative
  • Magnificent
  • Masterful
  • All powerful
  • Majestic
  • Wisest
  • Strongest
  • Absolute righteous judge (He is not partial)
  • Rule maker
  • Rule upholder
  • Creator
  • Maintainer
  • Commander
  • Gracious
  • Love of all he is (positive Vanity)
  • More… (all superlatives of righteous positivity)
All - in CONTEXT - are ‘GOD’ of that aspect of their being. Therefore we can say:
A judge in his courtroom is supreme rule keeper… he is GOD of his courtroom
  • A Father is the commander in his family home .. he is GOD of his household
  • A Principal is GOD of his School
  • …. Choose your own contextual example
You see all the examples given are physical and earthly in their context. Therefore there can be MORE THAN ONE of such ‘God(s)’ in each context. Therefore, as the scriptures says:
  • “Though there are many Lords and Many Gods, for us there is only ONE GOD; the Father…”
  • “I am God of all whom are called ‘Gods’”
  • “I sad ‘ye are Gods’” (yhwh speaking of holy men who received and kept the word of yhwh God - and also of the holy angels)
This title can be used for many BY CONTEXT because of the ADJECTIVE definition. But we need to understand that while YHWH is ALL THOSE SUPERLATIVES, humans are ONLY MADE IN THE IMAGE OF YHWH… So we can only aspire to be like the source that we are the image of:
  • An image can only do what the source shows itself doing
  • “I can only do what I see my Father doing … and only say what my Father teaches me to say” (Jesus… paraphrased)
It stands to reason, therefore, that we need to clarify what we mean by ‘God’ when we write. For instance, scripture verses says:
  1. ‘Thy throne, o God, is forever…’
  2. ‘And therefore God, thy God, Will make your throne an eternal throne” (paraphrased)
Trinitarians mis-interpret those verse claiming that YHWH was calling Jesus ‘God’!!!


First off, the verses are directed at KING DAVID, and no one imagines that yhwh was calling David, ‘God’ as a title.

The verses are saying:
  1. Thy throne, o glorious one, supreme ruler over Israel, my beloved [David]… your throne will be eternal…’
  2. “And therefore, YHWH, your worshipful one, will make your throne an eternal throne’
And guess what: it is used also as a prophesy of Jesus Christ… So how is it wrongfully concluded that the interpretation claims that Jesus is YHWH GOD?

And, of course, John 1:1 is so badly mistranslated that it destroys all credibility of all Trinitarians… because they says that:
  1. ‘God was GOD’
  2. ‘God was with God’
  3. ‘God was in the beginning with God’
So we are to believe that the eternal YHWH was with and GOD yet was the same GOD that was YHWH!!

Sorry, NO!

The context is that ‘YHWH’s word was SUPREME… all powerful… majestic, commanding… full of wisdom and power. ‘ and thus YHWH was PLEASED with his creation.

The powerful all commanding word of God created all things.

By the way, the verse saying:
  • “Hear, o Israel, yhwh your god is ONE GOD’
is not a definition of a TRINITY of persons in God… how do they say that?

The Israelites were among tribes and nations who worshipped MANY GODS. YHWH told them that they must not believe in many gods as the pagans around you - but WORSHIP ME ALONE AS YOUR ONLY GOD!!!

How is that incredulously interpreted as ‘YHWH is three persons’ when YHWH clearly state that he is ONE GOD??

Is God moral and does he/she/it take responsibility for creation?


Well-Known Member
I have read it a few times.

Job is an allegory … What of it?

I think that the story shows that the author thinks of God as above morality. God would torture a faithful man and take away all that he has to make a point to Satan about how faithful Job is.

The allegory is that God may make us suffer and it is not for us to judge God. It is just like reality...reality can do whatever it wants to us and we cannot complain or criticize. This is indistinguishable from amoral behavior. That means it is not really possible to distinguish whether God cares for us or not as an amoral agent could act in the same way.

Why is God trying to make a point to Satan anyway? It seems the authors understood the problem of evil in a creation that is wholly owned by a creator God and were trying to explain, through the mystery of the order of that creation, that it is impossible for us to judge.

Therefore it is impossible for us to know if God is moral as he/she/it's creation is so obviously amoral and we are treated that way by it.

Samantha Rinne

Resident Genderfluid Writer/Artist
As the title says.

Include qualities, accomplishments, responsibilities, attributes, etc. if any of these apply.


Defining God is to put him in a box.

The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The Unnamable is the Eternally Real.
Naming is the origin
of all common things.

Whatever you name (Allah or Vishnu or Odin, for instance) is not a real God. Only God is God. Such a modifier is not a real name. The only other means of address for an eternal being is a nickname.

The same is true of any attributes that I give. If I call God omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipresent, even these sound like unlimited things, they in effect act as logical traps. "See? God didn't grant my (selfish) wish! He must not exist or not be omnipotent." (No you're just a brat, and God might not wanna do that thing) Or supposing I gave God jobs. "God is the god of healing and justice." They did that with the Norse gods too, only each was only in charge of such things.

Any definition we give is a limitation. So no, I won't play your game. So there.