So if someone is in a bad situation, and says, I have Faith God will help me... Is it sure that God will help?
I Don't think so...
I Think the person Actually believes god will help, while the reality is that God will probably won't.
And if so, Faith might cause you saying "Oh.. God helped me because he wanted me to learn a lesson about what I experienced"..
But again, I Might be wrong.. That's how I interpret Faith
I find it unreasonable to understand faith in that way. That's closer to wishful thinking (see my, or other's definition for that). Faith is more fundamental. Once it is invoked, you know (or have strong confidence) in the parameters. You may be unaware of what all parameters are, but those you are aware of, you likely have strong confidence in.
Faith is: I have strong confidence I am in a physical body and that my body's eyes can see such and such. Or my body can do such and such. The "such and such" are the parameters, but are not as fundamental as the foundational faith proposition (I am in a physical body, or I am Spirit/Soul in God's domain). From spiritual (possibly philosophical) perspective, faith begins with understanding that your mind can serve one of two 'masters.' How you understand those two, is really up to you. Once either is accepted, Reason enters in the picture and is never devoid of the faith, meaning Reason cannot replace or supersede the fundamental faith. It adds to it, and I think helps increase awareness of additional parameters which may also be supported by faith.
I don't think anyone is yet to understand what love really is...
I see this as somewhat accurate, but also a detractor from what is obvious/self evident. I equate God to Love, and do think it very challenging with words to completely, or accurate, depict what (God's) Love entails. But, I understand as extensions of God, we are also Love, and so "Know thy Self" is understanding own self as Love, and what that entails, plus understand all of us through that filter. Love, to me, would be the fundamental parameter by which all other real things are manifested/created.
So you say Love is basically the essence of everything?
Yet this is not really a definition of Love as essence of everything is not really a definition.
If you had to explain Love to a child, How would you describe it?
Do you think a Child will accept an answer like: Love is everything! as a mind easing answer?
I don't think describing Love is sufficient answer to fully understanding / embracing Love, and yet I think it implausible to not embrace it, to some degree.
Here are characteristics of Love that I feel does help in understanding it (intellectually) - though I realize these may be debatable (as I at first debated them):
- Love gives all to all to provide maximum gain to the giver
- Love never condemns, never finds guilt, never entertains / embraces fear
- Love fosters Knowledge, which ultimately supersedes Reason, but if mind is split (willing to serve either of two master), Love naturally embraces Reason
- Love recognizes abundance and peace in all that it looks upon
- Love is incapable of asking for anything
- Love offers perfect protection and is incapable of being threatened
- Love is Innocence, personified
To that I can agree
I rejoice.
But intellectually, I do wonder if your agreement is merely with simplistic notion that 'sin is illusionary?'
I ask because sin is, as I defined it previously, lack of Love. That is all perceptual, and thus a whole world (or universe) can emerge by which 'lack of love' is believed to be 'reality' and where separation among God/God's Creation is imagined as how I exist in relation to 'others.'
IOW, if sin were truly undone, this (physical) world would cease to exist. How that plays out and appears, remains to be seen, but being that we are Love, and/or that one might today intellectually grasp basics of Love, would lead to (profound) understanding that this world ceasing to exist would offer zero Reason to associate that with fear, sacrifice, or loss of self.
Here you lost me
But i assume that people with actual true love can also Sin no?
Sin is not actual, it is illusionary. From perspective of the other master, everyone is sinning all the time, without exception, and sinning is (clearly) threatening existence/life. Death is inevitable. Pain and suffering are things which you can count on. Doubt is healthy. I could go on, but hopefully you get a basic idea of how treacherous acceptance of sin as 'real / really occurring' is upon the mind. Love undoes all this, via forgiveness. Forgiveness is ultimately an illusion, but is the illusion that ends (all other) illusions. In God's domain, forgiveness is unnecessary. In a world where you/anyone believes themselves to be separate from God (at any moment), forgiveness is your only sane function.
According to religion, BTW, We are all born sinners... so based on your conclusion, We are living in an illusion of love and not experiencing real love?
We are all plausibly living in an illusion of lack of love, and not yet experiencing perfect Love. Forgiveness offers glimpses of actual Love, and by glimpses I mean it may be seconds of awareness or years of experience. But what are years within scope of history of this universe, much less within all of eternity?
The kicker (for me) is that how I perceive anyone that I may at first glance identify as "not me" is ENTIRELY on me. Thus, forgiveness isn't from me to them to change them (wishful thinking), but for me, to change my perception of them, filtering it through perspective of Love/miracles. Miracles open up a whole other intellectual (and experiential) avenue that would lead me to a whole lot of proselytizing, much of which I have come to understand is foremost for me to take care of with my own self, first rather than espouse it as if 'you all need to hear my wisdom so that we can all change together and be ready for God's return.' I fully trust you (general you) are in Good Hands right now, and are exactly where you should be.