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DEI driven community college curriculum, argh!


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
In California, community colleges are now meant to make their cirruculums DEI friendly. Below is a link to the 7 page paper outlining how administrators and teachers are encouraged to comply. (At least this isn't legally compelled.. yet.)

As far as I can tell, these guidelines are meant to apply to all community college classes. So, pulling phrases from the document, it seems teachers ought to be teaching ideas like:

- culturally sensitive Ohm's law
- gender fluid trigonometry
- collectively derived calculus
- Islamic electrical engineering

And apparently avoiding textbooks that perpetuate the colonizer mindset, which of course chemistry textbooks are just chock full of...

Call me skeptical, but I'm not interested in driving on bridges designed by engineers who spent much of their precious classroom time learning DEI concepts instead of materials science.

I guess the good news is that RF won't be affected because apparently the internet and digital computers run on magic, not math.


  • CCC_DEI-in-Curriculum_Model_Principles_and_Practices_June_2022.pdf
    341.3 KB · Views: 65


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Do you have real world examples of the
problem, not just your humorous ones?

More info...

I know how much you hate to read anything, but this 7 page document is worth the price of admission :)

Here are a couple of excerpts:

Review textbook and course material selections for inclusion of multiple perspectives and diverse representation from varied racial, ethnic, sex, gender, sexuality, and religious perpsectives and provide feedback and guidance

Use asset-minded and decolonized language

Review documents for language and descriptions that may be impersonal and shift descriptions to be warm and culturally responsive.


Seriously a few excerpts cannot do this justice...


colors your eyes with what's not there
Engineers don't get their degrees from community colleges. They may start at community colleges with general ed, but they have to transfer to a university for a full degree. I happen to be a mom to two engineers, by the way. Our local community colleges here in California have an extremely diverse student body; I know this from personal experience. Anything the colleges can do to welcome and sustain their diverse populations and see them through a successful education and on their way to university, trade school, certificated employment or the accomplishment of achieving a higher education level is good with me.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
- Dismantle institutional deference to hierarchies that perpetuate barriers.

- Move as a faculty collective toward antiracist critical consciousness.

- Take care not to “weaponize” academic freedom and academic integrity as tools to impede equity in an academic discipline or inflict curricular trauma on our students, especially historically marginalized students.

I think it's a bit late on the "Take care not to weaponize academic freedom", front.
The weirdest part of all is that some folks actually want this garbage taught to people.
We need to do better.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Higher education is supposed to shake up your world view. It's suppose to expose you to new and unsettling ideas. It's supposed to expose you to different cultures and lifestyles. It's supposed to expose you to the diverse people and ideas you'll be dealing with during your lifetime. Education is supposed to expand your world, and give you the skills to navigate it.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Higher education is supposed to shake up your world view. It's suppose to expose you to new and unsettling ideas. It's supposed to expose you to different cultures and lifestyles. It's supposed to expose you to the diverse people and ideas you'll be dealing with during your lifetime. Education is supposed to expand your world, and give you the skills to navigate it.

Just to be clear, do you think the DEI document is consistent with what you just said?


I'm a planet
I know how much you hate to read anything, but this 7 page document is worth the price of admission :)

Here are a couple of excerpts:

Review textbook and course material selections for inclusion of multiple perspectives and diverse representation from varied racial, ethnic, sex, gender, sexuality, and religious perpsectives and provide feedback and guidance

Use asset-minded and decolonized language

Review documents for language and descriptions that may be impersonal and shift descriptions to be warm and culturally responsive.


Seriously a few excerpts cannot do this justice...
What exactly is wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
Do you have real world examples of the
problem, not just your humorous ones?

More info...
When we teach electrical concepts like charge, we can not longer use the term negative and positive charges, since this is so judgmental. All charges need to renamed as equal or need to called neutral or all positive. We may need to include a third charge who can swing both ways, so the trans do not feel left out.

What it is with the proton, who is always so positive, while the poor discriminated electron is always called negative? We may need to include a trans charge that can change, back and forth, if given drugs. These changes will make sense to DEI, so I should tell them my complaint. (just kidding).

What we should do is a side-by-side pilot experiment. Have both DEI and Classic Education, side-by-side, to see which does better in the long run in terms of preparing students for life and careers. The DEI boneheads do not want the competition since their agenda is not about success in life or career. It is more about confusion indoctrination for dummies.

If you look at the decline in American testing scoring, since the 1970's. the decline is a function of Lefty influence on education. The goal of DEI; dumb everyone's intellect, is to further the decline to create an illusion of equity. If everyone is placed into a hole, then nobody appears to stand above.

This is why Republicans want school choice. Th tax payers who being forced to fund this nonsense. Parents see a need to control where the money is spent in terms of the own child's education. Choice is part of a Democracy. Forced conformity is not Democracy, but a form of Socialism.

DEI is not what it appears. It is really similar to the Mafia protection racket. The Mafia will send people into businesses and offer them protection for a price. The business owner smiles and does not see any need for protection, until the Mafia, shows them they will need to pay to help protect themselves, from the mafia. It is really a shakedown racket that appears legitimate through implication. Right now DEI is a $4 billion protection racket business. If you do not go along they will call the mafia in Government Agencies to shake you down.

The mafia will deny any extortion, since this is the law, created by Democrats, while the intimidation is implied, if any business does not go along. Why do you think Bud Light, was unable to correct their DEI fed marketing mistake, but had to take a large hit? The DEI virus threatened to spread to Bud, if they did not allow an intimidation demonstration. The Democrat crime waves need to end.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
When we teach electrical concepts like charge, we can not longer use the term negative and positive charges, since this is so judgmental. All charges need to renamed as equal or need to called neutral or all positive. We may need to include a third charge who can swing both ways, so the trans do not feel left out.

What it is with the proton, who is always so positive, while the poor discriminated electron is always called negative? We may need to include a trans charge that can change, back and forth, if given drugs. These changes will make sense to DEI, so I should tell them my complaint. (just kidding).

What we should do is a side-by-side pilot experiment. Have both DEI and Classic Education, side-by-side, to see which does better in the long run in terms of preparing students for life and careers. The DEI boneheads do not want the competition since their agenda is not about success in life or career. It is more about confusion indoctrination for dummies.

If you look at the decline in American testing scoring, since the 1970's. the decline is a function of Lefty influence on education. The goal of DEI; dumb everyone's intellect, is to further the decline to create an illusion of equity. If everyone is placed into a hole, then nobody appears to stand above.

This is why Republicans want school choice. Th tax payers who being forced to fund this nonsense. Parents see a need to control where the money is spent in terms of the own child's education. Choice is part of a Democracy. Forced conformity is not Democracy, but a form of Socialism.

DEI is not what it appears. It is really similar to the Mafia protection racket. The Mafia will send people into businesses and offer them protection for a price. The business owner smiles and does not see any need for protection, until the Mafia, shows them they will need to pay to help protect themselves, from the mafia. It is really a shakedown racket that appears legitimate through implication. Right now DEI is a $4 billion protection racket business. If you do not go along they will call the mafia in Government Agencies to shake you down.

The mafia will deny any extortion, since this is the law, created by Democrats, while the intimidation is implied, if any business does not go along. Why do you think Bud Light, was unable to correct their DEI fed marketing mistake, but had to take a large hit? The DEI virus threatened to spread to Bud, if they did not allow an intimidation demonstration. The Democrat crime waves need to end.
This thread should be moved to the jokes forum.
It's a useful topic, but even the OP doesn't take
it seriously.
All schools should be DENSE.
(Diversity, Equality, Neutrality, Sincerity, Eclectic)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Right is not about the general welfare. It's not about equality, universal education, or general prosperity. "The business of America is business" pretty much sums it up.

Promoting and enabling a middle class is anathema to the right. Left-wing legislation promoting education, housing or employment of the masses is opposed by the Right. By the '70's America was prosperous, with inexpensive education, good working class wages and opportunities for advancement. The Right felt threatened. Common people wanted a fair share of the wealth they were generating. Lewis Powell issued a call-to-arms. The hierarchy must be maintained, and the working classes kept in their place. The Powell Memo: A Call-to-Arms for Corporations | BillMoyers.com

Now we have the Right promoting privatization, dissolution of social services. They're not compatible with the Neoliberal agenda. They don't return immediate profits.
The privatization of education; separating it from government, rendering it a for-profit business, is completely in line with the Neoliberal agenda.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Let's consider how industry has become so
woke that triggering technical terms like
"master" & "slave" are being purged.
Master cylinder, slave cylinder (still
in use in the automotive world)
Companies are replacing "master" & "slave" with....
"primary" & "secondary"
"host" & "client"
But one connotes an elite vs subservient relationship,
which is demeaning & offensive.
The other suggests sexual services, which involve a
power differential & exploitation...perhaps even human
The solution is to never design any system (mechanical,
electrical, computer) such that one element controls
or has primacy over another.

Another soon to be purged term....


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
The Right is not about the general welfare. It's not about equality, universal education, or general prosperity. "The business of America is business" pretty much sums it up.

Promoting and enabling a middle class is anathema to the right. Left-wing legislation promoting education, housing or employment of the masses is opposed by the Right. By the '70's America was prosperous, with inexpensive education, good working class wages and opportunities for advancement. The Right felt threatened. Common people wanted a fair share of the wealth they were generating. Lewis Powell issued a call-to-arms. The hierarchy must be maintained, and the working classes kept in their place. The Powell Memo: A Call-to-Arms for Corporations | BillMoyers.com

Now we have the Right promoting privatization, dissolution of social services. They're not compatible with the Neoliberal agenda. They don't return immediate profits.
The privatization of education; separating it from government, rendering it a for-profit business, is completely in line with the Neoliberal agenda.

What do you have to say to those of us in the middle? Liberals who do not think humans should be crammed into identity politics categories, but actually seen as individuals. The "diversity" in DEI does NOT mean diversity of thought, it means diversity of skin color. I applaud diversity of skin colors. But DEI initiatives all support the same dogma, and no opposing ideas are allowed.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
What do you have to say to those of us in the middle? Liberals who do not think humans should be crammed into identity politics categories, but actually seen as individuals. The "diversity" in DEI does NOT mean diversity of thought, it means diversity of skin color. I applaud diversity of skin colors. But DEI initiatives all support the same dogma, and no opposing ideas are allowed.
So... I work in higher ed. I've been directly exposed to DEI trainings and initiatives in higher ed. And while I can't speak to how things work at other institutions, the "D" in DEI definitely does NOT just mean skin color and in fact directly pertains to diversity in thought (specifically, culture).

Just as an example, one of the seminars the department hosted as part of its DEI initiatives brought an indigenous scientist to our campus to talk about how our thinking about science is impacted by culture. It was so interesting it even inspired me to create a thread here about it: Indigenous Science. The fact is, diversity brings novel approaches to academia and our fields of study that enriches them and pushes them into new directions. It is very much not just about "skin color" and absolutely introduces opposing ideas.


I'm a planet
What do you have to say to those of us in the middle? Liberals who do not think humans should be crammed into identity politics categories, but actually seen as individuals. The "diversity" in DEI does NOT mean diversity of thought, it means diversity of skin color. I applaud diversity of skin colors. But DEI initiatives all support the same dogma, and no opposing ideas are allowed.
That is utterly wrong. DEI emphasizes giving voice to the experiences of people from different walks of life, not their "skin color". Widening societal discourse by allowing marginalized folks a voice is not "dogma".


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
So... I work in higher ed. I've been directly exposed to DEI trainings and initiatives in higher ed. And while I can't speak to how things work at other institutions, the "D" in DEI definitely does NOT just mean skin color and in fact directly pertains to diversity in thought (specifically, culture).

Just as an example, one of the seminars the department hosted as part of its DEI initiatives brought an indigenous scientist to our campus to talk about how our thinking about science is impacted by culture. It was so interesting it even inspired me to create a thread here about it: Indigenous Science. The fact is, diversity brings novel approaches to academia and our fields of study that enriches them and pushes them into new directions. It is very much not just about "skin color" and absolutely introduces opposing ideas.

I took a look at your thread from last year. I would say that you were discussing indigenous WISDOM (which I think is a good thing), but I don't think what you were describing is SCIENCE.

I have no issue studying other cultures when they have wisdom worth learning from. But biology, and physics, and chemistry, and mathematics, and other STEM-ish sorts of topics ought to operate independently of culture.

What strikes me in the document I provided was that a few ideas were strongly baked in to almost all sections of it:

- all cultures should be represented
- current textbooks and training materials are riddled with "colonizer" bias
- that all training must support an equity worldview
- that current training is systemically racist (and by implication that Western culture is systemically racist)
- that training material should provide identity political perspectives
- teachers should no longer be considered authorities, that students can co-create training.

Phew! So, perhaps in selected areas of studies, some of these ideas might have merit.

But in STEM topics?????? Please give me a few examples of how these DEI ideas would improve STEM teaching. In fact, as a STEM teacher, I would say that if I was forced to include these requests, it would negatively impact my ability to prepare students to pursue later studies or careers in fields that have STEM foundations.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
That is utterly wrong. DEI emphasizes giving voice to the experiences of people from different walks of life, not their "skin color". Widening societal discourse by allowing marginalized folks a voice is not "dogma".
see my post #19