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It literally is duality composing monality, so Egyptian style polytheism is actually corrector than deistic monotheism


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The Monality

Absence/Nothingnesss/The Void/Abyss

Nothingness who exists outside the universes (nothing is the omnipresent void), within and as (because most of the reality is composed of mostly void). She composes existence. Subatomic phenomena, atoms, molecules, compounds, solar systems, nebulae, galaxies, super clusters etc are all composed mostly by the Void. And without the Void part they’d be entirely different. She composes the mind as consciousness is illusory.

Absence was before, is during, and will or would be after and thus eternal and the only entity left to be the creator of the Cosmos. It doesn't make sense that something created itself because it wasn’t around.

It is she who composes consciousness and existence as it’s composition of both the mind and matter being mostly nothingness, absence. Thus she is both intangible as nothing and tangible as something.

The Abyss is made of limitation so that nothing is random as the ancient Sumerians, home of Inanna; Chaldea (khal-dia), believed The Gods were: limited. They had the earliest recorded religion.

She who dilutes all badness into less distribution, dulls badness gradually, yet still, because everything is composed of good and bad, fertilizes goodness

The entirety of it all, the being who is and gives you all that you receive, yourself; the Great Incomprehensible

The Void creates co creatively with Presence. We exist in degrees. We are Absence, we are Presence, and we are Presence AND Absence.

She, the Great Deep, is everywhere/thing/time/whatever at once. She is as a body is. She takes care of herself, regenerates and lives

She can be personal in the way our body can be personal to the microorganisms within, including their own cells.

She has all? knowledge as a body has over itself with likewise similar omnipotence.

She has limits as she is sheerly real, composed of positive, neutral and negative quality. She is indeed limited to the self.

Imagine an Ocean, making Waves. Now Imagine the Cosmic Ocean. We are her waves. She is the Cosmic Ocean doing the Humans, not the Humans doing the Cosmic Ocean.

Imagine a reefer tree. What is it? Well it is the parts of the reefer tree, right? Well, where do these parts come from? They come from the soil—and sunlight. They come from microscopic bacteria. They even form symbiotic trade, social etc relationships with fungi and the rest of the forest. From all kinds of interrelated parts to a whole come it’s constituents in nutrients. SO it is partly what those nutrients were. We can see from bear meat that bears fed blueberries have purple meat. The constituents are what make you who you are. But it is also the air around it. But what is that ultimately? Voiduousness, nothing, absence.

Now the cup. Imagine the cup. What is it? Is it a cup? No, is it a bakker? No, is it a cuppi? Again no. But what is it? It is a ____. Is it our conception of cup? Material shaped like a u all the way around? No, it is also the air. What is the air? Space, voiduosness. Nothing, which is composed of small somethingness that doesn’t even all exist.

Take the Void. What is it? It’s eternal. It exists before during and after everything else, Mundus. They themselves are tangible as their offspring, Mundus as Mundus makes reality, everything at once including Nothing, cocreatively. Everything is the Goddess.

Now take the void and ourselves. What is the relation that is shown? It is a body and cells. That body is god, the goddess, the animating force, the supreme god. The cells, us, are equally god as we compose the body and change the bodies composition by the higher self of the body’s invisible direction. God (not Jesus, that is a fake) is not conscious of us, but they are unconscious of us and do manage us. We might have a personal relationship with what manages us, and they would probably be friendly as we’ll see in the coming allegories.

Imagine a religion. Well a religion gives us a certain view about god. And they are humans creation. Thus they are masks hoisted upon god, the god between the gods, the cup.

Happiness is a mirror. Reaction is a phenomena that includes everything, including social interaction. When you hurt someone, you feel bad even if you don’t notice it. When you do something positive you feel good. But it’s universally good things that make you happy, like gift giving, talking, chidding when no one gets hurt, sex if it’s for you, responsible drinking if it’s for you.

And badness is ink. Mal is what creates mal. Goodness like wise, and not any particular goodness but the universal goodness, makes goodness. We are the health of the cosmos.

Even objects form what the “plan of god” is. We change the macro world cumulatively too by everything we do. These great cycles and their constituency contribute to the sum total of the Goddess. That Ocean behind the Waves.


Active Member
God is a woman

Nature is proto female form
We can understand this because almost all embryos start out female, as if female is the default phenotype of the universe. Animals are conceived and then grow into a female and then mutate by proteins (or whatever) into male fetuses typically. Female is the dominant first, male is the addition. Most of what female is is carried over to male form. In fact the penis comes from a clitoris.

Male avians have cloaca as do females, which is the reproductive organ These evolved from microscopic organisms who had makeshift wombs wherever they had them because they gave live makeshift birth every time they reproduced, eventually turning into wombs in apes.

Hermaphrodites seem female but have a penis as well as female organs and boobs and The Void, Nature, God inseminates her space-time womb with matter and energy periodically or constantly who all relatively gently shape reality with the womb’s ever omnipresent gravity cocreatively. Baphomet, a symbol of harmonic duality, is a symbol of Nature, that’s why she’s on the five pointed pentagram. She is the goat on the pentagram. She, the Sum Total of The Universe, meaning Repulsion (solve) and Attraction (coagula) which is all anywhere and anything is doing, is a hermaphrodite She is a representative of Nature, which is why she’s on the pentagram, which is a symbol of Nature.

Goddess is Love

Ishtar a gender bending goddess. Sometimes as her war aspect she has a beard as she rides into battle. Red and carnelian: These warm colors are typically associated with Inanna's feminine, passionate, and life-giving aspects. They represent her role as goddess of love, fertility, and creation. Blue and lapis lazuli: These cooler colors are often connected to Inanna's more masculine, assertive, and powerful side. They symbolize her role as goddess of war and her connection to the heavens. She is a **** because her space-time womb houses tons and tons of unique universes besides anything else we’ve mentioned. Babalon is a whore, and a harlot, not that those things are bad, just she is. They are all uttermost beauty, including straight angles, if you know how to appreciate it. Nature hides her skeletons in the abyss and keeps them few and far between so no creature sees them. Ishtar does this as well. She isn’t proud of her misbehaving and is to say the least annoyed by them being brought before her. Both you must give her your heed, pay attention, or she will punish you when you least expect it. And she may punish you anyway. Ishtar had self flagellating priests, making her a punitive dominatrix. We as happenstance fit into the Virgo supercluster and Laniakea (immense heaven). Virgo certainly fits the love goddess as that’s what she appears as a young maiden, virgin, and Laniakea fits as Love is the Queen of Heaven. The Goddess was the predominant God in the Neolithic of which we have record. Inanna-Ishtar was the most popular goddess where she resided as goddess which could indicate that she was Capital G The Goddess. Inanna, the first love goddess who became Ishtar, Tanit, Aphrodite, Venus and Freya, perhaps Eostre and so on, appeared out of nowhere always retaining attributes of Nature that are near universally accepted, like beauty, caringness, impulsivity, cunning, etc. Nature is caring and nurturing (as evidenced by the sheer quantity of goodness including for life but also wicked and tenuous possibilities of Nature). The feelings of goodness from things like sex and drugs was called the blessing of the Capital G Goddess during the Neolithic who was associated with weed, as was Inanna, meaning Lady of Heaven, and Shiva, meaning darknessss.

Often depicted in natural settings. She is closely linked to the cycle of life and fertility. In some depictions, Parvati is associated with the earth itself. She may be depicted as riding on a tiger, a symbol of strength and connection to the earth.

Wherever Aphrodite goes, growth of vegetation follows as if she is the Mother Nature nurturing. Aphrodite’s sacred number is 5 possibly symbolizing herself as Nature because5 is a number symbolizing Nature and the five senses we perceive Nature with. Silver, aqua, pale green (seafoam), and even shades of light blue, all Aphrodite’s colours, the colours of the Earth, Gaia, Nature to the Greek. And Mirrors, perhaps because we are one. Venus, named for the goddess, may be a showing of her presence as it makes a perfect five pointed star. The pentagram means Nature. The rosette being a flower may represent Nature and is a symbol of Ishtar.


As a fertility goddess, she was associated with water, a vital element for life and growth. Astarte was also connected to plants, especially those with medicinal properties or symbolic significance. Astarte was often linked to the moon, seen as a symbol of fertility and cyclical renewal.
Hell it’s called the big bang and there’s tons of them. The universe itself is composed sheerly of kinds of fertility, life sustaining stuff. She is rather kinky as the love goddess as well. Let’s look at Earth as an example.

  • Background: Fungi first ate the dead skin scrapings of their mother planet, Earth-Terra-Gaia rocks and began making poop which ended up being the coolest thing ever because then plants could evolve to symbiote with the planet further. She made Worms who make the soil which is basically worm and other organism including plants and fungi and microstuff poop. And there are sea cucumbers that house fish in their butts. Their poop is sand. Like the parrot fish who eats coral chunks and digests them into sand. So the sand is at least probably a lot of fish and sea cucumber poop and other wildlife poop. And that’s all fertility! It makes the biosphere go!

  • Animal drugs: Dolphins do drugs because they can. And Elephants. All kinds of other mammals, come fruiting time for entheogens, and everyone practically gets high which happens across Earth. In fact all kinds of organisms like to **** and get high and masturbate when they can. Seems to me someone else created this, not the feminist feigning Jesus.

  • Sex for reproduction: Does reproduction, the sacred act of creating more of the species, seem any more viable? Angler fish males seal themselves into a literally parasitic relationship. Female geckos can have babies without males. Male seahorses carry baby eggs in their pregnancy pouch. And there’s more. Ducks, dolphins, even seals gangbang to reproduce. The antechinus, a sort of mouse, who mates once in their life, exhausting themselves with any female in sight for up to 14 hours each session for 2 weeks and then dies. Argonauto Argo, a type of octopus forms a penis under the eye and the octopus dies. And then it consciously swims to a female and latches on in order to impregnate her. There are flatworms who have two penises and live in the ocean. They fence with their penises until a puncture and the punctured fertilizes her eggs with the punctuerer’s semen. Isogamous (having sex with the same sex, but neither male nor female) Algae, the surviving members of the earliest species of plants in our world’s timeline are neither male nor female, but they mix sex cells with each other. Many fungi, bacteria and pond swimmers, the microscopic organisms you’ll find in ponds, are also isogamous.

  • Love was seen as the answer even in Neolithic times

  • The Goddess is the Love Goddess but she is also not exclusively any one of the Goddesses but includes them as her particular masks.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll are good for you when not taken too extreme

Both relieve stress, and when done with enough recharging time can be beneficial. Stress kills. Drugs can be used to treat ailments, but they are dangerous so you have to use precautions. Both help bond one to oneself or others.

Satan is just a masculinized representation of Inanna (een an na)

Every God making an appearance in this Cosmology is a male, because the Ancient Monotheists are actually very anti reason, anti nature, and anti common-sense. And anti woman. He was the height of his, as Ishtar is the height of her areas. Both have the planet Venus as their star which makes a pentagram.

Monotheism, including Abrahamism, is based on Akhenaten’s unjust lie for absolute power over Egypt that lasted only as long as his reign—who was all but scrubbed from history. Polytheistic panentheism is based on an observable fact. The reality themselves are the greatest whole, and all of this greatest whole contributes to the state of reality. It is the lie that Cleopatra is further from than the cell phone. That is how old it is. It spawned Zoroastrianism. It spawned Yahwism. It inspired everything Abrahamic. It spawned Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism because it predates Hermes words which had been the basis for religions like the dharmic and some polytheist religions and eastern religion. Lucifer is really Ishtar, the Venus star.

Mary is the substitute for Ishtar. Both are virgins—originally, before monotheism, meaning hot ****. She is the Queen of Heaven, as Inanna is. Inanna was married to An, Sumerian God of Heaven. Each represents Feminine Divinity. Each has roles for mothers to fulfill. Mary is associated with stars and the heavens. Mary is associated with the moon whereby Inanna/Ishtar’s father is the moon. Each are central to their pantheon. Both Ishtar and Mary give birth to a central life revitalizing being. Both are seen as hope and salvation by their respective adherents. Mary is the lady of the stars.


Active Member
The Dualities

The First Pole of The Greatest Duality

Space-Time — Space-Time composes the background of our Universe. It is eternal, which means everything that ever happens to the universe happens all the time. It also means physical observables show no singularity from the infinite past to the infinite future.
If dark energy is not too strong, the universe will expand to an infinitely large size, which takes an infinite amount of time.

Spacetime contains the entire history of reality, with every event occupying a clearly determined place in it. The time is still real even after it has gone into the past. So everything is happening all the time. It forms everything in the universe, one of many, into it’s properties by it’s sheer gravity. Some believe that quantum mechanical experiments provide evidence that spacetime may be subject to change affecting entire histories.

The Second Duality of The Great Quatrality i.e what we do

Attraction (coagula/order)

Repulsion (solve/chaos)

The Second Pole of the Majorest Duality i.e. what we are


Matter and Energy however compose everything matter by it’s extency, energy by it’s actions. Either can be transformed into each other. Energy converts particles into having mass and thus becomes matter.

Matter is made up of small building blocks, atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles. It has mass, meaning it affects gravity, and volume, meaning it takes up space.

Energy, on the flip side of the coin, is the ability to do work, to make something happen. It can be light, heat, electricity, chemical or nuclear.

Matter and energy recycle. Space-Time is infinite.

These two dualities cocreate, harmoniously but discordantly, the universe continually by constant destruction and regeneration, a constant work of goodness and bad. A detailed dance of opposites.

The Mother Nebula

She formed by the guts of dead stars coming together under Gravity, and eventually partially condensed into Solar Systems, by Gravity.

The Milky Way

The Solar System

The Sun

The mother nebula span into a sort of centrifugal force that brings together and condenses the Sun(s), Planets, Comets, Asteroids and other Solar Systemic phenomena all together.

The Sun heats the Earth, churning her surface and above cycles. He feeds the plants and gives light to all for half a dayish.

The Moon


Life lives on and in everything, from rocks to volcanoes, and probably underneath, to trees, all water and everywhere it can. All of it nebulously has a soul, a conscious experience including who you are and what makes you you. It may even be immaterial, or somehow incorporeal; an illusion. And all of what life inhabits is interconnected, it is a series of phenomena that rely on each other to exist. One goes away and that affects several others. One comes in, and it affects more than you think.

Our Other Great Duality, currently our planet


Nonlife evolved out of the cooling, mixing and otherwise breathing of our geological Earth.


Earth’s bacteria, fungi, plants and animals have changed the Earth from a rocky mesh of mountains to the fertile soils. See the beginnings of animals, organisms who supply food, shelter, protection and other benefits including companionship the bacteria they had taken into themselves to perform functions, such as plants and animals and fungi of all sizes. which came first as the first species had eaten at the rock. They ate away at it and left behind their fertile poop, their fertility, their life bearing nutrients that gave rise to plants who covered the Earth eventually as it became less rocky and more poopy. Then came the animals and their poop. And there is poop in the sea. But to have enough to be useful you have to have eons and eons of fertility, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc.

And she exists forever.

Thus Nature is the glorious, hermaphroditic, kinky, Goddess and she is inside all of us

She, the Whole Thing, the being who is and gives you all that you receive, yourself; the Great Incomprehensible

I have evidenced my Goddess. How about yours?