namaskaram luis ji
to egnore is a sad loss , can something so vast and all encompasing even be reduced to an ''it'' , ....or even a partical to be searched for , ...?
Since you are asking me directly, Ratikala: it usually begins by making the concept the sustaining piece of a doctrine.
It is just not at all suited for such an important role.
I believe you are hoping for a very different answer, but that is mine.
even the deifinitions we may give are only as good as the extent to which the recipiant of said definition is prepaired to extend him self , ....
I don't know what you mean by "entension" here, but if it involves blind belief it is just not something I am interested on.
even by the use of ''He'' there is some acknoledgement of His existance , this is proof enough that some where deep within the human psyche there is knowledge of God , ...what need then is there for proof just personal introspection ....
Oh, Ratikala. Do you truly have no idea of how wrong you are in saying such a thing?
Being aware of the existence of the concept is a concession to theists. I wish you had more respect for that concession.
not one Scientist or atheist is alike each seeks to answer his own questions so there should not be a solid ''we'' who are demanding , ...but there are some that do seek such eveidence , but even amnngst those that do seek evedence each will do so for different reasons
Such arrogance, Ratikala.