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Demonic entities, ever been attacked?


Deviled Hen
beckysoup61 said:
I sort of agree with you. I believe the trees are alive, maybe not in the same way, but they are alive and to be respected. BTW, that reminds me, I have this plant and I seem to be killing it, anyone a good horticulturist?

Master Gardener at your service. :bow:

Though we might want to take this somewhere else.


Deviled Hen
YmirGF said:
Well, that is good to hear literal visionary.

So what suggestions do you have for battling my own demons?

I recommend chocolate, and don't call me in the morning.

I'm sleeping in. :sarcastic


Deviled Hen
standing_alone said:

I already gave you advice! Did you not paint your door and window frames blue? It worked for me. :(

If the blue paint doesn't work, try lamb's blood.

literal visionary

Active Member
So what suggestions do you have for battling my own demons?

Seriously I have no Idea,

But uh, Master V.

He might suggest sitting down with them and having a spot o tea'

And a nice conversation, over a plate of biscuits.......

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
Seriously I have no Idea,

But uh, Master V.

He might suggest sitting down with them and having a spot o tea'

And a nice conversation, over a plate of biscuits.......
Now I know you have gravely misunderstood everything I have said to you. Why do I even try?


Veteran Member
Master Vigil said:
Now I know you have gravely misunderstood everything I have said to you. Why do I even try?

Why do you try?

Because you are a kind person who wants to rid the world of bigotry, misconceptions and all that jazz.:hug:


Veteran Member
Master Vigil said:
Thanks Becky, that means alot.

Your welcome, and I really mean it. You are someone out there whose really trying and I admire and commend you for that.:clap

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
literal visionary said:
Seriously I have no Idea,

But uh, Master V.

He might suggest sitting down with them and having a spot o tea'

And a nice conversation, over a plate of biscuits.......
Yeah, your cat 'tells you things about things' (you do realise that claiming that would have got you turned into an upright kebab for the edification of the churchgoers in earlier times, don't you?), and you're giving MV sh*t?
I'd suggest you get that chunk of wood in your eye looked at before you start pointing too many fingers at anyone else.:areyoucra

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But uh, Master V.

He might suggest sitting down with them and having a spot o tea'

And a nice conversation, over a plate of biscuits.......
Well, talking things over is a great start.........along with showing respect and not being so rude.


Veteran Member
Shadow Wolf said:
Well, talking things over is a great start.........along with showing respect and not being so rude.

Agreed. Why should it matter to you LV if someone talks to spirits, is that a problem? How does it affect your salvation?

literal visionary

Active Member
yeah well the thread was about people being attacked,

not how to solve anything

Yeah, your cat 'tells you things about things' (you do realise that claiming that would have got you turned into an upright kebab for the edification of the churchgoers in earlier times, don't you?), and you're giving MV sh*t?
I'd suggest you get that chunk of wood in your eye looked at before you start pointing too many fingers at anyone else.

hey guess what, senor zubby is a very intelligent kitty,
And i dont see why a trained speaking cat is so weird because they do it with dogs and gorrillas,
My cat does alot more than that, he happens to be a very multi-talented cat,
he find smy stuff for me and he fetches things,

Well, talking things over is a great start.........along with showing respect and not being so rude.

cant I have a sense of humor, besides I was suggesting MV because he said he has alot more experience than me,

Since you know enough to put Master Vigil firmly in his place, then you know much on the subject. I am asking you to prove your knowledge. Surely you have some useful suggestions. Think of it as an opportunity to free people from their troubles. You seem to think that demons are the cause of those troubles.

I really dont care, my answer would be to pray, but since im a christian you could pretty much figure out what I was going to say

And the only 2 people that have been attacked apparently have been that 1 guy,me, and dawn and she probably has a better grip on it than me

So, what pray tell is your resolution to this simple problem? I would really like to hear. You have your theory, therefore you must have some ideas.

I am very open minded. Feel free to say whatever you wish and do not be overly troubled by wondering if I will be able to understand your answer.

that wasn't the point of the thread

Ok, let me get this straight. You begin telling us of your own bizarre adventures. M_V gives you are few suggestions and you utterly discount virtually everything he is trying to say. In all honesty, if you know enough to discount what M_V is saying, then eradication of said demons should be child's play for you. Are you playing "hard to get" or am I just unworthy of consideration?

obviously I believe in the bible so why wouldn't I discount his beliefs,

and its not like I have a problem, having a few experiences isnt a problem, it comes and goes, and why should i cure something that isn't a problem for me,

its not like youve ever problem with it, since your an athiest

why does everybody have to get so butt hurt?

Obviously I wouldn't buy into MVs beliefs because I have my own

Agreed. Why should it matter to you LV if someone talks to spirits, is that a problem? How does it affect your salvation?

who said it did?
I mean I thought as christians we were supposed to tell people about the bible?


Well-Known Member
literal visionary said:
I mean I thought as christians we were supposed to tell people about the bible?

Sure, I guess you can tell people about the Bible, but not shove it down one's throat or do it in a rude, militant, or condescending manner. This is a statement about and for Christians in general and not addressing a particular poster.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
YmirGF said:
My own dog MaXx, used to "say" Hello in a gruff gutteral way that often suprised guests and friends. The vocalization was quite unmistakable, plus he always did his odd little howl in the perfect context. (IE. He would come into the room, sit down beside you, look up and howl "Hello". It stunned more than one visitor to my home, LOL.) MaXx was clever too, but he was his own dog, and was more likely to get me doing things for him, rather than him doing things for me. BTW, that is the only thing MaXx ever "said".

Now: If you mean "talk to my cat" as in, "I communicate well with my kitty and we understand each other", then I appreciate what you are saying. If you are claiming that your cat actually speaks discernable words, then you are sitting on a gold mine. I may be living in a cave, but in my 50 years on Earth, I have never heard of a talking cat. Is it possible to record him/her "speaking" and upload it for listening/viewing? You do realize that if you have a clearly speaking cat, you are potentially a very wealthy woman, correct? The pet industry alone would pay you millions of dollars. Food for thought. I am dead serious on that point.
My nan used to have a cat that she'd bottle raised that would come to the front door and make a vocalisation that sounded very much like 'Hello', so that someone would come and let her inside. It was novel, but I don't think anyone ever suggested that it meant the cat could speak English.


Active Member
Hmm, that sounds....... made up. At least make up good lies, I have had things like Dynasties' husband's grandmother's attack happen to me, as well as hearing stories of others who had similar experiences. But the original is a blatent lie.


Veteran Member
Maxist said:
Hmm, that sounds....... made up. At least make up good lies, I have had things like Dynasties' husband's grandmother's attack happen to me, as well as hearing stories of others who had similar experiences. But the original is a blatent lie.

Original what? Do you ever have anythiing productive to say?


question: have you ever been attacked by a negative, evil, or demonic entity?

reply: i wouldn't say it was an attack, but rather feeling a presence in the room, to phsyically mainfest. the presence happen to me one night, it was the feeling of phsycially being held down, while i was trying to get up from sleep, and it almost happens everytime during bedtime hours. i spoke with a sister witch, and her daughter also experienced the same thing that happend to her, as i expalined to the sister witch in details. we looked in the book of shadows, which best descibed an enity, known as a sucubus. yeah, it happened in my home.

question: what did it do to you? did it leave marks? did anyone else see it happen?

reply: well, it hum.. and hum.. let me put it this way, it made me feel not board lol
did it leave any marks? hum.. next question.. did anyone else see it happen? my reply is no, but other families of friends i know, explained about their experiences, related to that enity.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
sapphire said:
question: have you ever been attacked by a negative, evil, or demonic entity?

reply: i wouldn't say it was an attack, but rather feeling a presence in the room, to phsyically mainfest. the presence happen to me one night, it was the feeling of phsycially being held down, while i was trying to get up from sleep, and it almost happens everytime during bedtime hours. i spoke with a sister witch, and her daughter also experienced the same thing that happend to her, as i expalined to the sister witch in details. we looked in the book of shadows, which best descibed an enity, known as a sucubus. yeah, it happened in my home.

question: what did it do to you? did it leave marks? did anyone else see it happen?

reply: well, it hum.. and hum.. let me put it this way, it made me feel not board lol
did it leave any marks? hum.. next question.. did anyone else see it happen? my reply is no, but other families of friends i know, explained about their experiences, related to that enity.
Look up some info on sleep paralysis, which this sounds exactly like. It's not referred to as Old Hag Syndrome for nothing.


Well-Known Member
What amuses me most is that, if you don't unquestioningly accept the holy gospel of some of these people's perceptions, they'll condemn you as closed-minded, especially if you suggest something that could end up enlightening them upon the nature of the human mind. If they were expressing their perceptions as such, then I would be more charitable toward them, but refusing to give consideration to something other than a magical explanation for what they think they felt or saw does not give me cause to find them anything other than laughable.

Fortunately, there are also plenty of people who will contemplate the possibility of spirits and demons alongside neurological phenomena, and, to tell you the truth, I tend to find this lot much more interesting to talk to.