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Denmark strikes again...


Bosnian and internatinal media networks have reported that one of the activities at the Danish People's Party children's camp was drawing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed. A group called Defending Denmark infiltrated the ranks of the extremist, right-wing party and smuggled out video of drunk children and teenagers at the camp drawing offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed and having a great time.

The new controversy has resulted in protests in Iran and a tightening of the boycott of Danish goods in the Arab world, a boycott that has so far devastated several Danish companies.

The International Union of Muslim Scholars is urging Muslims to ignore the "ignorant and primitive" and not respond to the provocations.

The Union of Danish Imams has vowed not to be provoked by this latest insult.

The Association of Bosniak Intellectuals released a statement condemning the actions of the Danish People's Party and repeated calls for political parties formed out of a hatred for minorities to be banned in Europe.

The Union of Bosnian Imams has reminded Bosnians of the dangers of alcohol and asked residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina if they really want to be the same as these "backwards fools" in the eyes of God.

Political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina have asked the government to cut all economic and political ties with Denmark until the Danish People's Party is effectively outlawed.


Deviled Hen
Djamila said:
Political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina have asked the government to cut all economic and political ties with Denmark until the Danish People's Party is effectively outlawed.

What are some of the basics of the DPPs political platform?


Booko said:
What are some of the basics of the DPPs political platform?

they're basically a bunch of very unpleasant people. an extreme right-wing populist party. their main goal seems to be to make life as miserable as possible for non-west-european immigrants in denmark and close the country for immigration to uphold what they perceive as 'danish culture and values'.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
What kind of political influence do they have. (Sorry, I know I'm showing my ignorance of international matters, but I'm not sure how prominent they are.)


a thing to remember is that this is a very small, but unfortunately quite vocal, part of scandinavia. in no way do the sentiments and actions of the danish people's party or similar organisations reflect the mindset of scandinavia, or even denmark, as a whole.
this might seem obvious, but i feel it is worth pointing out all the same.


Yeah, I'll vouch for what Divine's said also. These sorts of political parties exist all over Europe and tend to become more and more powerful the farther East you go. Xenophobic parties in Russia, for example, are vastly more powerful than those in Denmark.


Well-Known Member
FeathersinHair said:
What kind of political influence do they have. (Sorry, I know I'm showing my ignorance of international matters, but I'm not sure how prominent they are.)

Growing :(


Deviled Hen
divine said:
they're basically a bunch of very unpleasant people. an extreme right-wing populist party. their main goal seems to be to make life as miserable as possible for non-west-european immigrants in denmark and close the country for immigration to uphold what they perceive as 'danish culture and values'.

Thanks, Divine. That's kinda what I suspected from a few things implied in the story Djamila posted.

Yes, we have a few kooks like that here as well, though they haven't been quite so obvious of late.


i'm pleased with the response of imams and other religious leaders to this incident.

good for them! the behavior of those young men is indeed stupid and barbaric. i also agree with boycotting goods and trade to make a point- one that seems to be making an economic impact already.

it's a shame that a political party that seems to be based on racism, xenophobia, nativism, and offending people has as much support as it does. then again, look at how many american politicians support such views as well.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
gracie said:
i also agree with boycotting goods and trade to make a point- one that seems to be making an economic impact already.
It might be instructive were you to start a thread to discuss the ethics of such a boycott.


Jay said:
It might be instructive were you to start a thread to discuss the ethics of such a boycott.

i can say here that i consider a descision to boycott to be a far better (more mature, for one) way to protest Denmark than getting violently angry and destroying property.


Done here.
Djamila said:
Bosnian and internatinal media networks have reported that one of the activities at the Danish People's Party children's camp was drawing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed. A group called Defending Denmark infiltrated the ranks of the extremist, right-wing party and smuggled out video of drunk children and teenagers at the camp drawing offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed and having a great time.
Drunk children?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I cannot support any response to these cartoons that would punnish all Danes for the actions of a few.


I cannot support any response to these cartoons that would punnish all Danes for the actions of a few.

Isnt that the case with muslims ... Muhammad (pbuh) didnt hurt anybody nor his teachings are supposed too ... so why is he blamed for some people's actions who claim they follow him after 1400 years of his death ... god bless his soul.

Boycotting might be unfair for some ... but i personally dont feel comfortable buying goods and benefitting people who hate me so much just for what i believe in.

On the other hand, isnt it unfair for the west to treat all muslims as if they were Al qaeda .. when alqaeda is a very very tiny fraction of the Islamic nation.
while 13.4% of the danes support this party ...

as for those who dont support that party, the boycott might encourage them to educate the others about the situation.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
tmThEMaN said:
On the other hand, isnt it unfair for the west to treat all muslims as if they were Al qaeda .. when alqaeda is a very very tiny fraction of the Islamic nation.
while 13.4% of the danes support this party ...
And 86.6% don't. If it isn't fair for the west to treat all Muslims as if they are terrorists based purely on their religion (which it clearly isn't), then surely it isn't fair on those 6 out of 7 Danish voters who don't support this party, to treat them as if the entire country is a pack of xenophobic idiots based on the actions of what is also a very small minority?

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Sunstone said:
I cannot support any response to these cartoons that would punnish all Danes for the actions of a few.

With that said, do you have any ideas or suggestions on how the muslims in that area should deal with this issue? A point needs to be made albeit not violently. So what do you think they can do to drive the point home without hurting anyone or destroying any properties?


Oldest Heretic
MidnightBlue said:
Do you also support a boycott of Muslim countries? Do you think Muslims in Denmark are more oppressed than Jews in Iran, or Mandaeans in Iraq? Are there political parties in Muslim countries that speak disparagingly of other religions, or that foster hatred of Jews? Is it the responsibility of the people and governments of those countries to outlaw such parties?

It is very difficult to legally outlaw or ban any parties in Europe.
even Germany who have very tough laws against nazism can not out law extreme right wing parties.

I would far rather see extreme parties out in the open than being run in secret.

People are free to associate and in general speech is free.

If I were a muslim I would far rather know who my detractors were. It would be far more dangerous to them, for their enemies to be underground.

Capt. Haddock

Evil Mouse
gracie said:
i can say here that i consider a descision to boycott to be a far better (more mature, for one) way to protest Denmark than getting violently angry and destroying property.

It's hard to argue with that point, but the result of a boycott tends to be that some poor Danish cheese manufacturer will be driven to the point of bankruptcy even though he doesn't have anything against the prophet Muhammad, while the right-wing cartoon drawers will happily go about their right-wing cartoon drawing completely unaffected by boycotts.


Active Member
Capt. Haddock said:
It's hard to argue with that point, but the result of a boycott tends to be that some poor Danish cheese manufacturer will be driven to the point of bankruptcy even though he doesn't have anything against the prophet Muhammad, while the right-wing cartoon drawers will happily go about their right-wing cartoon drawing completely unaffected by boycotts.

Yeah. What you say is true. I do agree that this poor person has nothing to do with it, and that a boycott does effect some people negatively. But, you have to remember, that Danish products are'nt distributed solely to Muslim nations. Danish Dairy food products have been called #1. They are distributed throughout Europe, and Asia. I mean, its like cutting of one finger of someones hand. He lost a finger, he still has his hand though, you know? But i do agree, this is certainly one of the cons. of a boycott.

But i do think, that a boycott is the most reasonable and mature thing to do. Here, if someone says something he should'nt have, he gets punished, by the proper authorities. I know that kind of puts a stop to freedom of speech, but in Islam, we do not preach that kind of freedom of speech. I mean, where there are no limits.The prophet PBUH said "Say Good, or be quiet". I know that putting a limit to freedom of speach contradicts the fact that its "freedom" of speach. But thats how we do it. I think that a boycott will show Denmark, as well as many governments around the world, that the issue is serious. And that these ignorant people need to be punished. The whole world seems to be on thin ice, and people that only like to make the ice thinner, should be punished accordingly.
