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Depart from me Lord for I am a sinful man?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
i believe you are out of context and that is why you are in error. Peter did not return to fishing until after the resurrection, He stated he was a sinner before that,
I’m so sorry - yes, you are right.

I got the fishing incidents mixed up!


But… isn’t it weird that after Jesus is raised from the dead and appears to the disciples in the upper room that Peter led the disciples into going back to their day jobs - then encounters Jesus AGAIN regarding not catching fish and then hauls up a load on the guidance of Jesus?

This time Peter is not penitent yet Jesus simply tells him, and the other disciples, that from now on they will be ‘Fishers of men’. I find the something suspicious when the two incidents are linked together…. not to mention that Thomas is SUPPOSED to have seen and touch ALMIGHTY GOD and yet NONE OF THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES mentioned this event - nay - in fact they went back to their day jobs!
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I’m so sorry - yes, you are right.

I got the fishing incidents mixed up!


But… isn’t it weird that after Jesus is raised from the dead and appears to the disciples in the upper room that Peter led the disciples into going back to their day jobs - then encounters Jesus AGAIN regarding not catching fish and then hauls up a load on the guidance of Jesus?

This time Peter is not penitent yet Jesus simply tells him, and the other disciples, that from now on they will be ‘Fishers of men’. I find the something suspicious when the two incidents are linked together…. not to mention that Thomas is SUPPOSED to have seen and touch ALMIGHTY GOD and yet NONE OF THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES mentioned this event - nay - in fact they went back to their day jobs!
  • Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” (2 Cor 13:1)
Only Thomas ever said that he had seen and touched ‘HIS GOD’.

TEN others with him did not witness the claims of Thomas!!

Tells the whole story!! One testimony does not establish a truth!!
  • “I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.” (John 8:18)


Jesus in me
I’m so sorry - yes, you are right.

I got the fishing incidents mixed up!


But… isn’t it weird that after Jesus is raised from the dead and appears to the disciples in the upper room that Peter led the disciples into going back to their day jobs - then encounters Jesus AGAIN regarding not catching fish and then hauls up a load on the guidance of Jesus?

This time Peter is not penitent yet Jesus simply tells him, and the other disciples, that from now on they will be ‘Fishers of men’. I find the something suspicious when the two incidents are linked together…. not to mention that Thomas is SUPPOSED to have seen and touch ALMIGHTY GOD and yet NONE OF THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES mentioned this event - nay - in fact they went back to their day jobs!
I believe what my pastor suggests that God uses the good teaching technique of repetition.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I believe what my pastor suggests that God uses the good teaching technique of repetition.
It was only that I had lost the thread question and was enlightened about the incident with Jesus appearing in the upper room yet only a few days later Peter, et al, were back fishing on their day job!

How can eleven people who walked with Jesus Christ, believed in Jesus Christ, suffered for Jesus Christ, saw Jesus Christ die, were told he would rise again, SAW HIM RISEN, …. say, “Hey guys, let’s go fishing and forget this ‘Jesus thing!’”…
And the Thomas even where Trinitarians claim HE SAW AND TOUCHED GOD (even though the person he saw and touched said, ‘Do not be afraid, I AM NOT A SPIRIT, but FLESH AND BONE, which a spirit does not have!… I’m hungry, let me have some broiled fish, please!’. And the biggest thing about that is that NONE OF THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES said anything at all… nadda, zip, nought… They had just ‘SEEN GOD’ (says trinity) and had not died nor were amazed not even frightened nor fear filled…!!

They simply went away and went fishing!

On seeing the risen Lord Jesus, there in front of him on the shore and then getting a miracle catch of fish despite fishing all night, Peter would have been remorseful that he had not stick to the task Jesus had assigned him. Another story like the bridesmaids who didn’t stick to trimming them lamps when the bridegroom was delayed and were severely penitent!

But yeah, it was a different incident. Thanks.
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[Luk 5:8 NIV] 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!"​

Who says this? It is entirely alien to me.

I might quietly leave if I didn't belong. Its uncomfortable to be the least educated in the room, but this seems strange: Get away from me, because I am sinful?

Perhaps the text of the verse overstates the emotion? Maybe Peter is filthy from fishing and doesn't want to cause Jesus to have to purify himself at the temple or something like that?
bro jesus messiah bin joseph has defeated sin if he is who u say he is but im speaking of a messiah bin david that is coming to fulfill what was spoken of him by what was written as he will be more equipped than jesus n better prepared n even more able than jesus was as he will come n defeat evil from amongst us as jesus is said to defeat sin of the world but truth is dont worry about it now cuz nobody knows ur sins but god who alone finds offense of them as u can only sin against god n u cant sin against any others besides him as ur evils are not directed at him but ur sins are directed at god who holds tnem till u may be informed if case be u sinned at all as if u sin against god then u know u did cuz u cant sin unintentionally just like u dont lie without intending to lie as it is purposed n directed to god who does recieve ur sins but ur evils u direct at others as ur evils not reach god as he is beyond ur reach as hes outside time n space for meritted reasons that prevent u from saying hes in nature or the cosmos so u not find a idol in ur attempt to contain n obtain what u want in nature as u will not find god but he finds u when hes ready to see u n it likly be a angel escort to him with a body that is blamelessly pure in that u must appear in when u approach god as if a formless body that is without evil or error in it as it wont have marks or scrapes or have futility in it but retain presence in light of ur appointed time to see him so until u are told ur sins if u have any then dont worry about it now nust make better decisions in future so u not increase the penalties but use what u know not how u feel to make decisions as ur feelings change but to use a judgement upon a certain matter is the need to uphold it to remain true so u not alter ur stance but remain resolute simply by keeping the judgement u used to address it in upheld manner as it will add to ur situation the extra strength to say applied in order to keep ur decisions maintained n corrected in the way u stick with it but if u not uphold ur judgement on a matter than its likely u not certain nor learning as to remain firm in my choice i must of designed it well enough to be applied to what i was even posdibly repenting from as if i not keep true to my judgement then i will find all the time n effort used to stay repented of it will be loss in the moment i repeat it again as chances of repeat double if u do it once since ur about 2/3 likly to do what u know in that u dod it before n we can expect u to do it again cuz u did it already before but repentance is able to redirect ur soul in ways u will find of good to u in the future


It was only that I had lost the thread question and was enlightened about the incident with Jesus appearing in the upper room yet only a few days later Peter, et al, were back fishing on their day job!

How can eleven people who walked with Jesus Christ, believed in Jesus Christ, suffered for Jesus Christ, saw Jesus Christ die, were told he would rise again, SAW HIM RISEN, …. say, “Hey guys, let’s go fishing and forget this ‘Jesus thing!’”…
And the Thomas even where Trinitarians claim HE SAW AND TOUCHED GOD (even though the person he saw and touched said, ‘Do not be afraid, I AM NOT A SPIRIT, but FLESH AND BONE, which a spirit does not have!… I’m hungry, let me have some broiled fish, please!’. And the biggest thing about that is that NONE OF THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES said anything at all… nadda, zip, nought… They had just ‘SEEN GOD’ (says trinity) and had not died nor were amazed not even frightened nor fear filled…!!

They simply went away and went fishing!

On seeing the risen Lord Jesus, there in front of him on the shore and then getting a miracle catch of fish despite fishing all night, Peter would have been remorseful that he had not stick to the task Jesus had assigned him. Another story like the bridesmaids who didn’t stick to trimming them lamps when the bridegroom was delayed and were severely penitent!

But yeah, it was a different incident. Thanks.
repitions are how they make u remember it so that u can use it cuz by repititions u rehearse n exercise it for the exact reasons they made u believe it cuz its to their victory that we use what they taught since its their teachings that they impress upon u with a false sense of certainty so as to sound like they know but i tell u they dont know nor can they hear u if u tell them as they trust in the lie n not recognize the truth as they trust the liar on the material n not listen for whats truth by what they know n until they are informed they remain unaware n unable to do anything about it since they dont know but if u tell them they not hear the prophets so they defiantly wont hear me if i tell them or another makes them aware so not only do they not know the truth but they follow their own ways to address problems that i know they dont have the authority to use on others of god as they dont know they cant know what they believe but think they do know what they believe as i was telling u i develope n exercise the words i use n am useing definitions u not know to define words u use in ways that u cant just cuz i use definitions to words u dont use so i can use my words in ways that ur not able cuz u never took time to learn whats important but spent time worrying about whats not going to remain n what is of no need to possess but retain only ignorance as u think its of value but u will learn that whats u think of as with purpose in its use u will find it has no power or effect n its easy to forget as u can forget it quicker than u heard it but if one tell one of whats good that he may be strengthened by n it be truly good to them then they will not forget it as whats most important are not measured by weight as it is almost transparently present the things u can not take but must earn by effort as if its not good then forget it but if it is good in both word n effect then dont lose it as u will likly remember the things that u find great use for as for whats not needed then its easily forgotten cuz it didnt matter but things that matter are not easy to forget