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Describe a Christian


Let's go racing boys !
When you hear that someone is a Christian, what is the thought that comes to mind? In other words do you have a mental picture of what you perceive a "Christian" to resemble? Let's say we are going by the clothing they wear, their conduct, should Christians drink alcohol or do you see them as being a separate people from the rest of society? Do you think you could observe a room full of people for a short amount of time and be able to tell the Christians from non-believers? If we are a Christian and the world doesn't see us as different are we living the life that God desires us to live? :rolleyes:


Its only a Label
Friend Charity,
A christian is one who is at the centre of the cross.
The cross is the point where time travelling horizontally meets the time which travels vertically.
The individual becomes HERE-NOW in time.
rest are periperal.
Love & rgds


The Fifth Marauder
Charity said:
When you hear that someone is a Christian, what is the thought that comes to mind? In other words do you have a mental picture of what you perceive a "Christian" to resemble?

I have a rather negative image of Christendom, actually. Normally, I assume the person is either sheltered or hateful, and often hypocritical. I'm sure that is unfair. It's certainly not true of my handful of Christian friends, but in my experience, that sums up many Christians I've met.

Charity said:
Do you think you could observe a room full of people for a short amount of time and be able to tell the Christians from non-believers?

Often, I don't think so. I've often been surprised, when I'm at a gay club where my best friend works doing female impersonation, and I'm introduced to people who are dancing, drinking, flirting -- and then I learn they are Christians, or they will say they have to go to bed before long because of church in the morning. Sometimes, I feel like correcting them, and I often feel I know a lot more about their religion's standards than they apparently do. It cements the opinion that some Christians are hypocrits, and encourages doubt because, if they believe and don't care to act pn them, why would I care what they have to say about their beliefs?

Now, sometimes people will take me by surprise. I have a great friend who is a Christian and a seminary student, who will be in what you might refer to as worldly situations, and yet he isn't "of" them, as the Christian term goes. But many Christians I've known seem to give in to 'the world' quite easily. One friend of mine was very involved with the punk scene a while, dressed like it, etc, but abstained from behaviours he felt would represent Christ poorly. However, he caved to peer pressure, started drinking addictively, started sleeping around randomly, etc. He was a Christian in name only, and indistinguishable from anyone else except that he claimed he was different.


Well-Known Member
A Christian is a person who asks forgiveness on Sunday for what he/she did on Saturday and is going to do again on Monday.


Premium Member
Can a Christian answer?

A Christian to me is someone who follows Jesus commands. They are diverse as any other group-- some are very kind, some are judgmental (which is against Jesus commands, but oh well), some may even be violent. In other words, Christians are individuals, too. ;)

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
My mother, sister and my mother's side are Christians. They are often fake. But at all times intolerant and extremely judgmental of anything that goes against what they believe. They look down on me, think I need mental help and judge me because of what I have chosen to believe.

I did have some Christian friends....now I don't because they were unable to forgive me for things that I apologized repeatedly for. (This is personal but I will say these "things" were high school matters:rolleyes:) Anyways, I find it ironic that they of all of my friends would not forgive me.

I have ONE Christian friend who loves Jesus more than anything and puts him first and all that good stuff. She is a true Christian. I love her to death. She has never judged me. So she's the only exception I personally know!

So...Christians...hmm...based on the ones I have known and know now, they can leave a bad taste in my mouth. :(

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Can a Christian answer?

A Christian to me is someone who follows Jesus commands. They are diverse as any other group-- some are very kind, some are judgmental (which is against Jesus commands, but oh well), some may even be violent. In other words, Christians are individuals, too. ;)

Good answer. :)


Its only a Label
Friend Poisonshady313,
You really live up to your avatar.
Terming Christians they way you do is only poisnous.
Though am not a Christians but love Jesus like my brother.
However, what you mention is good for all normal humans who go about doing wrong and then feel guilty and then go back to the same routine just like robots whom Jesus calls the *DEAD*.
Love & rgds


Let's go racing boys !
My mother, sister and my mother's side are Christians. They are often fake. But at all times intolerant and extremely judgmental of anything that goes against what they believe. They look down on me, think I need mental help and judge me because of what I have chosen to believe.

I did have some Christian friends....now I don't because they were unable to forgive me for things that I apologized repeatedly for. (This is personal but I will say these "things" were high school matters:rolleyes:) Anyways, I find it ironic that they of all of my friends would not forgive me.

I have ONE Christian friend who loves Jesus more than anything and puts him first and all that good stuff. She is a true Christian. I love her to death. She has never judged me. So she's the only exception I personally know!

So...Christians...hmm...based on the ones I have known and know now, they can leave a bad taste in my mouth. :(
Stacey as a Christian, I can only say I'm sorry that you have been let down by so many others.....I can well understand how you have become to feel the way you do. The sad thing is that a person's family and close friends will hurt you and discourage you worse than a stranger would do. I am happy that you have that one close friend, maybe through her you can find that we are not all alike.


Let's go racing boys !
Can a Christian answer?

A Christian to me is someone who follows Jesus commands. They are diverse as any other group-- some are very kind, some are judgmental (which is against Jesus commands, but oh well), some may even be violent. In other words, Christians are individuals, too. ;)
I welcome all posts Christine, especially yours. I have to agree with you. There are some who have and contempt in their heart and use religion to justify their thoughts and opinions. Then on the other hand we have so many who are true, loving and are not bigots. I think we have a good group of people on this forum who are diverse in their beliefs but on the most part understanding with others........


Veteran Member
For a long time I thought of Christianity in terms of Catholic/Protestant, Ian Paisley(not the new cuddly version!) bigotry and sectarian hatred. That turned me off religion completely.
I've changed my mind. I have come to see that there are many more Christians who strive to be like Christ. Although I may not always agree with such Christians on every point, I admire them.They, whatever their denomination, are admirable in a way that those who regard religion as an exclusive club or a tribal badge will never be.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Stacey as a Christian, I can only say I'm sorry that you have been let down by so many others.....I can well understand how you have become to feel the way you do. The sad thing is that a person's family and close friends will hurt you and discourage you worse than a stranger would do. I am happy that you have that one close friend, maybe through her you can find that we are not all alike.

Aww, thanks Charity! I'd say especially since I was once Catholic I am a bit harder on Christians than I am anyone else....but that is a bias I need to overcome because, as my one friend Natalie shows me (the one I referred to earlier), you guys can be AMAZING!


Let's go racing boys !
A Christian is a person who asks forgiveness on Sunday for what he/she did on Saturday and is going to do again on Monday.
I am sorry that you feel the way you do....but we all should not be classified under that category. You can only speak for some people you know or have met, but I don't think this is fact based where most Christians are concerned. There are some good religious people around and I think that we have a lot of them on this forum.....Hopefully you will be able to tell the difference........:)


Let's go racing boys !
For a long time I thought of Christianity in terms of Catholic/Protestant, Ian Paisley(not the new cuddly version!) bigotry and sectarian hatred. That turned me off religion completely.
I've changed my mind. I have come to see that there are many more Christians who strive to be like Christ. Although I may not always agree with such Christians on every point, I admire them.They, whatever their denomination, are admirable in a way that those who regard religion as an exclusive club or a tribal badge will never be.
I hope you continue to see many more who strive to be Christ like. Showing love, understanding and forgiveness instead of setting in judgment of others.....


Let's go racing boys !
Friend Charity,
A christian is one who is at the centre of the cross.
The cross is the point where time travelling horizontally meets the time which travels vertically.
The individual becomes HERE-NOW in time.
rest are periperal.
Love & rgds
Thank you for your post


Let's go racing boys !
I have a rather negative image of Christendom, actually. Normally, I assume the person is either sheltered or hateful, and often hypocritical. I'm sure that is unfair. It's certainly not true of my handful of Christian friends, but in my experience, that sums up many Christians I've met.

Often, I don't think so. I've often been surprised, when I'm at a gay club where my best friend works doing female impersonation, and I'm introduced to people who are dancing, drinking, flirting -- and then I learn they are Christians, or they will say they have to go to bed before long because of church in the morning. Sometimes, I feel like correcting them, and I often feel I know a lot more about their religion's standards than they apparently do. It cements the opinion that some Christians are hypocrits, and encourages doubt because, if they believe and don't care to act pn them, why would I care what they have to say about their beliefs?

Now, sometimes people will take me by surprise. I have a great friend who is a Christian and a seminary student, who will be in what you might refer to as worldly situations, and yet he isn't "of" them, as the Christian term goes. But many Christians I've known seem to give in to 'the world' quite easily. One friend of mine was very involved with the punk scene a while, dressed like it, etc, but abstained from behaviours he felt would represent Christ poorly. However, he caved to peer pressure, started drinking addictively, started sleeping around randomly, etc. He was a Christian in name only, and indistinguishable from anyone else except that he claimed he was different.
I see that you probably have some mixed reactions concerning Christians. The only thing I can tell you is that some of us interpret the scriptures differently. Some people think drinking a few social drinks is fine, others feel that it is wrong. It is a personal relationship between the individual and God. The Bible tells us to work out our own salvation and that is what we have to do....I don't feel that we have the right to judge someone else because that would be wrong for us to do that. People usually have preconceived ideas as to what a Christian really is.
Speaking for myself, I try to be the best example I can for God. I try to be understanding, I usually don't "dislike" anyone and usually make friends easily (with both religious and non-religious people).....I think I am very understanding with people who live a different lifestyle than myself. I put forth every effor to remain within my morals and Christian values but do not offer judgment to people who believe differently than myself. We Christians do like to have some fun in our life, and I usually go around smiling and joking with others, life is to be enjoyed.
Thank you for your post, I hope you don't think of us too harshly.....


Well-Known Member
Friend Poisonshady313,
You really live up to your avatar.
Terming Christians they way you do is only poisnous.
Though am not a Christians but love Jesus like my brother.
However, what you mention is good for all normal humans who go about doing wrong and then feel guilty and then go back to the same routine just like robots whom Jesus calls the *DEAD*.
Love & rgds

Normal humans, when they feel guilty, may feel compelled to change so that they no longer have to feel guilty. These people are capable of growth... of improvement... of learning from their mistakes.

Christians believe Jesus paid for it all... so there is no sense of personal responsibility.... no real reason for a Christian to live to any standard... they can just say their weekly "my bad" and resume whatever it is they were doing.

You want to talk to me about robots? How about someone who shows up to church every Sunday... I'm not even sure for what purpose... when their faith tells them that believing in Jesus is all that's necessary for them to be saved and forgiven? If that's all it takes, why show up? Can't a person believe in Jesus at home?

I know people who go to Church every week and will tell you with all sincerity and with a straight face that they don't believe in God. There's a robot for you.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Normal humans, when they feel guilty, may feel compelled to change so that they no longer have to feel guilty. These people are capable of growth... of improvement... of learning from their mistakes.

Christians believe Jesus paid for it all... so there is no sense of personal responsibility.... no real reason for a Christian to live to any standard... they can just say their weekly "my bad" and resume whatever it is they were doing.

You want to talk to me about robots? How about someone who shows up to church every Sunday... I'm not even sure for what purpose... when their faith tells them that believing in Jesus is all that's necessary for them to be saved and forgiven? If that's all it takes, why show up? Can't a person believe in Jesus at home?

I know people who go to Church every week and will tell you with all sincerity and with a straight face that they don't believe in God. There's a robot for you.

That's right...keep talking. :D