That would include (by the biblical story -- which is the only thing we have to go on) breathing, too. Is breathing harmful? Is pregnancy a bad thing? Pregnancy is only a bad thing as it impacts one negatively. The pregnancy, by all accounts, didn't impact Mary negatively.
Whoa... wait one minute. There are only two criteria to determine whether rape occurred:
- did the sexual act occur?
- did the potential victim consent to the act?
That's it. Rape that the victim decides after the fact wasn't so bad is still rape.
I think it's clear from the Gospels that Mary's consent wasn't obtained before the act, since she was surprised to hear that she might be pregnant. So the only question is whether the act was sexual.
In a purely biological viewpoint, it seems it was: if Mary really is "the Mother of God" as she's portrayed, then this implies some sort of merging of gametes resulting in a pregnancy... i.e. *sexual* reproduction. However, I recognize that the strict "biology textbook" answer might not be appropriate here.
So this leads me back to what I asked before: Jesus is described as "begotten, not made." In this context, does "begotten" describe the sexual act or not?