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Did God really unleash Katrina on New Orleans?


World Leader Pretend
These hurricanes are bad because over the last hundred years the temperature of the Gulf has gone up a single degree. Just a little bit, has an exponetial effect. 100 years from now, it'll be down a degree and hurricanes will be heading up into North Carolina over and over again, the way they used to. It's just a cycle. The rest is all hysteria.


Well-Known Member

How dare you interject fact into this discussion? Shame on you. Lol.

Don't you realize there can only be 2 legitimate conclusions from these hurricanes? 1. God is destroying the big easy for its debauchery (see Soddham and Gomhorrah) or 2. The hurricanes are fuelled by global warming which is only caused by the greed of western civilization and its rape of the natural world.

Weather patterns changing without being influenced by God or man. . . next thing you know, you will be claiming the world is round.



Veteran Member
Bennettresearch said:
I must confess, I am a talk show junkie. What still comes up is that some people hold on to the belief the Hurricane Katrina was sent into New Orleans by God. I would be interested to hear what a lot of people in RF are saying about that. So please, do you think God did this to punish New Orleans?

2-4 thousand years ago a man who would claim himself a prophet of God could have well documented katrina as such and perhaps gotten himself a chapter in a holy book.


Politically Incorrect
robtex said:
2-4 thousand years ago a man who would claim himself a prophet of God could have well documented katrina as such and perhaps gotten himself a chapter in a holy book.
Hi Rob, here here.

My main area of study is the prophets. The explanation of events that have befallen the ancient Jews relies a great deal on the direct actions of God. The question then as it is now is if God is good and is supposed to protect us why do these bad things happen? This implies that God is involved with every thing that we humans experience. Therefore, "God is a micro-manager" of the earth. Some would find it odd that as a Christian that I would challenge this archaic notion, but I see it differently. I really pissed of an art teacher when I gave an interpretation of the Sistene Chapel. God is moving the heavens and the earth to reach mankind and man sits on his duff barely lifting a finger. This didn't go over very well.


Politically Incorrect
lilithu said:
Namaste Bennettresearch,

When you say "set in motion" are you saying that you believe God set everything in place and then "stepped back," so to speak, and lets creation run its course? Just trying to clarify. I have no problems with that view but am surprised to hear it coming from a self-identified Christian. If God does not intervene within creation, how does Christ fit into the picture? Just curious.

We make our concept of God in our own image, yes.

I forgot to add that I completely agree with you about the rebelling thing. Human freedom requires that there always be the possibility of rebellion, and whenever there's a possibility it will sooner or later be an actuality. That is also why I cannot buy the popular view of heaven as a perfect paradise for all eternity.
Hi Lil,

The concept of connecting mankind with God is far different than God running our lives. Given free will, which is a baffling subject sometimes, mankind makes choices, this is the "design" so to speak. So, as a Christian I am following Jesus in my own way and searching and finding, but this is my choice and my own path. I question religious dogma and mythos. I want facts, ellusive as they may be sometimes.