My dear richardlowellt,
Generally speaking I find that if science were left to follow it's own path, it would look much like the hamster on the treadmill. Quantum Physics being the exception of course since it does not make itself more important then what it studies.
I do find it amusing that you never responded to my post on how science has protected the ones you love from disease, or given you the "comfy" life you now have, and your comment comparing science to a hamster on a treadmill pretty much proves you have no idea how science works, most likely because of your self admitted poor education.
And education? Get serious. It does nothing more then teach you how to remember and "properly" (as proclaimed by the scholarly elite) reguritate the crap they feed you.
You must have had a very poor education, sorry about that. Yes education does require you to remember, how to add, subtract and multiply, how to increase your vocabulary so as not to sound ignorant, how science works, you seemed to have missed that entire class, sorry for that, and actually to remember what happened in history so we as a species can try to avoid the mistakes of the past, it teaches you about reason and logic, how to read, at least you got through that class. And what "crap" did they feed you? Mathematics, history, spelling, grammar, biology, astronomy, just curious. So if you don't believe in being educated, then you must agree that being ignorant is something desirable. How would you describe yourself, as educated, or willfully ignorant?
Ain't nobody done learn me how to think and I is just fine!