I believe I have been doing that.
Well keep believing then, because I fail to see how.
I understand that the Bible is not written in English. It is translated into English.
Glad to see you understand this.
That is nice but the context does not necessitate that it be translated past tense and it is context that helps form a good translation. An imperfect view is that Jesus is talking about the past because He said before Abraham but that ignores the larger context of Jesus identifying who He is.
That's the thing, there is no larger context that Jesus is identifying who he is, but WHAT he is. Thus, "I have been" or "I was" and many Trinitarian scholars prefer. You have no way of proving that he's changing the comparison of when Abraham lived to himself to an identification of who he is.
I believe that is not logical. If he were simply answering a question of name, He would have said my name is "I am."
What's not logical is your understanding.
He is answering a question of Identity.
Wrong, he's answering a question of when he existed. "But you have not lived so and so many years" is not a question of identity.
In particular He is answering a question of pre-existence to His current life. By saying He has always existed He is answering the question.
Okay, so that's not a question of identity but of a characteristic of age. Again, he'd have to say "My name is I am" or "I am I am" to answer a question of who he is, not what or how he is.
I believe your conclusion is groundless. I have stated before that the translation fits the context.
Well keep believing that all you want. I believe YOUR Conclusion is groundless, and that the translation does not fit the context.