Dragon Mom
I have read this book (in German) with great interest.
Could it be that Islam is just the result of a big mistake?
It seems that there is considerably doubt on the existance of Muhammed amongst some academics, for instance Muhammad Sven Kalisch who teaches Muslim theology at the University of Munster.From Jesus to Muhamad:
MHMD was in ancient Ugarit the root for golden. This developped in Mesopotamia (inhabited by the Arabi) into muhamad/un for blessed, to be praised and into the titel muhamad which was nothing else but Christ. This, the christian Muhamadism moved with Abdel Malik from Eastern Persia to Palestine. Nothing was known then, in the 7th century, of a place called Mekka and a prophet Muhamad. Jerusalem was the center of the followers of the muhamad (as the Koran confirms ,by the way). In 9th century only the stories of a prophet from Mekka named Muhamad with his holy book Koran started circulating, the specific Arab monophysite christianity developped into an own religion called Islam.
Could it be that Islam is just the result of a big mistake?