Hillary helped Trump win the presidency by not being a viable presidential candidate. The whole DNC apparatus helped by being in denial over this fact.
I think your point here is right on the mark: Denial. And here it is, more than half a year since the election, and the denial continues. If Trump stole the election, then he stole it fair and square - and that's how America works.
If the political elites (both Dem and GOP) got beaten at their own game by a rank amateur, then that's all on them. Shame on them for setting up the system to be gamed that way in the first place. They can't go around looking for excuses or scapegoats. "The Russians did it." "It's Sanders' fault!" "Fox News is to blame!" Why don't they just blame it on Satan?
I can't help but notice that, with all this hand-wringing over the election and Trump's presidency and all the political shenanigans going on, not much attention is given to the actual issues of the election, the status of the US electorate (at all tiers), and the attitudes of the voters. "Out of touch" is a phrase often applied to the Democratic elite these days, and for good reason.