Hi paarsurrey,
An amazing thing just happened to me! Allah spoke to me! He told me that I am to be his new messenger! Here is a part of what he said:
1 - icehorse is Allah's new and final messenger.
2 - everything icehorse says is true.
Now I, icehorse, Allah's new messenger, say that the Quran is wrong.
Let me ask you paarsurrey, do you believe me? Will you now throw out the Quran and follow me?
My guess is that you won't. But why not? I declared that everything I say is true, isn't that enough for you? Isn't that proof? I told you that everything I say is true! Are you a non-believer? I gave you proof didn't I?
paarsurrey, whatever you just experienced is similar to what I experience (and all those who don't believe the Quran experience), when you quote the Quran in a thread like this. It is NOT proof of anything. And remember, everything I say is true, Allah recently said so!
(Note: I'm kidding, I didn't recently hear from Allah. But! I can pretend I did, and paarsurrey, if I do, I can argue any idea with you and I can declare that I have "proof" in the form of what Allah just told me. And you will quickly see that you never believe my "proof". When you quote the Quran, it is NOT PROOF.)