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Different religions


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
We have different religions because religion is about connecting the everyday reality of adherents with the higher aspirations, values and purposes.

The everyday reality varies wildly, and therefore so much religious denominations.

How they related to god? I guess it depends on how you define God exactly. It is a very difficult question, because when push comes to shove there is little in the way of an agreement of what God _is_.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
One might as well ask "why is there different anything in the universe." Because the universe isn't an identical monoculture of absolute sameness and uniformity. If it was, neither you nor I would be here to even ask the question.

The various world religions definitely do not refer to the same god(s), as the god-concepts of the various world religions are not in agreement. And, at times, they're in direct opposition to each other, such as immanence vs. transcendence, singularity vs. pluralism, etc. Granted these are all maps of the territory, but it would be misleading to suggest they're referencing the same god(s).


Well-Known Member
Why do we have different religions?
Do they refer to the same god?

Because in general, each was revealed for a specific Age and circumstance.

I quote the Baha'i scriptures:

"There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you. Cleave unto that which draweth you together and uniteth you."

—(Gleanings, CXI, pp. 217-8)

Best! :)


Luke Morningstar

Mourning Stalker
Why do we have different religions?
Do they refer to the same god?

Why do we have different languages?
Do they refer to the same ideas?

Why do we have different clothes?
Do they cover the same nakedness?

Why do we have different names?
Do they cover the same mind?

Why do we have different nations?
Do they seek the same desire for unity?

Why do we have different books?
Do they refer to the same stories?

Why do we have different skin colors?
Do they cover the same muscles and bones?

Why do we have different stars?
Do they answer to the same wishes?

Why do we have different suns?
Do they shine on the same life?
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رسول الآلهة
religions are nothing but man made concepts about god and should not be taken as divine commandments. God is the same and always will be the issue is that which religion is the best understanding of this god.

Personally I say none, it is not a matter of religion but a matter of understanding and philosophy. Religion is external and without internal contemplation god is a meaningless idea and a worthless pipe dream.


Obviously because of disbeliever who tried
To demolish whatever prophets come with

prophet come to correct What comes before.

E.g when prophet Jesus came what disbelievers
Did is that they tried to kill Jesus

Then when they thought that they success
What they did is that they changed bible verses
To their benefits

Like allowing people to drink wine

Some verses in bible says don't drink wine
Others says drink some wine for your stomach

It was mentioned in same bible
Oh Jerusalem jeruslem killer of prophets

people kept working in what they rewrite
Then it become a habit

So when their children inherit the bible
They didn't mention that they did rewrite it

Generation from generation kept dealing with
Bible as real one

Then people forget the origin of bible

In fact there are some Christians who believe
That Jesus is prophet and not a god

They also found bible which says Jesus is prophet
That bible called barnaba bible

It also mentions that prophet Mohammad
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