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Saurian Buddha
Hello everyone. I just wanted everyone to know about Dinotaurianism. If you want to know anything in detail respond below and I'll inform you on anything. :cool:


Unrepentant goofer duster
If you type it into google this thread is it.

So :popcorn::preach:<:)

I am ready to receive the teachings.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
RAAAWWWWWWRRR, the sleeping marissalosaurus rises and shakes off the slumber of five million years to join the sauropod herd in a primeval search for meaning.


Saurian Buddha
In its basic form, its the religion of life, to not be constrained by anything but what you can imagine. It has no set teachings, it is just to live freely. I chose the name simply because I love dinosaurs =]

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
In its basic form, its the religion of life, to not be constrained by anything but what you can imagine. It has no set teachings, it is just to live freely. I chose the name simply because I love dinosaurs =]

Just wondering, if there isn't any doctrine at all, not even 1 , then what makes it a religion?


Saurian Buddha
Yes you can still have christmas, as well as any other religious holidays you want. Its doctrines are whatever you want it to be for that day. I made that way you can conform it to be positive to yourself. Say you need to stop drinking, its doctrine says alcohol is prohibited. I tried making a set doctrine, but it sounded like a big fairy tale.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
But, then isn't it basically just 'Life' then? And isn't everyone a part of it technically?:D


Unrepentant goofer duster
Hilariously enough I passed a girl outside a festival doing.. I kid you not.. DINO TAROT. She had a huge army of plastic dinosaurs in a box of sand with this special hole you put your head through so she and the oracular dinos could read your vibes... Unfortunately I was in a hurry and couldn't get a reading but I know what band she's in and will do some investigations..

WAIT here's her site!!: Dino Tarot ~ Who knows? Dinos!
And a youtube ad/jingle!: &#x202a;GreyAnne uke demos - Dino Tarot.m4v&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube
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Saurian Buddha
Well it is like pastafarianism. If i put what i had originally had as the doctrines(hate using that term) will yall promise not to laugh at me or make fun of it?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member


Saurian Buddha
Ok so stereotypical start here but In the beginning there was nothing, nothing but Saurex. He created the fabric of the multiverse from where all universes are born. Then he set in motion the process of universe birth. At that moment an infinite number of universes appeared. He wrote the universal laws for each of them, different laws in every universe. He then set attention on our universe so that he could write our lives. He set fourth our natural laws: gravity, light, entropy, evolution, ect. He watched as we evolved proud of his creation. He decided to let his creation do whatever, let them think what they wanted of how they arrived. We Dinotaurians also hold the belief that Saurex planted the first seed of cannabis to help us humans on our spiritual journey. We hold that the founders of America were on the path of understanding Dinotaurianism, beings they held importance of the cannabis(hemp) plant in the start of our country. We hold that since the first humans evolved, Saurex imbued one with his knowledge, the Saurian Buddha. He continued to reincarnate to help the humans. I believe that line led to me. Please do not make fun of my beliefs. May Saurex shine on your day =]