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Saurian Buddha
If you want to know any of our practices please keep ask in this thread. May Saurex shine on you =]


Unrepentant goofer duster
I like it. A few questions.

1) Are there "souls"?
2) What is Saurex's relationship to the beings we know as Dinosaurs? Did he create them in his own image? And if so was their death simply part of the continuing evolution of creation, part of some kind of plan, or?
3) Does Saurex continue to affect events in the world or has he just essentially set events in motion according to the laws of whatever universe you happen to exist in? Or does he only affect the current universe through the influence of the Saurian Buddha?
4) Can one communicate with Saurex if one is not the Saurian Buddha?
5) So I have always believed that dragons were some kind of noo-spheric memory of dinosaurs, and that there is also a relationship between these deep earth energies, dragon/dinosaurlike beings, and oil. Also that the focus on oil in the world stage is kind of wrapped up in the importance of these energies. As the Saurian Buddha what is your opinion of this?
6) Should cannabis be considered a Dinosaurian sacrament?

Absolute Zero

fon memories
2)They were modles or better yet proto-types,Yes,It was the continuation of creation to achieve an evloutionary profection that well bring about true natural enlightment
3)He dose but only slightly to the deree that they can be treated as miracles.He has structered it so he dose not need to directly act since the universe is like a veloceraptor that is able to exsist with out the support of it's mother after birth.
5)Yes oil is important and can be a gait way to the past dinsarue power
6)Yes along with scooby snacks


Saurian Buddha
1) Yes there are souls but i would rather say collected point
s of recycled conciousness. (reincarnation)

2) The Dinosaurswere Saurex's original people. People being the things he shone favor on. He knew that the Dinosaurs would be wiped out and seen that humans were one of the many products, and let it happen. Your "soul" use to belong to Dinosaurs essentially.

3) Saurex can still influence but instead lets everything set in motion just go. It one of the lessons of Dinotaurianism, self-reliance.The Saurian Buddha was placed so that other people could know of Saurex. His job is just to tell other people of Dinotaurianism.
4) Anyone can comunicate to Saurex. As I said earlier, the Saurian Buddha simply spreads the word.
5) Personally, I believe that dragons were a myth invented after someone found a fossil of a dinosaur. About the oil, it is a natural process for carbon based substances, like dinos, to be changed to oil under pressure and heat. Personally I believe that we should stop the use of oil. First in respect of the magnificent creatures it once was, and second because its not good good for the environment.
6) Cannabis is a sacrement for Dinotaurians, in moderation. It is only used on the Saurian Day (Saturday) for meditation. Also we believe we should use the seeds of the cannabis/hemp plant for food. They have almost all if not all of the amino acids and fatty acids a person needs.
If you have any questions on our religious practices, holidays, or other beliefs please feel free to ask.
If this post looks wierd it is because i had to do it from my phone.If this post looks wierd it is because i


Unrepentant goofer duster
oh crap that was for the actual Dino guy?

Yes it was. How you could think it wasn't I'm not certain. I am uninterested in hearing answers from anyone other than the saurian buddha up in this thread. Thanks.
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Unrepentant goofer duster
there are souls but i would rather say collected point
s of recycled conciousness. (reincarnation) Your "soul" use to belong to Dinosaurs essentially.

Interesting. I have thought this before.

4) Anyone can comunicate to Saurex.

Is there a method you favor or that is unique to dinosaurism to facilitate divine communication?


Saurian Buddha
In most religions communication consists of asking the deity to do stuff for you via prayer. In Dinotaurianism, the word prayer doesnt exist. To others it would appear like some kind of silent prayer, but essentially you will just meditate on the thought you want to convey to Saurex. If you are wanting to know whether or not you will actually hear his voice in response, you actually will sometimes. Most other peope call these spirit guides or spirit animals. I believe it is Saurex communicating to you in a dream so that he can assume a form that will be appropiate for the person he is talking to. Say for instance if he was communicating with a trauma victim, he would appear in a dream or out of body experience in the form of say an angel with a soothing voice. Hope this makes since =]


Saurian Buddha
If any mods read this, may I request a main forum be opened for this topic instead of a single thread. It would be most appreciated. May Saurex shine on your day =]


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
If any mods read this, may I request a main forum be opened for this topic instead of a single thread. It would be most appreciated. May Saurex shine on your day =]

Yes, we see all. You may request such a forum in the Site Feedback forum located @ the bottom of the main page, but be aware there may not be any openings to add more sub-forums (numbers are limited).